CCI Mission: Never Stop Growing & Expanding
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church,
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Matthew 16:18
We praise God for the CCI mission in Thailand where we have a clear goal to equip pastors and leaders for the development of the church, the ministry and the community.
Praise God for Pastor Chatri, who is a CCI Area Coordinator. He taught the Bible to many people in rural areas and mountains that are difficult to travel. But at the heart of being a mentor and teacher, he wants to see his students gain knowledge of the Bible and apply it in their individual lives. He has been working with CCI for several years and we praise God that every year we would see the results from the people he taught. These students were going out to teach the Word of God to the faithful in order to preserve the truth of the Word. And likewise, this month we saw one of his CCI alumni go forth by God's guidance and call to pioneer a new church. it started with a small number of believers, but has now multiplied more and more believers in Jesus.
We really have to admit that the focus on training and preparation of people is very important to the believer and to expand the mission. Therefore, the CCI mission is to never stop growing and expanding the training and preparation for the next generations. We will join hands as a spiritual body until the return of Jesus Christ.
Jai Saman Pathum Thani Church
We rejoice in the Lord when we see a body of believers called the church. But behind the scenes we know that it is not easy for a church that is made up of diverse believers with different cultural backgrounds and languages. When these people submit their life to God, it shows us that God is always able to use those who are submissive and want unity. I could see the love and strength of faith when I had the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremony of the brothers and sisters in this church. Praise God for this church that is being driven by the mission of evangelizing of Jesus Christ.
Seeing teamwork in which everyone has different roles and duties but has same goal is to Glorify God.
In addition, I had the opportunity to speak with the teachers of this graduating class. They were content with and rejoiced in the Lord that they were fulfilling the right mission and purpose. What do you do for whom? That is, everyone has the same understanding that we are slaves of Jesus Christ. We are ready to go out and make disciples to expand the kingdom of God according to the call and guidance of God. So, I'm not surprised that this church has so many believers and its work has been extended to the provinces all over Thailand.
Praise God that I am involved in CCI Thailand, to support and encourage local churches to grow and become stronger by training and preparing their leaders.
With love and sincerity,
Kittikun Meetang
CCI Thailand National Director

Mr. Bai Daorueng is a current student. He is pioneering and overseeing a new church with 20 members, Kee Huud Church, Chai Phu Thong District, Savannakhet Province.
"I came to believe in Jesus because of my wife's illness. Life was not happy, the money was being spent on treating illnesses. The effect of Satan's binding raven made life unhappy. A became a Christian and have a goal of serving God and wanting to learn about God. I attended and studied the CCI Bible Training course with the guidance of a pastor who had already completed the course. Before coming to the study, I was embarrassed because I did not have the knowledge and did not dare to share the gospel. After attending the training, I gained knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures, which gave me the courage to share the gospel. My mental life has undergone a new transformation from the past of living the worldly way of drinking, gambling, telling lies, etc. Having learned the Word of God, I abandoned my old habits, went on a new life according to what I learned. I would like to invite believers who have not yet learned the Word of God to come and take this training course. God's Word can change our lives. Our human mind cannot be changed on our own, only the Word of God can change our minds. God's Word is true. Come and learn His Word so that His Word can change your lives. I thank God for changing my life. May God bless you. Amen.
Prayer Requests & Praises

  • Pray for ministry expansion and growth.
  • Pray for pioneering new churches, follow-up with believers, and nurturing new believers.
  • Pray for Bible training. May the teachers and students follow the example of Jesus who, as He grew up, increased in wisdom and stature. Help them to use their time wisely as they study, that they too may grow in wisdom.
  • Praise for the CCI graduation ceremony with Chatri on March 12.
  • Praise God for the meeting with coordinators on March 9-11 as we worked together and planned for this year. We were grateful that Dr. David was able to join us online. We give praise to the Lord for Dr. David Nelson, for his life has been a blessing and an impact to many all over the world by being a role model in the field of making disciples to strengthen the local church.
  • Pray for my travels on March 25-26 as I go to Chiangrai to teach Book 10.
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