August 2021 Highlights
Dear ministry partners,

On August 6th, I had the opportunity to talk to the supporters via video call. Thank you Dr. David and CCI team for organizing such an event. It's a very good activity because we meet and talk in real time and we can talk to each other. It made me realize that all this time there were people who were always praying for God's work in Thailand.

Even though sometimes you may look tired or work alone, the truth is that God works through a group of people who are far from me. We can be close together because we serve the same God. One faith and one Spirit for the body of Christ! It is something that honors and glorifies God.
On that call I briefly gave an overview of the CCI mission in Thailand. Over the past 10 years, we have seen many divine fruitages and blessings. Thank you, Dr. David, for being a pioneer in Thailand and laying the foundation which allows me and my team to continue working very well.
I want to praise God that the CCI work is one that puts God first and blesses our teamwork. When we work together in solidarity with one another, God gives us immeasurable blessings.
I am excited to see the growth of CCI in Thailand from now on we will be stable in the mission of expanding productivity and growing according to the objectives, goals and visions of CCI.
Thank you to all my supporters and those who have contributed to praying for me, my team and family. Thank you for your faithfulness to God that makes His Great Commission accomplished in Thailand. Together we will celebrate and rejoice in this achievement both on this earth and on the earth of heaven.
Thank you from my heart.
Mission of salvation
Helping people who have suffered from the epidemic
Praying for suffering people
Although Thailand is still in a state of concern for the epidemic situation, God was always in control of the situation. This month, there were up to 20,000 infections per day and 300 deaths per day. And of course we are saddened and mourn for the death that those who may not yet know eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Thank God for the opportunity given to unite the staff team and the CCI partner tutors. We had the opportunity to discuss the situation as Christians and what we should do. Thank God we have come to the conclusion that we would like to go out and help people who are suffering from the pandemic, whether it is people who are infected with the coronavirus, have lost their jobs, or are affected by the current epidemic situation.
CCI has contributed support for 12 teachers going out to distribute dry food that can give people food to eat for several days. And thank God, hundreds of people have received items from our help. And among these, there are many people who are very interested in the story of God because during this period many people are lacking hope and encouragement. This is our great opportunity to show God's love and share as our witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. What is beyond our imagination is that about 13 people have decided to follow Jesus Christ.
We believe that although there are only 13 people today, many people have heard the story of God and we believe that one day they will repent and come to Jesus Christ.
And thank God that he has provided a partner in Thailand through a Christian organization IMB in Thailand. We will be involved in a support project to help people who are suffering from the epidemic until the end of this year. Thanks to Dr. Tom who shared together to serve in the body of Christ. We believe that in the next few months we will have the opportunity to meet thousands of people and we will have the opportunity to talk about God through his help. Please pray for this.
May God bless everyone, be safe.

With love and sincerity,
Kittikun Meetang
CCI Thailand National Director
Mr. Asapha Nguapha is a CCI student who is studying in the volume 6th and is a general employee. Prior to studying, he was an ordinary Christian from a Christian family. He is impatient and uses his emotions to make judgments all the time, not reading or studying the Bible at all, living the way of the world creates many problems for family and self, no happiness in life at all. Currently, Mr. Asapha Nguapha is serving God as a deacon in the DCC Church, Doi Saket District Chiang Mai Province. The CCI class helps him learn more about the principles of Christian teaching and living.

"In the early days of studying BTCP, there were many problems that made my mind not want to study, but the teacher came to help, pray for and encourage. This made me start to have a heart to want to study and start to focus more. After that, life became more understandable. Life began to change once I started reading the bible, I became less emotional, happier. I began to have more and more blessings in life, when in trouble or in distress I rely on God and God always responds and helps. So now the flesh side is less and the spirituality is stronger."
Prayer Requests & Praises

Pray for leadership and work development for the coordinators.
Pray for planning during the Covid crisis.
Pray for teaching and opening new classes in different areas.
Pray for the establishment of the TCI organization in Thailand.
Pray for budget for additional support for other district coordinators.
Pray for the epidemic situation - it suspends teaching.
Pray for 6 coordinators to be honest and work productively.
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