June 6, 2022

I am looking forward to seeing all of you as we start the 2022-2024 administration with CFWC being Blessed, Bright and Bold. Our Summer Executive Board meeting is scheduled for July 28-30, 2022 in San Ramon. At this Board meeting, the Chairmen and District Presidents will report on what their plans are during this administration. We look forward to hearing from them.

Everyone is invited to all of our Executive Board meeting, so if this one is close to you, please consider joining us if it works with your busy schedule.

See you in July,
Love, Barbara

Summer Executive Board Meeting Reminder: Hotel reservations must be made on or before Wednesday, June 29, 2022. Call the San Ramon Marriott at 800-228-9290 or 925-867-9200 and mention that you are with the California Federation of Women's Clubs to receive the room rate of $129.00 plus tax.

Meal Reservations must be received on or before Friday, July 8, 2022. Please make your check out to CFWC and mail the completed Meal Reservation form and the check to Carol Lopez-Lucie, Meeting Planner, 5811 Cattleya Way, San Ramon, CA 94582.

Contact Carol Lopez-Lucie, cartom3247@att.net, for any additional assistance.
Leadership Lines

Leadership - According to Webster, it’s “the action of leading a group of people or an organization”. Are you a leader? Of course, you are. In fact, each of us is a leader to some degree whether we think we are or not. I imagine at this moment you’ve restricted your idea of leadership to our Federation. It’s much more far reaching than that!

You are a leader in your family group - don’t you direct most or all of the activities of your family? You’re a leader in your community - don’t you pay attention to what’s happening in your neighborhood and take action when necessary? You’re a leader in your church – aren’t you a member of a group within the church, an officer, or just a member who is leader by example of regular attendance and living the teachings? You’re a leader in your workplace - don’t you make certain that your work is done well and show, by example, what a good employee is? You’re a leader in your Federation life - don’t you attend meetings regularly, sit on committees, chair events, serve as an officer?

During this administration, we will be working to enhance your leadership skills, to encourage those who are less confident to be brave enough to take the next step up the leadership ladder. We will also be focusing on increasing participation in the LEADS program. For those of you who are saying “What is “LEADS”? It’s a program developed by GFWC called “Leadership, Education, and Development Seminar”. CFWC has it’s own “Mini-LEADS” each February, which we will discuss in future issues.

We are here to help - please feel free to email me at cfwcleadership@gmail.com or text me at 562-305-5759.

PS Handy Hint #1 For those of us who have just completed a term of office and have seen our successor installed - Give your successor the space to succeed! Stand back, stay quiet, interject advice/opinions ONLY WHEN ASKED, but most importantly, ENCOURAGE and SUPPORT their efforts
A Reminder: QuickBytes is the e-newsletter of CFWC. Our mission is to distribute news about CFWC meetings, community service programs and other newsworthy items from our officers and chairmen in a quick concise manner to every member who subscribes. Issues are scheduled to be sent each Monday. The deadline for submitted articles of 200 words or less is midnight of the Thursday prior to the Monday you wish the article to appear.

Just a thought ......

'Put a grain of boldness into everything you do.:
-Baltasar Gracian