April 2022

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Each month, the CDEIPI newsletter will spotlight one of the CDEIPI programs. 



UCSF CFAR, San Francisco State University, and San Francisco Department of Public Health: Accelerating Research Careers in Science through Early Mentored Research Experiences at the UCSF CFAR and SFSU

The UCSF CDEIPI program is led by Drs. John Sauceda, Carina Marquez, Jonathan Fuchs, and Joseph Watabe. The UCSF CDEIPI program is a 16-week mentored HIV training program for undergraduate and graduate students from San Francisco State University. Students will be paired with mentors who are URM faculty and fellows in HIV research at UCSF who are members of the UCSF Mentoring Program. Further, to provide the best research experiences possible for the CDEIPI scholars, all mentors will complete the UCSF Mentoring the Mentors Workshop, an annual intensive and interactive 2-day workshop to provide tools for more effective mentoring. Building mentoring skills and culture is essential to retaining a diverse biomedical workforce in science and medicine. 

The UCSF CDEIPI program leverages the existing UCSF CFAR Mentoring Program and Mentoring the Mentors Training, as well as the affiliated Summer HIV/AIDS Research Program (SHARP), a 12-week NIDA R25 program for undergraduates interested in substance use and HIV research. 

For more information on the UCSF CDEIPI program, click here.


On April 1, the Coordinating Center organized a webinar for CDEIPI program leads to discuss Year 2 supplemental funding with NIH. Among the key takeaways from the webinar was an acknowledgment that Year 1 programs are still quite new and that NIH expects that progress-to-date captured in Year 2 proposals will reflect this. Participants were encouraged to focus on the overall intended impact of their respective programs. Finally, participants were reminded that this pilot program was designed to be collaborative, as opposed to competitive, in nature and all eligible CFARs are strongly encouraged to apply. A recording of the webinar can be found here.

As a reminder, CDEIPI Year 2 proposals are due to NIH on April 18. CFARs are invited to submit proposals that build upon current programs or develop new programs. Click here for the full announcement and eligibility criteria. 

Contact: Patti Simon at psimon@gwu.edu for more information. 


On March 24, the Program Core held its monthly meeting of the program leads from each of the CDEIPI sites. The March call featured two presentations focused on Leveraging Partnerships with HBCUs and MSIs by Dr. Florence Momplaisir (Penn CFAR) and Dr. Eileen Pitpitan (San Diego CFAR). In addition, based on feedback from the program leads, future Program Core calls will include breakouts for more in-depth, small-group discussions on topics of interest.

As a reminder, progress reports will be due on June 30. In the weeks ahead, the Program Core will provide a progress report template which will include a summary of the project, milestones met, outcomes to-date, and next steps.

For more information, please see the meeting slides and recording

Next Meeting: Thursday, April 28 from 3-4 PM ET

Contact: Brandi Robinson at bnrobin@gwu.edu for more information.


The Evaluation Core held an “opt-in” meeting on March 24 to discuss key components for the cross-site evaluation, such as plans for dissemination, populations of interest, timeline, and program domains of interest. Meeting participants expressed interest in moving forward with a mixed-methods format in which the Evaluation Core will develop instruments with high-level metrics and each site will add on and tailor them to their own program. The aim of this approach is to facilitate both coordinated central and local evaluation efforts. The emphasis will be on providing flexibility, as opposed to a prescribed path. In the days ahead, the Evaluation Core will prepare draft survey instruments for the participants who joined the call to review. These will be revised accordingly before implementation.

As a reminder, Quarterly Evaluation Surveys are due April 15. 

For more information, please see the meeting slides and recording

Next Meeting: Thursday, April 28 from 1-2 PM ET

Contact: Lorena Segarra at lsegarra@gwu.edu for more information.

We look forward to sharing updates and resources with you in this newsletter and on our website. Please let us know if there are other ways the CDEIPI Coordinating Center can support your important work.

Contact us at CFARinDC@gmail.com

Visit our Website

CDEIPI is a supplement to the DC CFAR, an NIH-funded program (P30AI117970), which is supported by the following NIH Co-Funding and Participating Institutes and Centers: NIAID, NCI, NICHD, NIDCR, NHLBI, NIDA, NIMH, NIA, NIDDK, NINR, NIMHD, FIC, and OAR. The content is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.