July 2021 Highlights

Praise to Almighty God for allowing us to step into another month without any lack in life. All my ministry teams and their family members are doing well. We are so thankful for His generosity and loving care amid risky and unexpected situations.
God opened a door to serve His people one step at a time. Reverend H organized a group of pastors and women leaders 17 in number, and I had a chance to teach them on God’s Financial Principles (GFP) for six days with three hours per day. We had a golden discussion and interaction at the end of every session. And in the last session everyone made a pledge to train in the same way in their own churches and the area they are ministering.
Faces blurred to protect participants identities
The church has a golden opportunity to do acts of love to the community who are living day-to-day with no reserves. These pandemic lock-downs and political restrictions are the main cause people to lose their income and are struggling to obtain basics such as food, medical care, shelter, and education, etc.
Thank you for your prayers and support.

CCI Myanmar National Director
Testimony from a God's Financial Principles Seminar (GFP) participant
Face blurred and name changed to protect identity
From Mr. A: “I had grown up in a Christian family and have been a fulltime minister for several decades but rarely heard about money from sermons. I never taught it either in my church, because I thought that talking about money was evil and worldly. I am thankful that I can attend this financial seminar as my director invited me. At the end of the course, I am convinced that a believer will hardly grow to be Christlike if he/she lacks the knowledge of the biblical worldview on money and resources on earth. I can see now this is what my church currently needs to learn. Thank you, Lord!”
Prayer Requests & Praises

  • Praise God that all CCI coworkers and family members across the land are safe and healthy.
  • Pray that we will be able to continue online training on God’s Financial Principles.
  • Pray for Pastor M and all the people in Kayah state. Since the last week of May, they have fled and left their home and property due to heavy military attacks. Still over fifty thousand people of Kayah are hiding in the forest.
  • Pray for God’s favor to help people get medicines, oxygen, and tools to fight back the covid attack. We formed a covid response team, as military government leaders do nothing, to protect civilians and ourselves amid military attacks who try to control by gun. All 15 of us leaders decided to buy a vehicle to minister the needs that will cost $15,000 USD equivalent. So, we collected and have received around $7,000 USD equivalent. We still need $8,000.
  • Pray for our children's education. It has been two years that the government closed schools because of Covid and the military attacks. Still the situation gives no sure evidence of opening the government schools soon. So, we pray that we find a missionary school in our neighboring countries where children can learn better education, plus Bible.
  • Pray that God will strengthen us to be faithful in trusting Him and in His service.

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