The Bronx Community HIV AMbassador Program (Bronx-CHAMP)
The Einstein-Rockefeller-CUNY Center for AIDS Research (ERC-CFAR) CDEIPI Bronx Community HIV AMbassador Program (Bronx-CHAMP) will be conducted in collaboration with Lehman College of the City University of New York and the Mount Saint Michael Academy High School. Bronx-CHAMP is led by (top left), Dr. Jonathan Ross (top right), Mr. Reginald Hayes (bottom left), and Dr. Lynne Holden (bottom right). Mr. Hayes and Dr. Perez will serve as the CDEIPI Program and Evaluation Leads, respectively.
This program will provide an introduction to mentoring, a pre-summer immersion program, and an intensive summer research program with ERC-CFAR faculty. The goals are to expose and integrate URM students into HIV science and practice, and increase self-efficacy towards the pursuit of careers in HIV science.
Additional information on the Bronx-CHAMP will be available on the DC CFAR website shortly. For more information on the ERC-CFAR, click here.