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Happy Halloween from CEI!
TRICK OR TREAT! Don't be tricked by thinking you can neglect your roof! Treat it to a fall inspection!
jim inspecting roof
A Roof Top Assessment i s important  to add to the list of items to do this Fall. An assessment keeps proper inventory of your roof and may prevent unforeseen complications, especially as inclement weather approaches.
Call and schedule your roof inspection with us today!

David Rosiek -Service Manager
Email drosiek@ceigroupllc.com 
Sheri Fairchild -Service Coordinator
517-548-0039 ext.121
Email sfairchild@ceigroupllc.com
Jim Carey -Service Consultant
517-548-0039 ext.147
Email jcarey@ceigroupllc.com 
Derek Rosiek -Customer Service
Email derekr@ceigroupllc.com
Clogged Roof Drain
Inspection Focus:
Debris Removal
Loose Debris and Trash
Clogged Drain
Organic Growth
Assessing Debris Issues
Debris on roofs is a common deficiency that requires attention all year round

It shows up in many forms:
  • Organic Growth
  • Mechanical Equipment Left Behind
  • Leaves
  • Sticks
  • Trash and Other Like-Matter

Loose Debris:
What is it? Any or all of the items listed above can collect on the roof and blow around.
Potential Damage: Movement of the debris and/ or foot traffic on littered areas can be damaging to the roof membrane. 
Prevention:  Removal of the debris will avoid this problem and should be part of your regular roof maintenance program.
Clogged Scupper, Drain or Gutter:
What is it? Loose debris gets caught up in drainage areas inhibiting proper water flow
Potential Damage: Cl ogged gutters, drains or scuppers can result in a standing water condition. This may lead to the premature deterioration of roof seams and field membrane.
Prevention:  All debris should be removed to ensure that the water drains properly.
Organic Growth:
What is it?  Constant moisture in contact with the roof surface can result in vegetative growth.
Potential Damage: The vegetation will root, find cracks in the membrane and create openings in the roof leading to the premature deterioration of the membrane. If not corrected early, it can lead to
1.    Leaks
2.    Saturation of the roof system
3.    Potential roof deck deterioration.
Prevention:  Remove the organic debris completely from the roof.
Don't hesitate to call the a roofing professional for safe and proper roof debris removal
CEI Michigan, LLC |  PO BOX 310, Hamburg, MI 48139
PHONE: 517-548-0039 | FAX: 517-548-0182 | WEBSITE | EMAIL