Volume 204/ February 15 , 2024



Weekly Bulletin

This weekly bulletin will serve as a place to stay connected with one another and share important church information, as well as, prayer requests, Bible studies and more!

Visit our Website

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Our services and ministries accomplish our vision through in-depth verse-by-verse study of Scripture, praise and worship, prayer, fellowship, communion, missions, and engaging in the personal sharing of the Gospel.

Senior Pastor

Joe Holden


SERVICE (10:00 AM)

Sunday, February 18

Mark 8


Pastor Joe Holden



Wednesday, February 21

Ruth 1

Pastor Joe Holden

For those who can't attend, you can WATCH-LIVE or listen to past messages on the Teaching/media page or on Youtube.

Children's Ministry (2 Year Olds - 5th Grade): Sunday 10:00am & Wednesday 7:00pm

Mother’s Room: Sunday 10:00am & Wednesday 7:00pm

Junior High & High School Ministry: Sunday 10:00am & Wednesday 7:00pm


Please pray the Lord uses this ministry to illuminate the Scriptures and brings the Gospel to all who tune-in for Pastor Joe's Bible teaching.

Click on this link to hear Pastor Joe on the radio at KPTL96.9FM.

What makes Calvary Chapel distinct in emphasis from other Bible-believing, evangelical churches?

  • Expository teaching and preaching of the Word of God
  • Equipping all believers for the work of the ministry
  • Centrality of Christ
  • Worship should be spiritual, inspirational, intelligent, and fruitful
  • Supremacy of love
  • Empowered by the Holy Spirit
  • Informal and relaxed style
  • Servant leadership
  • Imminent return of Jesus Christ
  • Non-denominational

For additional information on the Calvary Distinctives and what Calvary Chapel Temecula believes, please visit our "What We Believe" page on cctemecula.com.

If you would like to read the full book of Calvary Distinctives by Pastor Chuck Smith please CLICK-HERE.


Second Saturday: Italian Potluck & Games

Saturday, March 9, 2024


Pasta, Pizza, Polenta and the spicy meatball!! Join us for an early evening of a delicious Italian Potluck, games and sweet fellowship!

Sign up to attend at the Connect Center along with your potluck item by Sunday, March 2. Bring a friend.

Calvary Curriculum's Children's Ministry Conference

February 16-17, 2024

If you work with children and/or youth, have children and/or grandchildren this is a Conference you do not want to miss. There are so many informative and equipping workshops for most situations in working with children. This conference includes four general sessions, seven workshop sessions with over 90 workshop choices, and includes a catered lunch. Late Registration, January 23 - February 11, $40 for Friday, $75 for Saturday. For all those who volunteer in Childrens and Youth Ministries, CCT will cover the cost of the Conference.


Sunday, February 18th, 3-5pm

Temecula Lanes

27475 Jefferson Avenue, Temecula

$10/person for bowlers

Shoe rental at the alley: $4

Can you get a "Five Bagger", "Four Badger", or a "Turkey"? Come show off your bowling skills and try to achieve these accomplishments as we have an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Even if you don't wish to bowl you can be part of the rooting squad!

Sign up online (this includes a 3% transaction fee) or at the Connect Center by Sunday, February 11th

CCT Church Directory

Is Calvary Chapel Temecula your church home?

To request your own copy of the current church directory,

sign up at the Connect Center

Contact person: Yolanda Martinez



Saturday, February 10th


Wednesday, February 14th


Homeless Ministry




We are in great need of:

Twin Sheets

Twin Blankets or larger (no lap size)

Toilet Paper

Cleaning Supplies

Please call the Project Touch office for details: 951-677-9661

Contact Jean Worley for more details.


Graphic Designer & Web Master Needed

We are in need of someone to oversee the church website (Subsplash platform) and create graphics for our service banners, activities, and bulletin. Please contact Julie Hamilton or Pastor Leo Rose if you are interested.

Children's Ministry Volunteers

The SUNDAY MORNING service for the Children's Ministry presently consists of two classes (2 year olds through Kindergarten & 1st through 5th Grade). We need helpers & teachers for each class. If you are interested in serving once-a-month in either class please fill out the Children's Ministry Questionnaire and drop it off to Pastor Leo Rose in the Children's Ministry.

The WEDNESDAY EVENING service at (7pm) offers childcare. If you are interested in serving, please fill out the Children's Ministry Questionnaire and deliver it to Pastor Leo Rose in the Children's Ministry.

CCT Audio Visual Ministry Volunteers

The Audio Video ministry supports the musical worship and teaching ministries of CCT. Sound & video techs, Power Point, and I.T. tech volunteers are currently needed during live Sunday & Wednesday church services and for post-service audio & video editing. There are opportunities for people with technical skills & experience as well as entry level assistants. If you would like to become a part of this vitally important ministry, please contact the church office or contact Pastor Leo Rose @ leojrose@me.com  



Helping Hands

If you are in need of help but unsure who to ask there are three ways to let the Helping Hands Ministry know:

  1. Complete the Helping Hands Form found in the Acrylic Box next to the Tithe Boxes in the Sanctuary and place it into the Tithe Box.
  2. Click on the QR Code complete and submit.
  3. Email helpinghandsct2022@gmail.com or call the church at 951-699-0553.

If you have questions about the ministry and/or would like to be a 'helping hand' please contact Tamara LaComb.



Come join us as we share our faith with those God brings in our path. This is a perfect opportunity to be a light to those around us and provide hope and love to those who don't know our amazing Savior! For questions or to join the team please contact Jess Farol, Pastor Layne Oaks or Pastor Chad LaComb, and/or sign up at the Connect Center.

We meet on Saturdays, check with Jess Farol for the Schedule.


Jesus tells us to be Light (reflect the Lord) and to be Salt (preserving Righteousness) in this fallen world. Unfortunately, there is currently a public elementary after school program that teaches children that Satan is a friendly character, hell is not real, and to encourage kids to have fun and be themselves. We have an opportunity to counter this wickedness by serving in The GOOD NEWS Club. It's an after school Club that teaches elementary school aged children about Jesus. Volunteer once a week for 90 minutes of teaching the Gospel and memory verses. Please see Oscar, Roz, or Jess for additional information on how to get involved.




10:00 am

after worship

Yahweh's Youth Room

(located at the North side of the front parking lot)

Book of Genesis

Youth Night

All Wednesdays

7:00 pm

Yahweh's Youth Room

(located at the North side of the front parking lot)

Join us for special activities.

Bring a friend.


Sunday, 10:00 AM

The SUNDAY MORNING service for the Children's Ministry presently consists of two classes (2 Year Olds - Kindergarten & 1st - 5th Grade).

The 2 Year Olds - Kindergarten class use Calvary Curriculum's LITTLE ONES CURRICULUM which is a 52 week journey through key Bible studies.

The 1st - 5th Grade class use Calvary Curriculum's CHILDREN'S CURRICULUM and are presently on a 2 1/2 year journey through THE LIFE OF JESUS.

Mother's Room / Multipurpose Room

For children 2 years old and younger with their mothers, we have a mother's room located next to our lobby.

For inquiries about the Children's Ministry please contact Pastor Leo Rose at


If you are interested in serving once-a-month in either class (see above) please fill out the Children's Ministry Questionnaire and drop it off to Pastor Leo Rose in the Children's Ministry.

Wednesday, 7:00 PM

The Wednesday Evening service for the Children's Ministry presently consists of two classes. (2 Year Olds - Kindergarten & 1st - 5th Grade)

The 2 Year Olds - Kindergarten class use Calvary Curriculum's LITTLE ONES CURRICULUM which is a 52 week journey through key Bible studies.

The 1st - 5th Grade class use Calvary Curriculum's CHILDREN'S CURRICULUM and are presently on a 2 1/2 year journey through THE LIFE OF JESUS.

5th Grade).



Every other Friday night @6:00 pm

The next meeting is February 16, 2024

At Pastor James and Christian Rodia’s home.

Warren Wiersbe’s Book, “On Being A Leader For God” and Bible Study

This night includes games, snacks and fellowship.

Children are welcome.

See the Welcome Center for details. 



CCT Men's Group


Mondays, 6:30 PM, Church Foyer,


Join us for study, discussion, and fellowship.

For more information, please contact Pastor Dan Morgan at 951-760-5167.


CCT Women's Ministry Presents

The Book of Romans

Be Right

The Spring Study

Beginning on Tuesday, February 13th

10 am or 6 pm at CCT

$20 (book and snacks)

Did you know that we are all sinners, Jesus is our only salvation, we experience God in our suffering and there is no rejection, no condemnation and no separation for those in Christ Jesus?!! There is Romans in a nutshell, and we will be learning more about all of these areas as we dig deep into this amazing book.

The cost is $20/person which will cover the cost of the book, Be Right, Romans, by Warren Wiersbe and snacks.

Sign up online (there is a 3% transaction fee) or at the Connect Center.


Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's podcast:
Women Worth Knowing
Exciting bios of women used by God with Jasmine Alnutt. Check it out at:


Home Groups

Join a Home Group to be encouraged in the word and stay connected!

If you are interested in joining a Home Group sign up at the Welcome Center and Pastor Dan will contact you.

Pastor Leo and Cheryl Rose


1st and 3rd Friday of the month.

Sign up and get more information at the Connect Center.

Pastor Layne & Claudette Oaks:

1 John

Thursday night at 7:00pm

Sign up and get more information at the Connect Center.

Pastor Dan & Sheri Morgan:

1 Corinthians

Sunday Afternoon at 1:00pm

Sign up at the Connect Center or

Contact Pastor Dan at joymattroger@msn.com.


Join us for an incredible time of prayer as we intercede for friends and family and come before our amazing Lord with adoration and praise. Led by Jess and Blanca Farol. 

Please pray:

  • Pastor Joe taught in his message in Esther 9-10, 9:3, "For Mordecai the Jew was second to King Ahasuerus, and was great among the Jews and well received by the multitude of his brethren, seeking the good of his people and speaking peace to all his countrymen."
  • As we completed the Book of Esther Pastor Joe gave us four principles to remember: 1. Be prepared to seize the right opportunity when it is presented. 2. Justice can be achieved even in light of the outward appearance of an unjust law or action. 3. God's people should never give up when faced against impossible odds because God may work behind the scenes to bring about a reversal in the situation. 4. Political power when used wisely can exert great influence over those under it. We have seen negative and positive influence in the book.
  • Pray that we, like Esther and Mordecai would be bold and trust God no matter what the situation looks like and follow the principles above.
  • For the Calvary Curriculum Children's Conference this weekend, that all would go well and God would be glorified.
  • For the missionaries that we support, to be strengthened and encouraged in God's Word and for God's direction and guidance for each one.
  • For Sally Dawn's family as they mourn her passing. Pray for God's peace and salvation for them.
  • For those dealing with illnesses, God's hand of healing over them.


"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And you will be my witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:8

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Join us in PRAYER and support for our Calvary Chapel Temecula Missionaries around the world.

  • Frank Baldus with Open Air Campaigners
  • Jim Davis with Pastoral Training to Asia
  • Wendy Haefeli, Honduras
  • The Johnstons, Northern Ireland
  • The Lopez Family, Tijuana, Mexico
  • Monty Sharp with Student Venture (International)
  • Dmitiri Tribeski, Russia

Please also be in PRAYER for our other para-church ministries:

Missions Outreach to Honduras

Wendy Haefeli is our Missionary to Honduras and will be heading there in May. As in the past, she will be blessing the children with school supplies and even a party. So many of the families down there are so poor that they can't afford school supplies for their children. As God leads, please consider helping Wendy monetarily. She will have the school supplies delivered to her parent's home in Honduras. You will need to make checks out to CCT and put Wendy in the memo line. If cash, please complete a Tithe envelope with a memo: for Wendy. If online please write her name in the memo area. Let's bless these sweet children!!

CCT Event Calendar


16 Young Adult Bible Study

16 Rose's Home Group

18 | All Family Bowling

18,25 | Morgan's Home Group

19,26 | Men's Bible Study

20,27 | Women's Bible Study

21,28 | Youth Night

22, 29 | Oak's Home Group

22 | Prayer



1,8,15, 22,29 | Oak's Home Group

1,15 Young Adult Bible Study

1,15 | Rose's Home Group

3,10,17,24,31 | Morgan's Home Group

4,11,18 | Men's Bible Study

5,12,19 | Women's Bible Study

6,13,20,27 | Youth Night

7,21 | Prayer


Some events will need sign ups. Please check the Website or Connect Center for details.


"So, let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity;

for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

AT CHURCH: Offering boxes are in the Sanctuary.

MAIL: 27462 Enterprise Circle West, Temecula, CA 92590

ONLINE: cctemecula.com/give

CURRENT TITHE: ($5,000 needed/week)

  • 2/4/2024 $5770
  • 2/11/2024 $4313

*If you would like a copy of the church's monthly financial statement please contact the office.


We look forward to serving you! Though our office is not taking walk-in traffic, please feel free to call Monday through Wednesday from 9am-2pm or email anytime to schedule an in-person appointment.

Email: connect@cctemecula.com

Phone: (951) 699-0553