March 14, 2022
Website Contest.
CONTEST DEADLINE - Entry emails must be received by MARCH 15, 2022

 This week I lost my youngest brother to choices he made in his life. I learned an exceptionally long time ago, that bad choices are simply that: bad choices. Those choices do not diminish the person, or the love we carry for them. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse are things to take seriously, for they each tarnish the self-love one should have for themselves. When a person we love chooses a path that we do not agree is the healthiest or best for them, we can only do what we can do. I tried, as did we all, but you cannot save someone who does not want to be saved. Truth is, we can only love them to the precipice of not enabling those demons that haunt their soul.
John had many issues, and I cannot but help to think of all the great work we do for our communities through club and wonder why, if we as an organization can offer so much to those in need, why is it that there are still some who choose not to take the hand that is held out to them? I will never know, so for now, I rest easy knowing that John is clean, has a home, will never be hungry, drunk, or addicted again.
Those of you close to me know that I lost my little sister some time ago to cancer. I will not capitalize the word itself, for that gives it too much power. Kathi was only fifty-two, John made it to fifty-nine. It saddens me to know that the family photos of the four of us kids will be no more. But I can count on the photos and the many lovely memories they bring. My brother Nick, who lives in Minneapolis, has taken this hard; brothers have a bond just like sisters do. I have called him often this week to assure him that John was welcomed by Kathi, our mother, our father, and four wonderful grandparents. There is love in that statement and I find it reassuring in the quiet of my meditations.
The lesson here is that time is precious, each day is a gift, a glorious gift to be celebrated and grateful for. Be at peace with each day, be thankful to have another chance to feel and laugh. Emotions run high for me this week, and I am fine with that, for there is such strength in my beliefs.
This is not your run of the mill Quick Byte this week, by a catharsis for me as I walk through the grief. Love your family, both by birth and that by choice. Each of you in Federation are my chosen family and I feel your hugs every day: thank you for that.
Luv, Pam
The CALL to our 119th Convention is out! Again, thank you Convention Committee and all others that helped with combining the information for us in the document.
We have a few updates below for you to be aware of:
  • The Title of the Friday, 5/13/22 10:00 am workshop (on page 9) should be listed as:
" You said YES...what's next?"
  • There is a conflict of rooms, which will be updated (on page 7), 5/12 Thursday, 10:00am-12:00 between the CFWC Exec. Board Meeting and the Emeritus Club Lunch.
  • On Saturday, 5/14 - 9:00-10:00 am workshop, (page 12), “All Things Membership” will be facilitated by Sonya Matthies, Cindy Sanders, Patsy Wilson, Marcia Willett, and Wendy Curran. 
  • There is no room assignment yet for the Workshop on 5-14, (page 12), from 10:15-11:15 a.m. "Honeybees" facilitated by Jane Thomey. Update will be given at Convention. 
  • There was a formatting error and omission in the Candidate pages that feature their 100-word statements. We have attached the corrected version attached to this Quick Byte. 
  • The Bylaws and Standing Rules also had formatting errors, please make sure you highlight all 18 of the proposed changes so that you know where they fall.
Thank you for your patience and we shall see you in May at Convention!


CFWC Election Election of Officers

At our 2022 convention, we will be voting to elect our leaders for the 2022-2024 Administration. We urge you to consider carefully the information attached before casting your vote. Thank you,

Women's History Month
Emeritus Club Membership

The object of this club is to bring together at each State Convention an annual reunion of past and present Board members, for relaxation and social enjoyment and to renew and perpetuate their interest in Federation. 

Membership  is open to those who have served a minimum of
one year as a member of the Executive Board of the California Federation of Women's Club.

Emeritus Club dues are $10.00 per year. Make check out to CFWC Emeritus Club. Send your check and this form to Treasurer Julie Lehenbauer, 41 West 53rd Street; Long Beach, CA 90805.
Please send prior to meeting on May 12, 2022.

* You will pay for your meal with your convention registration

MILITARY & VETERANS - Yolanda Petroski, Chair
You know by now that I am a soft touch when it comes to celebrating Veterans. Still a few years shy of his 100th – and we certainly hope he makes it – Dr. Mike Martini will be 97 on March 25. Serving in WWII and the Korean War, this Navy Veteran later was a beloved pediatrician for 40 years. Married for 67 years his 6 children, 15 grandchildren and 33 great-grandchildren have brought much happiness to his life. Please send birthday wishes to: Dr. Mike Martini, 741 Ocampo Drive, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. We can never do enough to thank those of the Greatest Generation!

Officers and Chairman did you know that—

All bills that you want CFWC to reimburse must be submitted in a timely manner and before the close of the fiscal year. (May 31, 2022). The Expense Reimbursement Form is on the website under “Forms”. This is the form that is used if you want to be reimbursed for your itinerary expenses. The form and receipts are sent to the
Director of Finance Reggie Mattox.
Reggie Mattox
CFWC Director of Finance
Advocates for children - Carol Burkhart, Chair


April is almost here. What project does your club have planned to raise awareness in your community about child abuse? Change starts with awareness. Plan now to do a project to help raise CHILD ABUSE AWARENESS in your community and don’t forget to wear blue.  
CFWC Health and Wellness Program,
Myrna Binford, Chairman
So glad to see many of you at the February State Board. We were able to get the State’s business done. We missed our President Pam and International President Marian, but we have no control over health issues and weather. The governor gave us some additional coverage by lifting some COVID-19 restrictions (at last). We still have to be cautious, but with Spring and Summer coming soon, we will be outside more.
I have finished reviewing and having the Narratives judged. Wow, you ladies really showed you could operate in most conditions. As I mentioned at the State Board, I had indicated in past Quick Bytes articles how much the American Red Cross needed blood/platelets. Last year I don’t believe that there was any mention of the community service. This year at least 12 club held/helped with bold drives. Thank you. This is a never-ending service with pandemics, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes and fires. You were also very caring to those who didn’t feel like coming out to events yet. However, I hope our Zoom days are in the past. There is continuing food insecurity so you are still collecting, boxing and traveling, in some cases quite a distance. Kudos!
Correction: At the Legislation Workshop, I said I thought the CA bill that supported additional duties for Nurse Practitioners was SB890. It is AB890. Sorry. This bill will become effective January 1, 2023. It is already laws in 23 other states.

Just a thought ......

When people shake their heads because we are living in a restless age,
ask them how they would like to life in a stationary one,
and do without change. 
-George Bernard Shaw