CCTI Members and guests practiced "safety first" during a briefing at the Ox Paperboard plant tour.
T he Composite Can & Tube Institute's Fall and Technical Meeting was held October 17th and 18th, in East Peoria, IL.   

If you were able to join us, everyone enjoyed two days packed with networking, educational sessions and plant tours, we've enclosed the following summary for your review. 

If you couldn't attend, we invite you to review the attached information to see what you missed and mark your calendar for the CCTI Annual Meeting in the spring.  Details will be announced in November!

If I can be of assistance to you or your company, please reach out to me at the email or phone numbers below.


Andrea Ball, CCTI  Executive Director
301.335.2715 - mobile
703-823-7234 - office

CCTI attendees learned from industry and career based speakers during the CCTI general session.  The presentation handouts can be accessed by clicking the blue titles below.

Presentations during the CCTI General Session

Kevin Carter, Executive Director of PALM (Peoria Area Labor Management Council) and TRICON (Tri-County Construction Labor Management Council)

Joanne Arnold,  Director of Technical Services, RPTA
Lou Pezet, 
NSF International, RPTA Plant Auditor

Custom Graphic, Inc. 
has been associated with the CCTI organization for over forty years through Universal  Packaging Corp. Custom Graphics, Inc. was originally formed after International  Paper closed its printing operation approximately 25 years ago. Today Custom Graphic's operate  two 20" printing presses capable of up to 8 color.    The company specialize in registered spiral labels for the composite can industry using foil,  paper and plastic substrates. 

Custom Graphic's enjoy a customer base that includes companies such as  Caraustar, Sonoco, Fitzpatrick, Universal Packaging Corp and other can  manufacturers.  Custom Graphics has its own independent art and graphics designer  and the company has the capabilities to make films and printing plates in house. Areas of  growth include reverse printing, print and laminate and pressure sensitive materials.

Members and guests toured Custom Graphic, hosted by CCTI Member, Mark Poppe and his staff.  
CCTI would like to extend a special thank you for the hospitality!
OX Paperboard, Pekin Mill 
i s a leading manufacturer of uncoated recycled paperboard and  custom converted mill products. OX provides products to many niche industries using  100% recycled paperboard products, while keeping a strong focus on environmental  stewardship and owned by OX Industries, a branded manufacturer of high quality  paper tubes and cores founded in 1996 in Hanover, Pennsylvania.

Using vertical integration, OX is able to control quality and cost. OX customers get  the industry's best, most stable-priced products for use in angle board, gift boxes,  paper tubes, protective packaging sheets, store tapes, labels and more. Thousands of  customers across the country rely on OX Industries.

Highlights from the Ox Industries tour of their Pekin, IL plant. 
A special thanks to Kevin Hayward and his leadership team for hosting this informative tour.

Attendees enjoyed networking, education and great meals during the CCTI Fall Meeting.

Technically Speaking...

The CCTI Technical Committee met during the 2017 Fall meeting.  Chaired by Dr. James Bond, the committee reviewed several technical documents. CCTI members participating included Marc Poppe, Abaz Sofic, Tim Michaels, Joe Cappellano, Terry Gerhardt, Jeff Zimmerman, and Todd Essig.  

Documents reviewed and amended were C-105, E-211.1, E-300.1, E-400.1, E-401.2, E-401.3, E-601.1.  The reviewed technical documents will be available on the CCTI members only section in the coming month after they are finalized and approved by the committee.  

CCTI members who are interested in participating in the Technical Committee should volunteer by emailing or calling the CCTI office, 703.823.7234.  We welcome your participation!
Feedback from the CCTI Attendee Surveys
  • 86% of respondents ranked the speakers and as superior. The remaining 15% of answers regarding speakers were good or excellent rankings.
  • 100% respondents rated the networking and plant tours as excellent or superior
  • 100% of attendees ranked the hospitality suite as a meeting benefit.
Survey Says...

This is exactly what I want to see from CCTI...  

Great meeting and well-organized.

Kevin Carter was a great presenter. As a supplier,this was great information that I can apply to my business.

Great networking at this meeting! 

It was great to see some new tube and core companies at the meeting! 

I really enjoyed the informative tours and the hospitality suite was enjoyable and useful to connect with other members. 

CCTI is creating a member survey and will distribute it to all members to help craft our member programming and benefits for 2018.  
Watch for your invitation to respond in early November  and plan to participate!

Share this email with your staff and colleagues 
'by clicking the orange button below!

Advertise in the 
CanTube Bulletin!

The CanTube Bulletin (CTB) offers an excellent marketing opportunity for companies in the tube, core and composite industries.   The CTB is published online on a bi-weekly basis, and our distribution lists consists of all CCTI Members and their employees.  Monthly ads are $50 or an annual commitment is $500 for the full year!  All CanTube Bulletins are also posted on  and archived.    Best of all, CCTI advertising is a tax deductible expense for your company!  

For more information, contact CCTI or visit the CCTI website to for details.

  • The website,, is the 6th result when Composite Can is searched in Google and the 1st result when CCTI is searched!
  • The CanTube Bulletin averages a 47% open rate and 33% click through rate to outside links, which is significantly higher than the national average, which is a 24.98% open rate and 2.76% click rate. 
  • 78% of CTB readers use desktops and 28% use mobile devices to read the newsletter!

Mark Your Calendar!
The CCTI Annual meeting dates will be released in November!   Watch for details!