June 2023



Rena Masten Leddy, LPM

Urban Place Consulting Group

Immediate Past President

Steve Snider

Downtown Oakland Association


Vice President

Austin Metoyer

Downtown Long Beach Alliance

2nd Vice President

Suzanne Holley

Downtown Center Business Improvement District (LA)


Chloe Shipp

San Jose Downtown Association



John Caner

Downtown Berkeley Association


At-Large Directors

Shifra de Benedictis-Kessner

City of Oakland

Mackenzie Carter, LPM

The Hollywood Partnership

Kevin Clerici

Downtown Ventura Partners

Josh Coyne

Downtown San Diego Partnership

Kathy Hemmenway

Walnut Creek Downtown

Business Association

Christian Martin


Steve Mulheim

Old Pasadena Management District

Jameson Parker

Midtown Association Sacramento

Andrew Robinson

The East Cut

Marisa Rodriguez

Union Square Alliance

Bettina Swagger

Downtown San Luis Obispo

Andrew Thomas

Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. 

Liz Lorand Williams

Downtown Sacramento Partnership


California budget deal will include a $1.1 billion bailout for BART, Bay Area transit

SF Chronicle

California state political leaders last night struck a deal to keep the state’s transit systems afloat as ridership continues to recover and federal pandemic stimulus money runs dry.


California Moves to Limit Autonomous Trucks


A bill passed by the State Assembly and moving on to the Senate would require autonomous semi trucks to have a trained human operator in the vehicle.


Badly needed homes, or ‘infill sprawl?’ City approves controversial plan for high-rises farther from transit


A recent package of code changes by the city of San Diego will make it possible to build high-rise residential buildings and accessory dwelling units in larger areas around public transit.


What Are Complete Streets? Smart Growth America Raises the Bar


The National Complete Streets Coalition tracks, evaluates, and encourages state and local jurisdictions to create strong policies that will lead to safer streets for all people using them.


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Government Affairs Report by Jason Bryant

As State Budget Deadline Nears, CDA Joins Coalition to Secure Funding for Public Transit Systems


This past week, CDA joined a coalition of transportation, labor, business, environmental and public health organizations in calling for the Governor and Legislature to approve new funding in this year’s state budget to stabilize transit operations and support transit agencies’ recovery from the impacts of the pandemic.

State funding is critically necessary this year in order to protect transit service over the next several years as California transit agencies collectively face a multibillion-dollar budget shortfall – and at the same time working to maintain capacity to build transformative capital projects needed to meet future mobility needs. 


California’s transit systems are essential for connecting communities, reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality, and bringing residents and visitors to our downtowns. 


To see the coalition letter, click here.  

CDA-supported Legislation Advances to Second House

With the deadline of Friday, June 2nd for the Legislature to approve legislation introduced in the house of origin, CDA’s bill package was approved and now heads to the second house for consideration. 



AB 1217 (Gabriel, D-Woodland Hills) – SUPPORT

This legislation will extend provisions of AB 61 (Gabriel, 2021) which has helped to facilitate the state’s restaurant recovery by building on local programs such as the City of San Francisco’s “Shared Spaces” program, San Jose’s “Al Fresco” plan, Sacramento’s “Farm to Fork Al Fresco”, Long Beach’s “Open Streets Initiative”, San Diego’s “Slow Streets Program”, and Los Angeles’s “L.A. Al Fresco Program” to expand outdoor dining opportunities statewide.


These local programs have been a tremendous success — and have proven to be incredibly valuable for so many community restaurants throughout the state. AB 1217 will help community restaurants in the following ways:

  • Ensuring restaurants statewide can take advantage of local outdoor dining expansion opportunities;
  • Extending the ABC’s regulatory relief, allowing expanded outdoor alcohol;
  • Allowing for the preparation and service of food as a temporary satellite food service without obtaining a separate satellite food service permit. 

AB 1217 contains some of the most successful elements of emergency pandemic relief and continues beyond the timeline provided in AB 61. We know that expanded outdoor dining has been critical to the success of so many community restaurants as they work to recover from the pandemic.


SB 43 (Eggman, D-Stockton) – SUPPORT

This legislation would update the definition of “gravely disabled” to include a new focus on preventing serious physical and mental harm stemming from a person’s inability to provide for their needs for nourishment, personal or medical care, shelter, or attend to self-protection or personal safety, due to their mental or substance use disorder. When deciding about the risk of harm, the bill would require the court to consider when a person is unable to appreciate the nature of their disorder and that their decision-making is impaired due to their lack of insight into their mental or medical disorders.


It would also create a hearsay exemption for information contained in a medical record, presented by an expert witness, in order to ensure all relevant information is presented to, and considered by, the court when making a gravely disabled determination.


The focus of the gravely disabled definition solely on the ability to provide for one’s food, clothing, and shelter is inadequate to address the real needs in our communities and often leads to criminalization and jail rather than treatment. This standard has remained largely unchanged since 1967 and has become a serious barrier to needed treatment for those at risk of dying on our streets. We are in the midst of a worsening behavioral health crisis and the failure to address this definition has led to tragedy for more and more families desperate to get help for their loved ones.


SB 363 (Eggman, D-Stockton) – SUPPORT

The bill would require, by January 1, 2025, a real-time behavioral health bed database to collect, aggregate, and display information about beds in inpatient psychiatric facilities, crisis stabilization units, residential community mental health facilities, and licensed residential alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities. This information would help provide timely access to care and increase coordination between service settings.


A significant roadblock in our fragmented behavioral health continuum is a lack of care coordination between various provider types and a lack of information about which resources are accessible or available in the community. SB 363 would require the database to include a minimum baseline of information, including the contact information for a facility’s designated employee, the types of diagnosis or treatments for which the bed is appropriate, and the target populations served at the facility. The database would also have the capacity to enable searches to identify beds that are appropriate for individuals in need of inpatient or residential mental health or substance use disorder treatment.

AB 557 (Hart, D-Santa Barbara) – SUPPORT

This legislation eliminates the January 1, 2024 sunset on the provisions of the Brown Act that provided additional flexibility for local agencies looking to meet remotely during an emergency while still maintaining public access and transparency. This legislation will provide a narrow but important emergency authority, allowing local governing bodies to safely meet and act during applicable states of emergency declared by the Governor.


AB 361 (Rivas, 2021) codified, until Jan 1, 2024, numerous provisions of Governor Newsom’s Executive Orders pertaining to the Brown Act in 2020. The provisions only apply if an emergency or public health orders prevent a local agency board from meeting in-person. If the meeting could still be held in-person without endangering local agency board members or personnel, then the local agency would not be permitted to rely on the provisions added to California Government Code section 54953 by AB 361. Local agencies needing to meet remotely pursuant to those provisions are only permitted to do so in concert with an emergency declared by the Governor of California.

By removing the sunset, AB 557 preserves the critical flexibility for local agencies needing to meet remotely to continue providing the public with essential services during a Governor-declared emergency. By adjusting the renewal period for resolutions to 45 days (up from 30 days), AB 557 would provide accommodation for those agencies regularly meeting on a fixed date every month.

Jason Bryant 

Bryant Government Affairs

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