November 2023


The Bronx Community HIV AMbassador Program (Bronx-CHAMP)

The Einstein-Rockefeller-CUNY Center for AIDS Research (ERC-CFAR) CDEIPI Bronx Community HIV AMbassador Program (Bronx-CHAMP) will be conducted in collaboration with Lehman College of the City University of New York and the Mount Saint Michael Academy High School. Bronx-CHAMP is led by (top left), Dr. Jonathan Ross (top right), Mr. Reginald Hayes (bottom left), and Dr. Lynne Holden (bottom right). Mr. Hayes and Dr. Perez will serve as the CDEIPI Program and Evaluation Leads, respectively.

This program will provide an introduction to mentoring, a pre-summer immersion program, and an intensive summer research program with ERC-CFAR faculty. The goals are to expose and integrate URM students into HIV science and practice, and increase self-efficacy towards the pursuit of careers in HIV science.

Additional information on the Bronx-CHAMP will be available on the DC CFAR website shortly. For more information on the ERC-CFAR, click here.

UPR Scholars at Rustbelt CDEIPI Program

We are pleased to share with the CDEIPI network that over the Summer Scholars from the University of Puerto Rico (see photo on left) spent the summer in Cleveland and Pittsburgh working in working in Rustbelt CFAR HIV research laboratories. Also included in this photo are Rustbelt CFAR faculty and NIH staff.

Pictured from left to right, Front row: Carolina Crespo Colón; Ericka Negron; Jubetzy Crespo Pintado; Gabriela Acevedo Oquendo; Alondra López Velázquez; Johanney Esquilín Torres; Diomarys Garcia-Cardona. Second row: Ricardo Cruz; Alondra Vazquez Rivera; Tamara Garcia; Eric Refsland (NIH). Third row: Annalise Schoonmaker (NIH); Elaine Wong (NIH); Rich Jenkins (NIH). Back row: Sharon Hillier; Nicolas Sluis-Cremer; Alan Levine (Rustbelt CFAR)

Call for News from CDEIPI Mentors and Scholars!

If you would like to share any accomplishments from your CDEIPI mentors and scholars, please contact Lorena Segarra at We look forward to highlighting your work in an upcoming edition of the newsletter.


The Coordinating Center is pleased to announce that the CDEIPI JAIDS Supplement with 19 publications is now available online! In addition, two hard copies were mailed to each site. Please review the supplement to facilitate upcoming discussions about cross-site collaborations.

Link to supplements.

Contact: Brandi Robinson at with any questions or concerns.


On September 21, the quarterly Program Core leads meeting was held. During the call, the group welcomed the program lead for the ERC CFAR CDEIPI program and discussed a few updates. In addition, the NIH CFAR Program officers shared important information on future plans for CDEIPI and guidance around how the 2023 Supreme Court ruling on race and admissions is impacting pathway programs and eligibility. More resources linked below:

  • AIDS Research Advisory Committee Meeting Videocast - September 2023 - Video Link ~16min mark until about 20 min 
  • Dr. Carl Dieffenbach presents a concept to support CFAR-wide initiatives (including CDEIPI) through overall CFAR funding rather than through annual supplements. 
  • DOJ and DOE FAQ - Questions And Answers Regarding The Supreme Court’s Decision In Students For Fair Admissions, INC. V. Harvard College And University Of North Carolina
  • Document that provides institutions of higher education with information and guidance about the Court’s decision. On pages 3 and 4, there is guidance specifically for Targeted Outreach, Recruitment, and Pathway Programs that should be carefully reviewed.  
  • NIAID and NIDDK Research Opportunities for New and "At-Risk" Investigators to Promote Workforce Diversity. This NIH funding announcement can be used as an example on how language to promote diversity can be used for CDEIPI.

For more information, please see the meeting slides and recording

Next Meeting: Thursday, December 21 from 3-4pm ET

Contact: Brandi Robinson at for more information.


On September 21, the quarterly Evaluation Core meeting was held. The group welcomed the lead for the ERC CFAR CDEIPI program, presented brief updates on the CFAR-wide data for Year 1 and 2, and discussed the evaluation systems (biannual survey and individual-level). 

For more information, please see the meeting slides and recording

Next Meeting: Thursday, December 21 from 1-2pm ET

Contact: Lorena Segarra at for more information.

We look forward to sharing updates and resources with you in this newsletter and on our website. Please let us know if there are other ways the CDEIPI Coordinating Center can support your important work.

Funding Opportunities

PAR-23-122: Research With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

(NOSI) NOT-OD-24-001: Administrative Supplements to Recognize Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Mentorship

RFA-MD-23-011 NIMHD Centers of Excellence in Investigator Development and Community Engagement (P50 - Clinical Trial Optional)

NOT-HL-23-086 NHLBI TOPMed Announces Fellowship Program to Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Genomic Data Science Research Workforce.

Contact us at

Visit our Website

CDEIPI has been supported through supplemental funding to the Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH-funded program (P30AI117970) which is supported by the following NIH Co-Funding and Participating Institutes and Centers: NIAID, NCI, NICHD, NIDCR, NHLBI, NIDA, NIMH, NIA, NIDDK, NINR, NIMHD, FIC, and OAR. The content is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.