
Vocational Services

Community Employment Services project

IPS Fidelity Newsletter Vol. 8

CES Webpage

Welcome to the MaineHealth Vocational Services, Community Employment Services newsletter. This quarterly newsletter is designed to facilitate awareness and understanding of the evidence-based Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment services, to reinforce the importance of employment to mental health recovery, and to share resources for providers in behavioral health agencies to support vocational conversations with individuals served.

The CES project staff thank our participating mental health agencies as we collectively implement IPS. We're all in this together as we journey towards merging vocational and mental health treatment. We've got this!

Join our webinar June 18 from 11am-noon. The topic is Culture of Recovery. FMI, Email

Upcoming trainings:

IPS for Non-Employment Practitioners

IPS Principles in Practice -- FREE

Work & Benefits Navigator trainings

Click the buttons below to access extensive research and resources on Individualized Placement and Support
IPS Eight  Core Principles
IPS Fidelity Scale

This podcast series is for people with lived experience, natural supports, mental health teams and employment professionals. It covers many angles on the topic of employment. It addresses what it is like to be in a system, but not of the system, among other considerations.

The Annual International IPS Conference was held in Chicago this May. As IPS Trainer and Liaison for MaineHealth Vocational Services, the Maine office of DHHS Behavioral Health graciously funded the opportunity for me to attend this engaging conference. There were presenters and speakers from around the globe sharing their process, insights and experiences of IPS. I look forward to sharing my learning with host agencies. I kept hearing, "It's all about the measurement!"

The photo above is me with Ruth Brock, IPS National Trainer and Consultant with the IPS Employment Center, Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc. (RFMH). IPS is committed to enhancing DEI initiatives throughout the system. Ruth was helpful in answering questions about IPS and out process here in Maine.

Susan R. McGurk, a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist, Professor of Occupational Therapy, and a researcher at the Center of Psychiatric Rehabilitation at Boston University. Her research presentation addressed the role of cognitive impairments in employment, academic pursuits, and independent living in persons with serious psychiatric illnesses. Susan and Tom T. Mueser have developed, tested, and implemented the “Thinking Skills for Work Program” to address cognitive obstacles to successful employment (SR McGurk, KT Mueser (2020). Cognitive Remediation for Successful Employment and Psychiatric Recovery: The Thinking Skills for Work Program. Guilford Publications, London).

See a screen shot of the book below.

The Mental Health Provider's Role in a Client's Request for a Reasonable Accommodation at Work:

Click here to learn more.