CCI Fall Tour 2023, Chapter 3

Greetings Ministry Partners,

Our two-month tour of southeastern US is over. I am now back home with my family after travelling 10,000 miles in a van full of men from different nations. We came home with our suitcases full of books and gifts and our hearts full of praises for our God. We praise the Lord that He protected all of us from harm and gave us many godly friends who listened to our presentations and promised to pray for us and support the ministry of CCI. We were blessed to see many beautiful places and learn from other servants of the Lord. We are also thankful that we were able to serve and encourage other followers of the Lord Jesus Christ through our testimonies.

We appreciate your prayers and support.

Henry Ventura

CCI Philippines National Director

Click Here to Help Support Henry

Tour Training

The CCI team was invited to attend the three-day reunion of Crown Financial Ministries in North Carolina. We met many personnel and partners of Crown and we learned about the many programs that they are doing all over the world. Dr. David Nelson was called on stage to give a brief statement about CCI.

The CCI team attended the three-day Shepherds 360 Conference in North Carolina. We set up a display table at the conference and answered inquiries about CCI.

New Classes

Pastor Val and Pastor Dominto started a new training center with 23 students at a small village called Caburacanan in Bukidnon.

Pastor Petrush resumed a class in Dipolog City, which had previously paused during the pandemic. They decided to start again from the beginning to accommodate five new students who joined the group.

This year we have started 33 new classes with a total of 407 students.

Prayer Requests & Praises

Please pray for the health of our staff and their families.

Pastor Leo Candole promoted CCI training in Western Visayas at 28 promotional meetings so far this year! Please pray that his efforts will result in new classes being opened in his area.

Please pray for the graduation in Santo Tomas, Batangas, which is scheduled for November 19.

We desire to have all of our new 61 CCI coordinators continue to expand throughout 2024. Your generous donation toward the $60,000 matching gift will double the impact of your donation. Reaching this goal will allow CCI to provide $300 monthly to each coordinator’s ministry, travel, and personal needs in 2024.

Click HERE to learn more about our Matching Gift campaign to help support National Coordinators

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