December 2021 Highlights

I pray that you had a blessed Christmas. During the Christmas season, I was happy to visit some classes and promote the CCI ministry to several churches and people. We have confirmation of at least eight people ready to start learning in a new class in Tondo Salu and one other location. Pray that these classes can start soon.

This December, participants from 3 classes in Makassar asked not to study due to busy schedules at home and at their local church to celebrate Christmas. This resulted in no classes. So, I took the time to visit some of the students and teachers in Mamasa, West Sulawesi and celebrated Christmas with them.
Thankful for your prayers and support,
Frids Lumba
CCI Indonesia National Director
On my Christmas tour at the end of 2021, I took the time to meet with the students in Sumarorong and also two participants who were newly involved in learning from Batang Uru. During the meeting, there was a testimony given by Pastor Simon Nona, a participant in Sumarorong's CCI class.
"I have been involved and in contact with many ministries from various denominations and missionary institutions, but after being involved in learning with CCI, I am increasingly equipped and feel helped by all the lessons I have learned. I am also a teacher at one of the bible schools held in Sumarorong, where I was entrusted with teaching the Old Testament Survey and the New Testament Survey. However, after studying with CCI, I saw many new things that I did not know before, even though I was a teacher. I thank God for opening my eyes and I plan to start a class in Tabone where I serve, so that ministers may also have the same blessings that I have experienced. In fact, I have a dream in the future to open a Bible school."

Pastor Simon Nona
Prayer Requests & Praises

  • Pray for plan to start new classes at Tabone, Tondo Salu, Salubue in January 2022.

  • Please pray for my family's plan to rent a house to serve as an office for CCI Indonesia and a home for my family.

  • Pray for my plans to go to west Papua to visit classes and report taxes to government regarding CCI Indonesia (local foundation).

  • With the increasing number of teachers in West Sulawesi, CCI Indonesia needs a qualified person to become a coordinator in that area. Pray that God will bring up the right person for that responsibility.

  • Pray for the needs of CCI Indonesia for new teachers.

  • Pray for plans to start CCI Ministry in the other provinces on the island of Sulawesi: Central Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and Gorontalo. Pray for partners and key people in these provinces, who have a vision to train and multiply leaders, so that we can work together to make that vision a reality.

  • Pray that there will be partners or people who work together with CCI to equip the workers in their communities in Indonesia.
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