RESOURCES for your business & UPDATES from CEDA
March 19, 2020
COVID-19 Update from our Executive Director
Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce and Cayuga Economic Development Agency (CEDA) Executive Director Tracy Verrier gives an update on our organizations, details on our scheduled events, and information about our programming during this unprecedented time of crisis.

Our Specialists are still available to Cayuga County businesses with FREE and CONFIDENTIAL assistance. Our offices at 2 State Street, Auburn, NY, are currently open during regular business hours with a reduced number of staff available. Most of our staff will be working remotely, so we encourage you to reach out via phone (315) 252-3500 or email to connect with us.
CEDA and the Chamber want to support you in preparing your business or organization for potential impacts from novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Visit Chamber's Resources Page for information on UI benefits, workplace policy, financial assistance, and other helpful information. We will be updating this page regularly as information and more resources become available.

Join a Call with SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza on COVID-19 
Join The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for a national call with SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza on COVID-19’s economic impacts and the SBA’s targeted relief efforts for the nation's small businesses.

SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza will join the Small Business Roundtable and CEOs of the leading small business organizations for a discussion on the needs of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners during the economic fallout resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak.   

Administrator Carranza and officials from the SBA’s Office of Disaster Assistance will discuss the economic relief efforts underway and resources available to small business owners. Join us for this important discussion followed by a Q&A.
We want to do everything we can to be there for the Cayuga County business community during these unusual times.

We are collaborating with our partners the Auburn Downtown BID and the Cayuga County Convention & Visitor's Bureau on a campaign to spread the word to the community about how they can continue to support Cayuga County businesses. We will be using the trend #SupportCayuga in posts relating to this campaign. We invite everyone to use this trend in their posts relating to the support of our local economy.

We will also share updates from local businesses as we are able via our social media channels. If you want to be sure we see/share your update, please tag the Chamber ( @Chamber13021 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) or CEDA ( @CayugaEDA on Facebook; @Cayuga_EDA on Twitter and Instagram).
What We Do
The Cayuga Economic Development Agency (CEDA) provides businesses with easy access to all of the information, incentives and resources needed to start or grow in Cayuga County. For instance, CEDA can help businesses and entrepreneurs find a location or mentor, as well as assist in accessing tax incentives, low interest loan programs, technical assistance, or State grant funding. CEDA does this by working collaboratively with partners and experts throughout the region.