Weekly news & announcements
May 25, 2023
Thank you to those serving this weekend!
Sign up online to serve as a lay worship assistant. Sign up to host coffee hour.
Lector & Intercessor: Brian Mukherjee
Ushers: Tedi Eaton and Rosemarie Rappold-Davies
Chalice: Ellie Wainwright
Crucifer: volunteer needed - sign up online
Digital Verger: Parker Fiset
Coffee Hour: Betsy Amsbary and Linnea Wren--there will be Birthday cake!
Altar Guild: Nancy Stern, Debby Rempis, and Tedi Eaton
Sign up to serve as a lay worship assistant here.
From the Rector
Greetings, Siblings in Christ,

The Day of Pentecost is enshrined in our Church calendar as the day, 50 days after Easter (Pentecost means “Fiftieth”), when the Spirit promised by Jesus (John 14:16, from the Gospel on Sunday May 14th) comes in power. The Spirit falls upon Jews gathered from all over the world (as known to Luke) to visit Jerusalem for Shavuot, the pilgrimage festival for the spring harvest. (Acts 2). We will joyfully celebrate that occasion this Sunday. (Don’t forget to wear red.)

But wait, hasn’t God’s Spirit been around since the beginning? Recall that the “Spirit (ruach) of God swept over the deep” in the opening moments of Creation. (Genesis 1:2) And the Psalmist this coming Sunday jubilantly cries out, “Oh Lord, how manifold are your works!...you send forth your Spirit, and they are created. And so, you renew the face of the earth.” (Psalm 104:25, 36)
God’s Spirit is and always has been at work in the spectacular and infinite variety of the created order. The daffodil on the right is an example, both infinitesimal and precious, right outside my office. 

Jesus calls upon this same Spirit with a new aim: to create, renew, and reform a particular manifestation of God’s purpose on earth: the Body of Christ, the Church, Us! We receive this Spirit purpose in our Baptisms and remember this calling in the renewal of our Baptismal Covenant this coming Sunday. 

The Holy Spirit has sometimes been playfully dubbed, “the shy member of the Trinity.” Pentecost is her day to shine! Come celebrate and be renewed in her power this Sunday.

Faithfully and affectionately,
photo credit of Nick: Tom Gaitley
Church Office Hours
The Church office is closed on Monday, May 29 in honor of Memorial Day. The office reopens at 9am on Tuesday, May 30.

Woody Hughes, Facilities Manager/Sexton, is out of the office beginning Friday, May 26, and returns on Wednesday, May 31.
Pentecost is THIS Sunday, May 28
There is only one service at 10am; there is not an 8:15am service. Celebrate the Church's birthday with lots of candles in the church, festive decorations in UPH, and birthday cake at Coffee Hour!!!

To celebrate the Pentecost fire theme, wear red if you can!
Recording of Sunday, May 21 Service
We apologize that we were not able to livestream the 10am service this past Sunday, May 21. You can watch a recording of the service on our YouTube Channel by clicking play on the video to the right.
Happy Birthday, Church!
In honor of Pentecost (see Acts, chapter 2) our Vestry has authorized the
solicitation of gifts for the building up of the Body of Christ. Here are the ways we can celebrate:
1. Forming our Children: Books and Supplies for our Church School Program from Bird's Amazon Wish List.

2. Making Music: Contributions to fix the Chapel Organ. Goal = $1000
3. Beautifying the Campus: Contributions to landscape the front of the Church. Goal = $7000
Contributions in excess of our goal will be directed toward the General Memorial Fund of the Christ Church Endowment.
Please make out your check to Christ Church, with either “Chapel Organ” or 
Church Landscape” in the memo line. Thank you for your generosity and Happy Birthday, Church!
Altar Guild Needs Coffee Cans
Calling all coffee drinkers! The Altar Guild needs metal coffee cans to transport the weekly altar flowers to parish homes. Please leave coffee cans in the office or give them to the Altar Guild on Sundays. Thank you!!
Resetting the Prayer List
On Sunday, June 11, we will reset the prayer list to keep it fresh and intentional. Please email or call the office with your prayers (781-444-1469).
Wednesday Bible Study End of Year Lunch
The Wednesday Bible Study concluded another year of learning and discussion with a tour of the MFA and lunch at DeFazio Field. Thank you to Tracy Rubin for her wise and wonderful guidance. Wednesday Bible Study resumes in September. More details will be in the Visitor newsletter, coming soon.
Click on the pictures to see some more from the luncheon.
Summer is Coming!
Summer is almost here, and school is out so early this year! We know this means many of you will hit the road on various and sundry adventures. Well, the People of God are excited to go with you.

On June 4th, as we mark the end of the program year, we'll be blessing some popsicle stick People of God like the ones pictured here.

We hope your family will pick one up then (or any point after that) and bring them along on your adventures – and don't forget to send us pictures! In Godly Play we use similar figures to tell many of our Old Testament stories, but we are part of that Great Family, too!
Summer Music is Back!

Parishioners have the opportunity to sponsor the hymn before the Gospel lesson on Sundays from June 11 through September 3. The hymn can honor a loved one, living or dead; can be in thanksgiving for any person, people, or occasion; however the Spirit moves you! These funds help support our summer musician, Steve Sussman.

How to Sign Up: A good old-fashioned sign-up sheet can be found in the UPH. Select a Sunday, then print your name, hymn #, telephone #, and if this is in honor of someone/something on that date. Please mail a check to the Church for $150 (payable to Christ Church, memo “Summer Music”). Thank you!
Join Our Independence Day Concert July 3!

We are having a concert of American Music and Patriotic Hymns on July 3 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm at Christ Church!

Be part of a choir to lead the singing and stir up some fun!

Two rehearsals June 22 at 7pm and June 29 at 7pm. The Concert is July 3 so choir call is at 3:45 for a warm up. 

All are welcome! Former choir members, current choir members and anyone who likes to sing!

Please email Mary Jodice at music@ccneedham.org so she can have music ready for you!
Life after Loss Grief Group on Thursday Mornings
Join us at Christ Church for a bereavement group that will follow an open spiritual path to process the loss of loved ones and other personal grief.

Led by Nikki Stournaras, a Chaplain with West River Hospice, we will gather in the Memorial Room on Thursday mornings April 27 through June 1 at 10am.

Materials are provided at no charge. Registration capped at 10.

Please email Sue or Nikki with questions or the register.

Click on flyer to enlarge.
MANNA Volunteers Needed!
The next dates to volunteer for MANNA are June 11 and July 11. The items needed are listed below. Click here to sign up online. Thank you!

June 11
1 Casseroles
1 Baked Goods
1 Banana
1 Driver
July 9
5 Casseroles
4 Baked Goods
3 Bananas
1 Bagged Lunch
1 Driver 
Summer Worship Begins June 11 - in the Chapel, no livestreaming
Our last live stream will be Sunday, June 4, as we move to the Chapel for summer worship starting June 11. The Chapel lacks the necessary equipment to continue this important ministry. Livestreaming returns September 10, when we go back to the Main Church for worship. We will make every effort to create and post audio recordings of summer sermons, which will be shared in the weekly eBlast. Thank you for your understanding.
Volunteers Needed at CCN
  • Help with worship on Sunday! Volunteers are needed to be ushers, lectors, intercessors, and chalice-bearers at Sunday worship. Sign up online or contact Ali in the office (781-444-1469).

  • Join Choir! Choir is on summer break. Rehearsals resume at 7pm on Thursday, September 14. Contact our Minister of Music, Mary Jodice, for more info.

Beyond the Parish
Click on the image to enlarge.
If you or someone in your family is in the hospital or in need of pastoral care, please call the church office so that our clergy or the Pastoral Response Ministry team may be notified and tend to the need.
The office number is (781) 444-1469, and you can reach Nick at ext. 113.