Community Employment Services project

IPS Fidelity Newsletter Vol. 7

Click the button below to access extensive research and resources on Individualized Placement and Support

Welcome to Maine Medical Center’s (MMC) Department of Vocational Services (DVS), Community Employment Services newsletter. This monthly newsletter is designed to facilitate awareness and understanding of the evidence-based Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment services, to reinforce the importance of employment to mental health recovery, and to share resources for providers in behavioral health agencies to support vocational conversations with individuals served.

This podcast series is for people with lived experience, natural supports, mental health teams and employment professionals. It covers many angles on the topic of employment. It addresses what it is like to be in a system, but not of the system.

Upcoming trainings: 

IPS for Non-Employment Practitioners

IPS Principles in Practice -- FREE

Upcoming MHRT-C Domain 8 trainings

Fidelity Scale: Agency Focus on Competitive Employment (#7)

  • Agency measures rates of competitive employment on at least a quarterly basis and shares outcomes with agency leadership and staff

How could your agency address this Fidelity component?

Did you know...

IPS Reviewers look at all persons with SMI served by an agency when evaluating this Fidelity component, not just those receiving IPS services.

But, why?

The purpose is to raise awareness about how many people are unemployed. Knowing and sharing this data allows for discussion amongst staff on increasing employment outcomes.

  • What's in the way?
  • What could we do differently?
  • What are we doing well?
  • Why does employment matter?
  • How does unemployment impact those served?
  • Consider setting employment goals for people served. What might change in how the agency delivers services?

Disability employment has been a focus of Maine Medical Center’s Department of Vocational Services (DVS) for over 40 years. DVS serves both job seekers and businesses to advance employment for individuals with disabilities; this includes providing Community Employment Services (CES) as part of treatment teams in behavioral health agencies across the state. This newsletter, made possible through a partnership with Maine DHHS Office of Behavioral Health and Maine DOL Bureau of Rehabilitation Services, is developed by the CES team’s IPS Trainer and Liaison. This role provides technical assistance and training to stakeholder agencies as they learn more about the principles and evidence-based practices of IPS.

To reach Nancy Litrocapes, IPS Trainer and Liaison, please email:

CES Webpage

The Mental Health Provider's Role in a Client's Request for a Reasonable Accommodation at Work:

Click here to learn more.

Maine Can Work, 7th Edition, 2022

This workbook is intended for people with lived experiences to use independently or with their supports, such as family, peers and

case managers.

Print off and share with folks you serve!

This guide will help people think about taking steps toward work. Each section starts with a topic such as “How do I even find a job?” or “I don’t want to lose my benefits.” You can read through the guide from beginning to end or can choose the topics that best address interests and concerns. 

Click the link below: 

Maine Can Work workbook

What is Individualized Placement and Support (IPS)?

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is a model of supported employment for people with serious mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar, depression). 

IPS supported employment helps people living with behavioral health conditions work at regular jobs of their choosing.

Although variations of supported employment exist, IPS refers to the evidence-based practice of supported employment. Mainstream education and technical training are included as ways to advance career paths

IPS is the most researched model of supported employment and has been implemented in 26 states and seven countries.

IPS Eight  Core Principles
IPS Fidelity Scale