A Message from the Chair

Dear Friends of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

Let me begin by extending my congratulations to the student participants and their faculty advisors who participated in this year’s ASCE Metropolitan Student Symposium. The Symposium saw five student-led teams compete in a variety of challenges that tested their

engineering skill as well as teamwork. Two teams, 3D Printed Bridge and Steel Bridge, as well as student Katie Nguyen, who presented her Mead Paper, placed first in their events. With their Regionals win, the Steel Bridge team secured a spot at Nationals, held this year in Ruston,

Louisiana. The outstanding success of our students is a testament to their resolve and dedication to engineering excellence.

Also deserving of recognition are the four departmental awardees from the Newark College of Engineering’s 26th Annual Salute to Engineering Excellence. Three Faculty and Staff Honorees and one Student Honoree represented the department at the event. They all represent the department's commitment to excellence.

As a tribute to the memory of our dear friend, alumnus and former CEE Industry Advisory Board member, David Good, we hosted the third annual David Good 3D Printed Bridge High School Division Competition. Fourteen teams from surrounding high schools engaged in lively competition that showcased their creativity, innovation and collaborative skills. Over the course of the day-long competition, students, judges and educators formed connections, gained valuable insights and deepened their appreciation for the engineering discipline. In this sense, David Good's legacy is echoed in the event, as participants grow through learning and sportsmanship.

We welcome our two new members of the CEE Industrial Advisory Board, Andrejs

Delle, P.E. and Dennis (Dhanesh) Motiani. Delle is currently Director of Engineering and Special Projects at Schiavone Construction Company LLC, with over 30 years of experience in the field of public infrastructure. Motiani, who has over 37 years of experience in the transportation industry, is currently Regional Vice President at Kimley-Horn and Associates.

I am thrilled to introduce the latest member of our department, Jessica Zohlen, who has joined us as the department’s new Administrative Coordinator. Jessica comes to NJIT from the urban planning field, graduating with her bachelor’s from NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering.

I invite you to keep reading, and you'll discover numerous stories highlighting the department's achievements across its students, faculty, staff and alumni. In this issue, meet the new NJIT ASCE Student Chapter Executive Board, read scholarship success stories, and hear about new faculty-led initiatives. As always, I sincerely appreciate and welcome your support of our department’s academic, research and service initiatives. 



Taha F. Marhaba, P.E., F.ASCE

(973) 596-2444

(973) 596-5790 fax


NJIT's Civil Engineering Program Ranked #2 Nationwide

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Congratulations to all NJIT ASCE Student Symposium Participants!

NJIT's five student teams participated in the 2024 ASCE Metropolitan Student Symposium hosted at Stony Brook University. Students were able to use their knowledge of civil engineering coupled with collaborative team work to lead their teams to victory. NJIT placed first in the Mead Paper, Steel Bridge and 3D Printed Bridge contests. The Surveying team came in second and Concrete Canoe team placed fourth overall. A big congratulations to all students who participated and best of luck to the Steel Bridge team which is going to the National Finals in Ruston, La.

Collage of student participants at the 2024 ASCE Metropolitan Student Symposium held April 12-14 at Stony Brook University.

NJIT Student Engineers Excel at Regionals, Advance to National Finals

New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) emerged triumphant at the recent American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Metropolitan Student Symposium, showcasing their engineering prowess and securing top positions across multiple competitions.

Held at Stony Brook University from April 12-14, the symposium featured competition among 13 universities from New Jersey and New York. NJIT students, under the guidance of several advisors, demonstrated exceptional skills and innovation, earning accolades in various categories and earning spots in society-wide finals.

Steel Bridge Winners

NJIT's Steel Bridge Team, led by co-captains Thomas Hickey and Michael Rohe, stole the spotlight by clinching the top spot overall. Advised by Professor Matthew Bandelt, the team impressed with a remarkable build time of eight minutes and ten seconds. Their outstanding performance extended to winning multiple categories including stiffness, cost estimation, construction speed and construction efficiency.

The bridge, weighing in just shy of 220 pounds, supported a 2,500-pound load that deflected only .6 inches in the middle of its 20-foot span. The team advances, for the second consecutive year, to the national event May 31-June 1 at Louisiana Tech University.

3D Printed Bridge Winners

Under the mentorship of Professors William Pennock and Eduardo Castro, NJIT's 3D Printed Bridge Team, led by co-captains Joel Florim and Saad Rehmatullah, secured first place overall. The team’s win was earned by finishing first in several categories: creativity, load capacity, bridge deflection and the poster presentation. 

The 3D Printing Competition had its origin at NJIT’s inter-collegiate competition in November 2021, and the ASCE acknowledged NJIT’s efforts in creating the competition and working to expand its reach among civil engineering students. The ASCE is currently working out details for a national-level competition.

Surveying Success

NJIT's Surveying Team, guided by Allison Laptka, displayed remarkable skill and precision, securing second place overall. Captain Antonio Petito, along with vice-captains Mauricio Inga and Paulina Lugardo, led the team to success with their dedication and expertise.

This competition recognizes the importance of basic surveying principles to all civil engineering projects and demonstrates ways to solve common problems students will encounter in the industry. In this competition, competitors completed a topographic mapping project and field tasks that are part of the surveying process.

Outstanding Individual Achievement

NJIT’s Katie Nguyen shone bright with her Mead Paper presentation, earning first place overall among 14 participating schools. The 2024 essay topic was to discuss how engineers need to evaluate their ethical responsibilities as they determine whether or how to use AI to aid in their work.

With civil engineers responsible for planning, designing, constructing, maintaining and operating infrastructure, they need to protect and advance the health and safety of the public. Technology, particularly the use of AI, has the potential to change engineering in the future and design the built environment for future generations with ethical responsibilities playing a vital role.

Concrete Canoe Endeavor

NJIT's Concrete Canoe Team, advised by Professor Rayan Assaad and assisted by Professor Matthew Adams, showcased their ingenuity with the creation of "The Kracken." The team secured fourth place overall and excelled in various events including sprint races and slalom competitions.

"We are immensely proud of our students' exceptional performance at the ASCE Metropolitan Student Symposium," said Taha Marhaba, professor and chair of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. "Their dedication, teamwork and innovative spirit exemplify NJIT's commitment to excellence in engineering."

NJIT's success at the symposium not only highlights the talent and dedication of its students, but also reinforces the university's reputation as a leader in engineering education.

To see the article and accompanying photos and videos, click here.

Two NJIT Research Groups Awarded as Part of $1.2M EPA P3 Program

NJIT Aims to Be an Innovation Nexus Under Its New Strategic Plan

Two NJIT projects have been awarded as part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) People, Prosperity, and the Planet (P3) Program. The $1.2 million program funded 16 different student-based projects throughout the country to research and develop innovative solutions that address environmental and public health challenges.

The NJIT projects will tackle water quality and the detection of “forever chemicals” in the air. Read More

 New Jersey Institute of Technology aims to be a nexus of innovation that embraces new tech, commercializes groundbreaking research, leverages its diversity and tackles global environmental and socioeconomic challenges under a new strategic plan that extends through 2030.

The plan, NJIT Makes An Innovation Nexus, identifies six priorities, spells out the university’s mission to be a leader in research, innovation and entrepreneurship, and reaffirms its core values, including collaboration, social responsibility, diversity and sustainability.

Read More

Meet the New Faces of ASCE's Executive Board

NJIT ASCE executive board, from left to right: Larissa Cavalcante (President), Enzo Suarez (Vice President), Stephanie Herrera-Chavez (Secretary), Desmond Bangura (Treasurer), Giovanni Olaya (Historian), and Meglena Mileva (Event Coordinator)

The NJIT Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is thrilled to announce the appointment of its new executive board, a dynamic team ready to steer the organization toward greater heights and continued innovation. The board has already led several networking events and fundraisers since their induction and promises to lead the NJIT ASCE chapter with enthusiasm, ethics and care.

A Message from NJIT's ASCE President:

"I came into ASCE my first year, just hoping to get involved and meet new people. Now, two years later serving as president, I not only made connections, but I've developed professionally and been able to provide opportunities to not only myself, but to other undergraduate civil engineers. Working with the board has been a pleasure, and I thank the ASCE teams and board members for working hard this semester and being so supportive!"

- Larissa Cavalcante

A Message from NJIT's ASCE Vice President:

"With the help of ASCE, I have been able to break out of the shell I came into NJIT with. Meeting new people, hosting events and being a part of competition teams, and more this semester as vice president have been an awesome experience! Growing my network and expanding my knowledge of civil engineering as a whole is something that I can attribute to ASCE as well. Moving forward, I will be more involved with the Steel Bridge competition team, and I have many goals from being the best leader I can be to giving back to the community I grew up in! Thank you to all who made this semester everything that it was."

- Enzo Suarez

A Message from NJIT's ASCE Secretary:

"As a transfer student, joining ASCE at NJIT has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me. It has provided me with a welcoming community of peers and professionals who share the same goals. Through ASCE, I've been able to network with professionals in the industry, take part in educational workshops and events, and develop my leadership abilities by taking on different responsibilities within the organization. It has also made me feel more involved in the civil engineering community overall. I am grateful for the support and opportunities that ASCE has provided me as I continue to grow and thrive in my academic and professional journey."

- Stephanie Herrera-Chavez

A Message from NJIT's ASCE Treasurer:

"Building the future requires innovation, integrity and collaboration. Together, as members of ASCE, we engineer solutions that shape our societies for years to come. Coming in as a transfer student there was a lot I wanted to do, but first I needed to prove myself. Being voted onto the ASCE E-Board by peers instilled confidence and helped me succeed in my career."

- Desmond Bangura

A Message from NJIT's ASCE Historian:

"ASCE has been an amazing opportunity to learn about the industry and shape my career goals while being a great way to socialize and meet people in my major. As a first-year, ASCE truly helped me feel a part of the wonderful civil engineering community we have in and around Colton Hall"

- Giovanni Olaya

A Message from NJIT's ASCE Event Coordinator:

"ASCE is a wonderful organization and resource. Talk to others and ask questions- people want you to succeed!"

- Meglena Mileva

Next Stop Nationals: NJIT's Steel Bridge wins Regionals

Collage of the 2024 NJIT ASCE Steel Bridge Team at Regionals

April 12th through 14th saw students compete in a variety of rigorous challenges that tested their engineering skills at the ASCE Student Symposium held at Stony Brook University on Long Island. Four student teams competed, among them, Steel Bridge led the way to the winner's circle.

It took the team's four builders, Thomas Hickey, Keith Lakeman, Shree Patel and Michael Rohe, a total of eight minutes and 10 seconds to assemble the bridge. The fast feat helped the team to place first overall. The team also placed first in the following categories: stiffness, cost estimation, construction economy, structural efficiency, and construction speed. The team placed second in aesthetics and lightness.

Next for the team is National Finals held at Louisiana Tech in Ruston, LA. The competition takes place over two days, May 31st and June 1st, where the top competitors from Regionals across North America will face off. Stay tuned for Summer 2024's Newsletter for the results!

Captains' Log

Captain Thomas Hickey

How long have you been on the team?

I have been on the team for three years, my first of which was my sophomore year.

What made you want to join the team?

I was first exposed to the team at my open house tour of the civil department, and was really interested in the fabrication aspects of the project. I was really excited to get the opportunity to use the manual machining equipment and the welders we have in our lab. I have always worked on personal projects, making things, and fabrication and this really seemed like a perfect fit for me. It also gave me a good opportunity to meet new people and make friends here at NJIT.

What advice do you have for new/prospective members?

My advice to new members would be to just join the team and consistently show up with a desire to learn. You do not need any prior experience and it's a great way to get some early structural experience, meet new people, and make lifelong friends.

Any thoughts/feelings/aspirations going into Nationals?

In summary, we're entering Nationals with a mix of excitement, determination, and a little bit of nervous energy. We're going to give it our all, represent NJIT with pride, and aim for nothing less than our best performance. It's a journey we're thrilled to be on, and we can't wait to see where it takes us.

Captain Michael Rohe

How long have you been on the team?

I joined the team at the beginning of the 2023 Spring semester. I was part of the fabrication and construction of the 2022-2023 bridge and went to regionals and nationals. I was then named as a captain for the 2023-2024 bridge.

What made you want to join the team?

I enjoy working with my hands and building things as well as the fundamental theories behind the design of the bridge. So the steel bridge team was the perfect outlet for me to practice what I was learning in the classroom while also doing things that I enjoyed.

What advice do you have for new/prospective members?

Get involved and ask questions! Anyone can become part of the team and make it whatever they want, you just need to show up and express interest. And the more you put into it the more you will get out of it.

Any thoughts/feelings/aspirations going into Nationals?

I am very excited to see all of the hard work the team put into the bridge this past year pay off at nationals. We are hoping to bring home a plaque (Top 3 In a Category) and we hope to place in the top 10, which would be a NJIT first.

Meet the Teams

Steel Bridge

1st Place: Overall Performance, Construction Speed, Construction Economy, Stiffness, Lightness, Structural Efficiency, Cost Estimation

2nd Place: Aesthetics and Lightness

Captains: Thomas Hickey and Michael Rohe

Builders: Lissette Azcona, Thomas Hickey, Keith Lakeman, Shree Patel, Michael Rohe, and Bruna Wuitik

Members: Lisbeth Azcona, Lissette Azcona, Desmond Bangura, Jelani Blow, Alexander David, Keith Lakeman, Dennise Lema, Meglena Mileva, Elijah Ortiz, Shree Patel, Karolin Rezk, Enzo Suarez, Jennifer Velasco, and Bruna Wuitik

3D Printed Bridge

1st Place Overall

Mead Paper

1st Place Overall

Captains: Joel Florim and Saad Rehmatullah

Members: Ahmad Afzali, Thomas Hickey, and Michael Rohe

Writer: Katie Nguyen

Field Surveying

2nd Place Overall

Concrete Canoe

4th Place Overall

Captain: Antonio Petito

Vice Captains: Mauricio Inga and Paulina Lugardo

Members: Areen Abu Al Huda, Kerry Archer, Nicole Bastidas, Michael Bleeker, Paul Ionescu, Megan Sattur, and Klara Tinaj

Captain: Anna Gecsey

Members: Britney Ajila-Chavez, Jasmine Arias, Paige Brady, Mason Brown, Danell Cespedes, Nicolas Galup, Joshua Hans, Muhammad Mansroor, Anjeli Santillan, and Kevin Velez

Building Bridges into Civil Engineering; High School Students articipate in David Good 3D Printed Bridge Competition

First Place Overall winners Governor Livingston High School team with their bridge

March saw highschoolers from surrounding counties participate in the David Good 3D Printed Bridge Competition. The competition aims to foster the use of 3D printing technology within civil engineering. In 2023, the competition was rebranded as the David Good 3D Printed Bridge Competition, paying tribute to the memory of David Good. Good, a cherished alumnus and esteemed member of the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Industrial Advisory Board, was known for his innovative and forward-thinking approach.

NJIT’s Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering proudly hosted the second annual David Good 3D Printed Bridge High School competition on March 8, 2024. NJIT welcomed 14 regional high school teams who designed their bridges using various 3D printing software to bring their school’s creation to life. Teams were judged on their creativity, presentation, load, stiffness and assembly time. These teams were recognized for their outstanding performance in the following categories:


Largest Load: Edison Academy Magnet School

Fastest Assembly Time: Memorial High School

Stiffest Bridge: Orange High School and Morris Knolls High School

Best Creativity: Glen Ridge High School

Best Presentation: Morris Knolls High School

Second Place overall: Mahwah High School

First Place Overall: Governor Livingston High School (pictured)

In addition to this recognition, Governor Livingston High School was presented with a 3D printer valued at $1,000, and Mahwah High School was presented with a 3D printer valued at $500.

Assistant Professor William Pennock and Administrative Assistant Kori Hodges served as faculty and staff coordinators, respectively. The day's events were covered by The Circuit, a news program produced by the National Academy of Engineering and USC Viterbi. Please view the video on YouTube of their coverage https://youtu.be/A97rHYKQZbE

The department would like to thank this year's corporate sponsors of the event, including Tri-State Civil Construction, John Civetta & Sons, Colliers Engineering, and J. D’Annunzio & Sons.

ASCE's National President Visits NJIT

NJIT hosts ASCE President Marissa"Marsie" Geldert Murphy, P.E., F.ASCE. Attendees from left to right: Patrick Natale, P.E., Taha Marhaba, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, Pedro Banderia, Noelia Manrique, Anna Gecsey, Shania Villalobos, Marsia "Marsie" Geldert Murphy, P.E., F.ASCE, Jaiden Winters, Desmond Bangura, Thomas Hickey, Michael Rohe, Vincent Campanella, and Stephen George.

In November, the NJIT ASCE Chapter hosted the recently appointed Marsia "Marsie" Geldert-Murphey, P.E., F.ASCE, the president of ASCE for a meet-and-greet for the Young Members Group of ASCE North Jersey. The event included a question and answer panel that provided valuable insight into the field, with both its opportunities and challenges. Additionally, the networking session allowed members to connect with Geldert-Murphey and fellow professionals, fostering meaningful conversations and the potential for future collaborations.

For an added dimension, the group also took a tour of NJIT's engineering spaces where they witnessed the innovative projects and research initiatives taking place at the Institute. Another engaging element of the event was a resume review session hosted by the NJIT ASCE executive board. This gave students the ability to receive valuable feedback and guidance on their resumes. The event showcased the commitment of the ASCE North Jersey Branch Young Members Group and NJIT's chapter of ASCE to provide an enriching environment for their members.

Two New Members Join the CEE Industrial Advisory Board

Andrejs Delle, P.E.

Andrejs Delle has over 30 years of experience in public infrastructure work with experience as an engineer and constructor. He started out as a structural design engineer, who in 1999 entered the construction side of the business. In over two decades of construction management and operations, Delle worked for many high-profile projects in New York City, such as the South Ferry Terminal Station, 2nd Avenue Subway Extension, and the redevelopment of LaGuardia Airport. Delle's current role is Director of Engineering and Special Projects at Schiavone Construction Co. LLC, where he has been for nearly two years.

Delle is a licensed professional engineer with two degrees and two certificates. He graduated from Rutgers with his B.S. in civil engineering in 1991. Then in 1996 he graduated from NJIT with his M.S. in infrastructure planning. He holds two certificates, one in construction management from NJIT and one certificate in project management from Cornell University.

Dennis (Dhanesh) Motiani

Dennis Motiani is a nationally recognized leader in transportation systems management and operations with 37 years of experience in the transportation industry. He received his master's in transportation and highway engineering from NJIT.

He worked at the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) for 25 years, where he managed and oversaw 24/7 statewide traffic operations. His duties and expertise at the department led him to introduce a 10-year work program worth $139 million to strategically convert 1,000 of the over 3,000 signals to smart signals.

After NJDOT, Motiani went on to work for Kimley-Horn where he has been for over eight years. He works on various projects across the nation, working with agencies such as the New York City Department of Transportation, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and Alabama Department of Transportation.

Meet our New Team Member

Jessica Zohlen

Jessica Zohlen assumed the position of Administrative Coordinator for the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering this April. She graduated from New York University's Tandon School of Engineering in 2021 with a bachelor's in sustainable urban environments. Post-graduation, she worked in both the private and public sector in the field of urban planning before arriving at NJIT, first at AKRF Inc., a private planning and engineering firm in Manhattan. At AKRF, Jessica gained experience with fieldwork, environmental assessment statements and environmental impact statement writing, and Local Law 97 greenhouse gas calculations. Next, she transitioned to the public sector, working at Bergen County for the Planning and Engineering Department. At Bergen County, Jessica worked on emerging improvements to transportation policy as well as the county's five capital projects in collaboration with the NJTPA.

26th Annual Newark College of Engineering's Salute to Engineering Excellence

Every year, the Newark College of Engineering (NCE) hosts the annual Salute to Engineering Excellence, an event to recognize the impacts of the College, its students, employees and alumni. This year, the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering had three Faculty and Staff Honorees and one Student Honoree. Congratulations to this year's awardees!

Click here to see more photos from the awards ceremony!

Stephen George

NCE Excellence in Advising Award

Stephen George, associate director of undergraduate programs and academic advisor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), has been an instrumental figure in elevating the advising standards and student success within the Newark College of Engineering. An NJIT alumnus with both a B.S. and M.S. in civil engineering, George's deep understanding of the academic landscape and industry expectations has uniquely positioned him to guide CEE's 700 undergraduate students towards academic excellence and career readiness.

Since joining NJIT in May 2016, George has significantly contributed to improving the department's retention and graduation rates through development of an efficient advising infrastructure. This structure supports both academic and career advising, with proper documentation for accreditation, enhancing the overall student experience. Moreover, his role in producing laboratory videos for all civil engineering undergraduate laboratories showcases his commitment to innovative educational strategies, directly impacting student engagement and learning outcomes.

George's dedication extends beyond administrative duties to active participation in student competitions, serving as the advisor for the Steel Bridge Team, Concrete Canoe Team, Water Filter Teams and other groups, fostering a vibrant, hands-on learning environment. As the ASCE student chapter advisor, he has become a crucial support pillar for many undergraduate students, embodying the qualities of a mentor, guide and advocate for student success.

His service has not only been recognized by faculty and staff, but also deeply appreciated by students, who commend his approachability, dedication, and invaluable guidance. George's comprehensive support system and commitment to student achievement underscore his pivotal role in enriching the educational journey of NJIT's engineering students.

Wen Zhang

NCE Outstanding Researcher Award

Wen Zhang is a pivotal figure at NJIT's Newark College of Engineering, holding professional roles in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering. A licensed professional engineer in New Jersey and Delaware, and an American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists board certified environmental engineer, Zhang's educational foundation was laid at Tsinghua University (B.S., 2004), Tongji University (M.S., 2007), and concluded with a Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2011.

Zhang's research ambitiously melds nanotechnology with environmental engineering, spearheading groundbreaking solutions for environmental sustainability. His work spans an impressive array of fields including colloidal science, nanomaterial synthesis, catalytic processes, and the environmental behavior of nanomaterials. He has pioneered developing technologies for desalination, contaminant removal, microalgal harvesting, and agricultural applications of nanobubbles, to name a few. His innovative research, including projects on lithium/cobalt recovery and microwave-enabled water purification, has attracted over $5 million in competitive funding over the past decade, leading to four U.S. patents with three technologies in the process of commercialization.

Zhang's contributions have earned him numerous accolades, such as the 2011 Simon Karecki Award, the 2012 CH2M Hill/AEESP Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, and the 2022 Edison Patent Award, among others. His dedication to environmental education and service is exemplified through his leadership roles, including serving as president of the Chinese American Professors in Environmental Engineering (CAPEES) and receiving distinguished awards for his service and educational efforts.

Beyond academia, Zhang's entrepreneurial spirit has led to the co-founding of PureNanotech Inc. and Piercewave Inc., where he continues to translate his research into practical, market-ready solutions. His exemplary career not only underscores his commitment to advancing environmental engineering, but also highlights his role as a mentor and innovator within and beyond the NJIT community.

Kori Hodges

NCE Outstanding Support Staff Award

Kori Hodges is an exemplary Administrative Assistant in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering who has made contributions to the successful operations of the department. Hodges joined NJIT in the fall of 2022 and has since been key in enhancing administrative support, significantly improving the department's efficiency and effectiveness. She also coordinates departmental events such as open houses and recruitment events.

Hodges has been instrumental in enhancing administrative efficiency, as shown in her role in assisting to organize and execute the annual David Good 3D Printed Bridge Competition for High School students. This event is critical for fostering early engineering interest among high school students.

Beyond these tasks, Hodges' dedication to supporting student and faculty needs is unparalleled. She is known for her reliability, promptness and precision. She assists students and advisors by connecting students flawlessly to faculty, ensuring a seamless advisory process. Her commitment extends beyond administrative duties, including support of student academic clubs and her proactive engagement in departmental operations.

Jad Marhaba

Outstanding Senior

Jad Marhaba, a senior in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at NJIT, has distinguished himself as a stellar student and leader. With an impressive cumulative GPA of 3.99, he has not only excelled academically but also demonstrated remarkable leadership and service. His active participation in the American Society of Civil Engineers and his role as a tutor for his peers have showcased his commitment to both his studies and the betterment of his academic community.

Marhaba's academic prowess is complemented by significant professional experiences, including impactful internships at prestigious firms such as Tesla in Texas and Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers in New York City. These experiences have not only enriched his understanding of civil and environmental engineering, but have also prepared him for a promising career in the field. His work on structural design packages, lateral load stresses, and geotechnical support has provided him with a solid foundation in both structural and geotechnical engineering practices.

After graduation, he plans to take the FE exam, aiming to one day become a licensed professional engineer. He intends to return to NJIT for a master's in structural engineering, further solidifying his commitment to advancing his knowledge and skills in the engineering sector. Marhaba's dedication to his academic and professional development, combined with his plans for future growth, exemplify the qualities of an outstanding senior and a future leader in civil engineering.

Converting Yesterday's Rubble into Tomorrow's Cities

Matthew Adams in Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y., where walls, sidewalks and a school use low-carbon materials.

On a cold morning in early 2019, I stood at a city transportation facility along the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn watching a concrete crusher convert mammoth chunks of former sidewalks, manhole casings and building slabs into walnut-sized bits. Towering several stories above me, the rubble pile would soon float by barge down the East River, a small fraction of it delivered to regional roadway projects, as fill underlying new pavement, but most of it to landfills. As a civil engineer focused on sustainable materials, I asked the question: Can we recycle this razed urban infrastructure at a net benefit to the environment?

Here’s the problem: Concrete, the world’s most pervasive man-made material, has a colossal impact on energy and natural resources consumption. In 2020, 3.66 billion tons were manufactured worldwide, the equivalent of over 4,000 Hoover Dams. The production of its core component — cement — is estimated to be responsible for about 8% of global CO2 emissions.

Nearly all of it incorporates newly mined rock. Yet in the U.S. alone, we send more than 134 million tons of concrete waste from demolition each year to landfills. Among other benefits, reusing these materials would reduce the pollution, energy use, habitat destruction and massive costs associated with mining and the construction of new landfills. To continue reading the article in its entirety, please click here.

Monitoring of over-the-counter (OTC) and COVID-19 treatment drugs complement wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 published in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology

Correlation of various pharmaceutical drugs with confirmed COVID-19 cases

In a first of its kind study, Associate Professor Arjun Venkatesan and his lab measured COVID-19 treatment and pharmaceutical drugs and their metabolites in wastewater to complement ongoing COVID-19 viral RNA surveillance efforts. Their research seeks to enhance existing wastewater surveillance endeavors by examining additional chemical biomarkers in wastewater. The goal is to aid in evaluating community responses, including hospitalization and treatment, throughout the pandemic period spanning from 2020 to 2021. A total of 183 wastewater samples were gathered from Suffolk County, N.Y., extracted from the primary wastewater treatment plant. These samples underwent analysis to detect COVID-19 treatment medications such as remdesivir, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), along with their human metabolites. The lab monitored 26 pharmaceuticals, encompassing common over the counter (OTC) medications. Lastly, the team devised a Bayesian model utilizing viral RNA, COVID-19 treatment drugs, and pharmaceutical data to forecast confirmed COVID-19 cases within the area of interest. The results highlighted that, although the COVID-19 treatment drugs were not very stable in wastewater, their detection matched with usage trends in the community. Acetaminophen, an OTC drug, was significantly correlated with viral loads and confirmed COVID-19 cases, especially when the Omicron variant was dominant. A Bayesian model was developed which could predict COVID-19 cases more accurately when incorporating other drug data along with viral RNA levels in wastewater. To read more about Professor Venkatesan's research click here.

Augmented Reality for Improving Human-Technology Interaction

Participant using the SCIIS lab's thermal comfort sensing smart device

Human-technology interaction (HTI) focuses on understanding the cognitive mechanism of how humans interact with intelligent technologies. The cognitive mechanism could generally be assessed using psychological sensors or biosensors. Augmented reality (AR), smart IoT devices, and wearable sensors are some of the main technological advancements that are being used to assess and improve HTI in the building and construction industry. While different research efforts have been directed to study the human-technology interaction in the construction industry, few research studies were conducted to integrate psychological sensors, AR technologies, and smart IoT devices to enhance the user’s indoor building environment experience. To address this gap, the Smart Construction and Intelligent Infrastructure Systems (SCIIS) lab directed by Dr. Rayan H. Assaad at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering introduces a novel approach by developing a smart IoT device to measure user thermal comfort, integrating it with intelligent cooling and heating HVAC systems for improved indoor environmental control, fusing it with a created AR application that adds digital layers and interactive elements to enhance user perception, and interfacing it with wearable psychological sensors to understand the user interaction with the technology (see above). The obtained results reflected that the proposed approach could substantially enhance the human-technology interaction and the user indoor environment experience. This research contributes to understanding and identifying factors affecting the user experience and developing technologies that make the user experience more comfortable, engaging and personalized.

Integrated Land Use and Transportation Modeling Considering the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles

Poster presentation given by Professor Dimitrijevic at the Transportation Research Board Meeting held January 7-11 in Washington, D.C.

Assistant Professor Branislav Dimitrijevic gave a poster presentation at this year's annual Transportation Research Board meeting in Washington, D.C. held in January. The presentation summarized research that provided the basis for a doctoral dissertation defended by Roksana Asadi in August, 2023. “Integrated Land Use and Transportation Modeling Considering the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles”, authored by graduate research assistant Asadi, Assistant Professor Dimitrijevic, and Professor Lazar Spasovic, examines the advent of autonomous urban mobility and its expected effect on changes in land-use patterns and urban development. Their study aims to analyze the impacts of autonomous vehicles (AVs) and shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) on land use changes by defining scenarios in which to observe. The data used in the analysis consists of household attributes and zone attributes for the State of New Jersey. Three methods are employed for land-use models, including multinomial logistic regression (MNL), agent-based model (ABM), and k-means clustering method with principal component analysis (PCA) applied to the MNL model. Using a static traffic assignment, the study applies a four-step travel demand model to find the travel times and travel costs between zones. The resulting impedance matrix is used to measure the zone accessibility components for the land-use models. Two scenarios are introduced to test the models: The first considers only conventional vehicles (CVs), and the second considers market penetration of 50% CVs, 25% AVs, and 25% SAVs. To test the model performance, the first scenario is compared to the actual conditions showing the surveyed households' locations. The results reveal that the k-means clustering method with PCA applied to MNL outperforms two other methods since homogeneity and addressing the multicollinearity of data can improve model prediction accuracy, which is 0.86. In scenario 2, the mean and median distances to the central business district (CBD) are increased in all methods since some households moving away from CBD in search of higher utilities, such as more reasonably priced housing.

Meghana Parameswarappa Jayalakshmamma

Green Infrastructures in Newark

Last November, Meghana Parameswarappa Jayalakshmamma, a Ph.D. student, presented her research at an event entitled "Green Infrastructures in Newark" at the Center for Natural Resources at NJIT. Her presentation, "Microplastics Measured in Newark’s Stormwater: Using Green Infrastructure to Capture Microplastics," focused on her ongoing research. She delved into her findings from a field study focused on stormwater runoff from Newark streets and discussed how green infrastructure has the potential to solve the issue of diverting microplastics from stormwater. "Green Infrasturctures in Newark" brought together attendees from a wide array of backgrounds to engage in the exchange of ideas and promote collaboration. Parameswarappa Jayalakshmamma not only presented her own research at the event, but managed the coordination and production of the event, which was a great success.

Hyun Kim

NJDOT Research Showcase

Hyun Kim was among members of the NJIT Transportation Group that attended the annual Research Showcase hosted by NJDOT. The event serves to educate attendees such as stakeholders and lawmakers on the latest transportation news, as well as provide an opportunity for students to present their research findings.

Kim’s presentation, “Truck Parking Availability Prediction Model for Harding Rest Area,” was motivated by an increase in truck-related accidents in recent years caused by a shortage of truck parking capacity. The existing truck parking infrastructure is not able to accommodate the new increase in truck volume. With insufficient capacity and little information about available parking spaces at truck stops, truck drivers often resort to parking illegally on highway ramps, shoulders and business parking lots. This causes hazardous conditions for everyone on the road. Therefore, the objective of his research was to develop a truck parking forecasting system that can be fed to information technologies such as phone applications and dynamic message signs. The forecasting system would enable long-haul truck drivers to plan to decide when and where to make necessary rest stops. 

Abolfazl Afshari

Transportation Research Board's 103rd Annual Meeting

This past fall, the Transportation Research Board held its 103rd annual meeting in Washington, D.C., where the department's Transportation Research Group made substantial contributions to the discussions and research advancements in the field.

One such example was the paper "Development of Intersection Performance Assessment Platform Utilizing Digital Twin Technology and Microscopic Simulation Software" authored by Abolfazl Afshari, Ph.D. candidate, Joyoung Lee, associate professor, and Dejan Besenski, adjunct professor, which drew interest for its innovative integration of digital twin technology with microscopic simulation software aimed at enhancing intersection performance assessment. The dialogue with attendees revolved around the platform's scalability and data integration capabilities.

Afshari also delivered a presentation titled "Calibration of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model Using High-Resolution Trajectory Data” at the Virginia and Washington, D.C. Joint SimCap Meeting. The session underscored the importance of model calibration in improving traffic simulation accuracy and efficiency, highlighting the potential impact of high-resolution trajectory data on transportation models.

Bruno Bezerra de Souza

Elmeryl Davies Memorial Scholarship

CEE Ph.D. student Bruno Bezerra de Souza was awarded the 2023 Elmeryl Davies Memorial Scholarship

from the New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association (LSRPA) and was invited to the

first day of the New Jersey Site Remediation Conference on April 3. He unfortunately could not make it as it conflicted with his Ph.D. thesis defense.

The Elmeryl Davies Memorial Scholarship bestowed annually by the LSRPA to graduate students enrolled in accredited science or engineering programs, valued at $5,000 per student recipient. Designed to foster interest in environmental careers, the scholarship also facilitates

connections between students and LSRPA members, paving the way for internships and job

opportunities post-graduation.

Bezerra de Souza doctoral work focuses on performing computational and experimental tests to better understand the per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) family of chemicals. He has been managing a $1.5 million U.S. Air Force - TetraTech Project intended to provide remediation technology to tackle the PFAS in the environment. Ubiquitous in society, PFAS are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease and water. PFAS are associated with numerous serious health issues, including cancer. Bezerra de Souza investigates PFAS behavior and properties under extreme conditions using ultrasound technology- a topic both academically compelling and socially relevant. His ambition to expand his research reflects his commitment to tackling complex real-world challenges.

Bezerra de Souza has independently authored many successful grant proposals, including a U.S. National Science Foundation I-Corp Grant, and Stampede2 at the Texas Advanced Computing Center. Besides his thesis work, Bezerra de Souza has been assisting his advisor, Dr. Jay Meegoda, in providing valuable support in writing several others grant proposals for New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and other agencies. Recently, he presented at the American Chemical Society, one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of chemistry and environmental engineering. Bezerra de Souza's work was selected by division program chairs and representatives as one of the most exceptional works in the environmental division. 

Bezerra de Souza stands out for academic excellence, scholarly contributions, leadership and commitment to the academic community, which earned him the Master's Excellence Award and the Ph.D. Excellence Award in 2020 and 2024 respectively, a testament to his exceptional qualities. He has published several peer-reviewed papers in high ranked journals as a consequence of his research output. Bezerra de Souza has also served as the CEE graduate student representative for the NJIT Graduate Student Association for the past four years, effectively representing his peers. In his role Bezerra de Souza is a strong student advocate, working closely with department chair Taha Marhaba to bridge the gap between the graduate student body and the department leadership.

Throughout his time at NJIT, Bezerra de Souza has collaborated with numerous high schools, undergraduates and graduate students, guiding them in developing critical thinking skills and introducing them to the world of research. He has always prioritized the well-being of his team, ensuring that no one is burdened with excessive workloads, and, most importantly, fostering a learning environment where everyone can grow and develop into better professionals.

In view of his extensive resume, academic and community work, the LSRPA has awarded Bezerra de Souza with the 2023 Elmeryl Davies Memorial Scholarship as a strong affirmation of his excellent work with the environmental remediation community in the state of New Jersey.

Fangzhou Liu

Elmeryl Davies Memorial Scholarship

CEE Ph.D. student Fangzhou Liu recieved the 2023 Elmeryl Davies Memorial Scholarship from the New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association (LSRPA) and was invited to the first day of the New Jersey Site Remediation Conference on April 3.

The Elmeryl Davies Memorial Scholarship, valued

at $5,000 per student recipient, is bestowed

annually by the LSRPA to graduate students

enrolled in accredited science or engineering

programs. Designed to foster interest in

environmental careers, the scholarship also

facilitates connections between students and

LSRPA members, paving the way for internships

and job opportunities post-graduation.

Liu, a Ph.D. candidate, has devoted his research to electromagnetics and microwave catalysis, particularly in their application to water and air filtration for contaminant degradation, including PFAS, and viral disinfection. His work extends to soil remediation, exploring microwave catalysis for PFAS removal from contaminated soil and other solid wastes. With numerous publications in prominent journals such as Environment International, Journal of Hazardous Materials, and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Liu's research has garnered funding from federal agencies, such as the U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. He has independently led major research activities and fulfilled project requirements, resulting in a patented microwave-catalytic membrane technology (US Patent 10,583,402) and the prestigious 2022 Edison Patent Award.

In addition to his groundbreaking research, Liu has demonstrated a commitment to mentoring and fostering the next generation of scientists. He has mentored undergraduate and high school students, guiding them in research projects and scholarship applications. Notable achievements include mentoring students in research projects funded by Undergraduate Research and Innovation Phase I and Phase II grants, as well as guiding a high school student in research that led to participation and success in science competitions such as the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium and the New Jersey Regional Science Fair, ultimately aiding her admission to Columbia University for environmental engineering. Liu's dedication to research, mentorship and professional development has earned him recognition such as the 2023 Grand Prize for University Research in the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Competition, affirming his status as a modern-day technology leader in the STEM field.

Jad Marhaba

Ronald A. Wiss Scholarship

Jad Marhaba recently received the Ronald A. Wiss Scholarship sponsored by Jacobs Engineering. He was recognized at the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) 53rd Engineering Excellence Awards held on March 13.

Marhaba is a senior civil engineering student whose impressive resume lists five internships. He is an Albert Dorman Honors College Scholar with a 4.0 GPA, having been on the Dean's List for a total of eight times. Marhaba is also a member of professional organizations such as the American Society of Civil Engineers and American Society of Highway Engineers. These achievements, coupled with his previous win of the 2023 ACECNJ Scholarship, helped him earn the scholarship. Marhaba says he is “extremely grateful to be receiving this scholarship and looking forward to what the future


Jason Lin

Michael Baker International Scholarship

Jason Lin was awarded the Michael Baker International Scholarship. Jason was recognized for his achievement at the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) 53rd Engineering Excellence Awards held on March 13.

Lin is currently in his third year at NJIT where he is an Albert Dorman Honors College Scholar. He has an impressive 4.0 GPA and was previously awarded the department's Junior Excellence Award. Lin also has had an internship at the engineering firm AECOM, for the past year. In addition to his academics, Lin is a reliable supporter of the department. Volunteering to help out for events both in the department and the school at large. Lin's advice, "put yourself out there, out somewhere you want to be."

2024-25 ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission Member

Taha Marhaba, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE

Congratulations to our very own chairman and a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Taha Marhaba, on his appointment as a member of the 2024-25 ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC). His appointment is testament to his dedication and excellent service as a program evaluator for many years. Additionally, his professional contributions and leadership within NJIT emphasize his ability to serve as an ABET accreditation team leader.

The term of Dr. Marhaba's appointment begins with his installation at the close of the July 2024 Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) meeting and runs to the close of the July 2025 EAC meeting. After undergoing a rigorous selection process, he was ultimately approved by the ABET Engineering Area Delegation.

Marhaba has supported post-doctoral research associates and graduate students. He has been advisor or co-advisor to 17 doctoral students, many of whom have attained either industry or faculty positions at universities around the world. He has collaborated on research with numerous faculty, industry, national and international scholars, which resulted in the advancement and sustainability of his and the CEE department’s research activities. During his tenure, the CEE department experienced significant growth in impactful research programs with a focus on sustainable environment, resilient Infrastructure and intelligent transportation systems. Marhaba’s scholarly work is published in books/book chapters, refereed journals, conference proceedings and technical reports, and is highly cited. 


About ABET

ABET stands for the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, it has been referred to exclusively. by its acronym since 2005. ABET is a non-governmental organization whose accreditation provides assurance that a program from a college or university meets standards of the given profession. To become a licensed professional engineer (P.E.) your degree program must be ABET accredited. For more information about ABET at NJIT, click here.

Jakob Guido, P.E., '20, '23

Secretary of the ASCE North Jersey Branch

After earning a B.S. (’20) and M.S. (’23) in civil engineering at NJIT, along with obtaining his P.E. license earlier this year, Jakob Guido was ready to get involved in ASCE once again. Guido had enjoyed his two terms as NJIT ASCE president while he was a student and felt he could bring his ASCE experience to the ASCE North Jersey Branch (NJB) Younger Member Group (YMG). Along with being elected to the role of secretary for ASCE NJB YMG, he also was appointed to be the ASCE practitioner advisor to NJIT and Chair of the K-12 and college outreach committees. These roles align well with Guido’s extracurricular roles at HNTB, where he is currently an engineer in the Structures Department, such as university champion/recruiter to NJIT, intern program manager, and onboarding ambassador. As an engineer at HNTB, Guido has been involved in some of New Jersey’s biggest transportation infrastructure projects such as the Pulaski Skyway Rehabilitation, Route 22 Westbound Bridge over Route 82, and Portal Bridge. Guido believes, “NJIT ASCE helped me pave the way to an exciting and successful career in civil engineering. Getting involved at the student chapter level not only helped me build my network and non-technical skills, but it motivated me to continue being involved in extracurricular activities, such as ASCE NJB YMG Secretary, while working full-time so that I can continue to give back to the community that helped make me who I am today.”

Looking for Volunteers and Student Ambassadors!

The CEE Department currently has multiple openings for volunteers and student ambassadors for the 2024/2025 academic year. It's the perfect opportunity to actively engage with the department!

As a student ambassador, you will have various responsibilities including media coverage, assisting with open houses, conducting tours, and participating in experience days. To learn more information and to sign up, use this form here.

As a volunteer, you can fulfill your required volunteer hours. The Colton Cafe, located in Colton 320, will be reopening soon for all of your mid-day snacks and cravings. Whether you opt to volunteer at the cafe or assist with events, ceremonies and other activities, your contribution is highly valued. To join as a volunteer, simply click here.

Master's Ceremony Honoring: Newark College of Engineering (NCE), Hillier College of Architecture and Design (HCAD), College of Science and Liberal Arts (CSLA), and Martin Tuchman School of Mangement (MTSM)

  • Wednesday, May 15th - 9:00 a.m. at Joel & Diane Bloom Wellness and Events Center

Ph.D. Commencement Ceremony

  • Wednesday, May 15th - 5:00 p.m. at Joel & Diane Bloom Wellness and Events Center

Undergraduate Ceremony

  • Friday, May 17th - 9:00 a.m. at Prudential Center, 25 Lafayette St., Newark

15th Annual John A. Reif, Jr. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Commencement & Awards Ceremony

  • Friday, May 17th, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Joel & Diane Bloom Wellness and Events Center

Air nanobubble water improves plant uptake and tolerance toward cadmium in phytoremediation

Dajiang Yan, Shan Xue, Zhibin Zhang, Guodong Xu, Yanhao Zhang, Jianan Gao, Wen Zhang

Environmental Pollution

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Green gentrification vulnerability index (GGVI): A novel approach for identifying at-risk communities and promoting environmental justice at the census-tract level

Rayan H. Assaad, Yasser Jezzini


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Predicting Construction Costs under Uncertain Market Conditions: Probabilistic Forecasting Using Autoregressive Recurrent Networks Based on DeepAR

Ghiwa Assaf, Rayan H. Assaad, Ph.D., Islam H. El-adaway, PH.D., Mohamad Abdul Nabi

Construction Research Congress 2024

Read the Full Article

Application of hybrid support vector Machine models in analysis of work zone crash injury severity

Branislav Dimitrijevic, Roksana Asadi, Lazar Spasovic

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Persepctives

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Coupled experimental assessment and machine integrity of MICP and cement paste as underground plugging materials

Oladoyin Kolawole, Rayan H. Assaad, Matthew P. Adams, Mary C. Ngoma, Alexander Anya, Ghiwa Assaf


'Read the Full Article

A Dynamic Agent-Based Optimization Model for Green Infrastructure to Address Flooding Risks

Yasser Jezzini, Rayan H. Assaad, Fadi Karaa

Computing in Civil Engineering 2023

Read the Full Article

SonoNanoArgon – Destruction of Emerging Contaminants using Ultrasound and Argon Nanobubbles

  • PI: Jay N. Meegoda
  • Co-PI: Marc Ottolini

NJIT Technology Innovation Translation and Acceleration (TITA) 2024 Seed Grant

Extraction and removal of PFAS from contaminated water and soil using air-bubbles

  • PI: Arjunkrishna Venkatesan

Research Foundation For the State University of New York

Climate-Smart Electrocatalytic Membrane Technology Transforms Nitrate Pollution into Enhanced Ammonium Salt Fertilizer

  • PI: Wen Zhang
  • Co-PI: Jianan Gao
  • Co-PI: Ed Weinberg

NJIT Technology Innovation Translation and Acceleration (TITA) 2024 Seed Grant

Mitigating Contamination of PFAS and Microplastics in Food Waste Recycling: Exploring Best Practices and Analyzing Impacts

  • PI: Wen Zhang

N.J. Dept. Of Environmental Protection

Developing Low-Impact-Development Plans in Underserved Communities by Optimizing the Co-Benefits, Locations, and Characteristics of Green Infrastructures

  • PI: Rayan Hassane Assaad

New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium

ERASE-PFAS: Understanding the surface-active properties of PFAS for enhanced removal by bubbling-assisted water treatment processes

  • PI: Arjunkrishna Venkatesan

National Science Foundation

Project Information Management System 2.0 (PIMS 2.0) Enhancements

  • PI: Steven I-Jy Chien

Rutgers, The State University

Enhancing the removal of hydrophilic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) by Granular Activated Carbon using hydrophobic ion-pairing as pre-treatment

  • PI: Arjunkrishna Venkatesan

US Dept. Of Interior

Seat Belt Usage Study 2024

  • PI: Janice R. Daniel

N.J. Dept. Of Environmental Protection

Ridgewood Water Alternate Corrosion Inhibitor Evaluation

  • PI: William H. Pennock

Village of Ridgewood

The CEE Industrial Advisory Board represents a diverse cross section of civil and environmental engineering professionals including design consultants construction managers, contractors, and attorneys.

Maurice Rached, P.E. (Chair)

Maser Consulting

Ted Cassera, P.E., ‘72

Omland Engineering Associates

Anthony Castillo, P,E., '95, '02

SESI Consulting Engineers

Anthony J. DeJohn

WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff

Andrejs Delle, P.E.

Schiavone Construction Company LLC

Muhammad Elgammal, P.E., P.M.P, '12, '15


Jerome F. Gallagher Jr., Esq., ‘80

Norris McLaughlin, P.A.

James Giurintano, P.E., P.P.,CME, '94

Bowman Consulting

Andre Grebenstein, LEED AP '95

HITT Contracting Inc.

Gareth C. Middleton, P.E, '93, '04

Tishman Construction, an AECOM Company

Dennis Motiani

Kimley-Horn Associates

Áine O’Dwyer, P.E., ​'07, '08

Enovate Engineering

Chrissa D. Roessner, P.E., '02

State of New Jersey, Transportation

Kenneth Sisk

The Rinaldi Group

Joseph Stanley, P.E., '78, '85

Hatch Mott MacDonald

Wei Wang, Ph.D., '95

Urban Tech, Inc.

Editors & Contributors

Taha Marhaba

Tracey Regan

Jessica Zohlen

Special Thanks

NJIT Office of Strategic Communications

NJIT Office of Alumni Relations

Contributing Faculty, Staff, Students & Alumni