March 2024, Volume 3

CESSRST-II Quarterly Highlights

Dr. Fred Moshary

Director, NOAA Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies (CESSRST-II)

2024 promises to be a very productive year for CESSRST. Our fellows and faculty finished 2023 with presentations at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, and started off 2024 by showcasing their research at the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting. We expect a number of fellows to participate in NOAA Experiential Research and Training Opportunities (NERTOs) this year at various NOAA Laboratories and Line Offices, and we anticipate a number of master's and doctoral graduations. With the help of the Center's Technical Monitor, Joseph Pica, from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), and the Center's Distinguish Research Scientist (DRS), Dr. Mitch Goldberg, CESSRST Faculty and Scientists are building strong research and training collaborations with NOAA and creating NOAA engagement opportunities for our fellows. We also look forward to significant progress, this year, as we recruit CESSRST-II 's third cohort of fellows for Fall 2024.

Student News Highlights

Fellows Publish Two Scientific Research Journal Articles

Gerardo Trossi-Torres,

Cohort 2, UPRM

Alana Menendez,

Cohort 1, CCNY

CESSRST-II fellows, Alana Menendez and Gerardo Trossi-Torres published their research work in the Journal of Science of The Total Environment and the Journal of Hydrology, respectively. Alana worked on driving factors of colored dissolved organic matter dynamics across a complex urbanized estuary (DOI) while Gerardo’s work focused on assessing streamflow forecast accuracy for flash flood events in Puerto Rico (DOI).

Students present at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2023

Fellows, Harold Gamarro, Stephanie Marquez, and Jahnelle Howe presented their work at the AGU Conference in San Francisco in December 2023.


Harold Gamarro (Cohort 1, Ph.D. Fellow at CCNY)

  • Modeling Anthropogenic Influences on Urban Meteorology and Air Quality: Insights from Coastal Urban Environments in the Houston metropolitan region


Stephanie Marquez (Cohort 2, Ph.D. Fellow at UTEP)


  • Quantifying the Contribution of Atmospheric and Land-Surface Characteristics to the Prediction of Sub-Pixel Scale Surface Soil Moisture in the Jornada Experimental Range Through Interpretable Machine Learning

  • Using Ensemble Supervised Classification Methods to Reconstruct Missing Soil Texture Information from SSURGO Database in a Dryland Ecosystem


Jahnelle Howe (Cohort 1, Ph.D. Fellow at CUNY; EPP MSI GFP)

  • Using Lidar to estimate Canopy Height Loss of Mangroves Due to Hurricane Maria and Satellite Imagery to Assess Recovery of Mangroves in SW and NE Puerto Rico

CESSRST-II Presentations at American Meteorological Society (AMS) 2024

Fellows, Thomas Ely, Harold Gamarro, Kevin Herrera, and Carlos Ordaz presented at the AMS in Baltimore in January 2024.

Thomas Ely (Cohort 1, Masters Fellow at CCNY)

  • Design of a Mobile Tropospheric Ozone Lidar and Ozone Profiling in New York During Summer 2023

Harold Gamarro (Cohort 1, Ph.D. Fellow at CCNY)

  • Modeling and Forecasting Impacts of Urban Canopy on New York City Air Quality
  • Modelling & Observations of Anthropogenic Influences on Thunderstorms in Coastal Urban Houston

Kevin Herrera (Cohort 1, Masters Fellow at HU)

  • Assessment of Canadian Wildfire Optical Properties Using an Integrated Monitoring System

Carlos Ordaz (Cohort 2, Ph.D. Fellow at CUNY)

  • Within the Footprint of Atmospheric Rivers, Surface Heat Fluxes from the Ocean into the Atmosphere are Anomalously Weak, even During Formation

Student Presentations & NOAA Seminar Series

Our One NOAA Science Seminar Student Presentations

Center & Research News Updates

CESSRST-II Director & CCNY Faculty Receives NASA Group Achievement ward

Dr. Fred Moshary, Director of CESSRST-II and Professor of Electrical Engineering at the City College of New York (CCNY) received the Group Achievement Award as part of the Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). TOLNet is a network of Ground-Based Ozone Lidars that includes NASA, NOAA, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), University of Alabama (UA), Hampton University (HU) and The City College of New York (CCNY). 

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Nadine Macauley joins CESSRST as Deputy Director

Ms. Macauley joins CESSRST as the new Deputy Director. She holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from New York Institute of Technology, an MBA from Fordham University, and an MSc in Energy Systems from the University of Gävle, Sweden. Her MSc dissertation assessed the impact of carbon sinks on urban heat island (UHI) effects, using satellite data, in the water-scarce region discussed in the thesis. Additionally, she attended Qatar University, where she completed all matriculated courses in their MSc Urban Planning & Design program.

New Research Publications

Malikah, Sameeha, Stephanie Avila, Gabriella Garcia, and Tarendra Lakhankar. 2024. “Historical Climate Trends and Extreme Weather Events in the Tri-State Area: A Detailed Analysis of Urban and Suburban Differences” Climate 12, no. 3: 32.

Wu, Y., Zhao, K., Ren, X., Dickerson, R.R., Huang, J., Schwab, M.J., Stratton, P.R., Daley, H., Li, D. and Moshary, F., 2024. "Ozone Pollution Episodes and PBL Height Variation in the NYC Urban and Coastal Areas During LISTOS 2019". Atmospheric Environment, 320, p.120317.

Painter, M.A., Shah, S.H., Damestoit, G.C., Prudencio, W. et al. A Systematic Scoping Review of the Social Vulnerability Index as Applied to Natural Hazards. Nat Hazards (2024).

Tyler Janoski joins CESSRST as a Post Doctoral Scientist

Dr. Janoski (Ph.D Columbia University) was recruited and started in December 2023. Dr. Janoski will work primarily with Dr. James Booth at CCNY and Tom Galarneau at NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL). His project will utilize retrospective integrations of the NSSL Warn-on-Forecast (WoFS). His first task will focus on developing an understanding of the synoptic-, meso-, and frontal-scale physical processes that generated the extreme precipitation event in September 2021 during the remnants of Hurricane Ida.

CESSRST Distinguish Research Scientist (DRS) Presents at AMS 2024

Dr. Mitch Goldberg presented an overview of the Center and its role in building diversity in NOAA's Next Generation Workforce at the AMS in Baltimore in January 2024.

Alumni & Graduation News

Congratulations to Alana Menendez

Dr. Alana Menendez graduated in January 2024 from the Graduate Center of CUNY with her Doctorate in Earth & Environmental Sciences. She is now a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Virginia.

CESSRST Alum joins NOAA NESDIS as Physical Scientist

Alumni, Dr. Chowdhury Nazmi was recently hired as a Physical Scientist at The National Environmental, Satellite, Data, & Information Service (NESDIS), working as a Product Portfolio Manager. She was formerly a Systems Engineer at Science & Technology Corporation (STC).

Events & Seminars


Upcoming Events

  • Climate Change Seminar Series: Climate Change Impacts on Bering Sea Fisheries - April 11, 2024
  • CESSRST-II 2nd Annual Meeting - April 29-30, 2024
  • Second Annual CESSRST-II Symposium - July 29 - August 1, 2024

Upcoming events & calendar

CESSRST-II program is funded by NOAA/EPP Cooperative Award # NA22SEC4810016

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