CCF-LA News | August 16, 2023

The Experience of a Catholic High School-Unparalleled!

The Choice of a Catholic High School

Remembering the excitement of graduating from eighth grade and moving on to high school, it was a time of transition and anticipation. Buying uniforms, getting into the summer reading lists, and figuring out class assignments were part of it, but going to a new school, meeting new friends, and moving from a one-room class to having multiple subjects by changing classrooms was all new.


Most of us had to travel to high school, they were not located blocks away like our local parish school. For me, it was a 30-mile school bus ride each way for four years. We took advantage of studying on the bus and making lasting friendships. That was over 50 years ago.


Today, our Catholic schools serve the same purpose of educating teenagers in faith, character, leadership and citizenship. The high schools provide opportunities for excellence and advantage in subject matters, sports, student government, performing arts and more.


Today there is far more noise in our world than there was 50 years ago, easily distracting students from the purpose of high school. These four years are critical to the path forward for careers, vocations, college and life options. That’s why the choice of a Catholic high school education is one to be considered. Tuition is a budget issue to be addressed both as a family and with the school to determine payment alternatives. Another consideration is the single sex versus co-ed school environment – both are available in our archdiocese.


My Catholic high school experience in an all-girls school led me to the opportunity for a Catholic university, careers in the private sector, and to what I am doing now in our work at the CCF-LA. A wonderful 49-year marriage, two sons, two daughters-in-law and three granddaughters are the most important legacy from the formation I received through a Catholic school education.

Kathy Anderson

President and Executive Director

L-R: Martin Farfan, Brother John Montgomery and Principal, Arturo Lopez

Cathedral High School

The impact of an All-Boys Catholic High School in Los Angeles

In the heart of Los Angeles, where there are many urban challenges abound, stands a beacon of hope and opportunity: Cathedral High School College Preparatory. The Lasallian school sponsored by the De La Salle Christian Brothers has been shaping the lives of young men for many generations as it gets ready to celebrate its centennial in 2025. 

A testament to the transformative power of an all-boys Catholic education can be seen in the journey of the school Principal, Art Lopez and me. Art’s parents immigrated from Mexico and worked hard to send their four boys to Cathedral in the 1990’s. My parents immigrated from Mexico and Peru and sacrificed so that my brothers and I would have an opportunity to attend Cathedral. Hailing from the background, as many of the students we continue to serve, Art and I graduated in 1986/1993. We became the first in our families to attend and graduate from college, a feat achieved through the guidance and support we received during our time at the school. Our journey from students to now Principal and President of the school exemplifies the enduring impact of the school’s educational philosophy, creating a cycle of generational success that inspires both current and future students. 

One of the most important aspects of Cathedral lies in its emphasis on Catholic values and ethical development. Beyond academics we place a great importance on shaping young men into well-rounded individuals who embrace Lasallian principles of integrity, compassion, and respect. Guided by strong moral values, student learn to navigate challenges with grace and empathy, empowering them to be not only successful professional but also compassionate leaders that will come back to assist their community.

Cathedral being an all-boys school is addressing the gender gap in higher education. In an era where the gender gap in higher education is becoming increasing evident, males are enrolling in college at a much lower rate than their female counterparts. There is a problem of the disappearing male at many universities across the United States. An all-boys setting at Cathedral can help address this disparity by providing tailored education approaches and support systems that that can cater specifically to young men, empowering them to achieve their academic goals. With the 5 Christian Brothers and 15 Alumni faculty members working at the school, there are many positive role models for our students to look up to for advice and guidance. Cathedral continues to serve inner city Los Angeles families to rise above their circumstances and fulfill their potential. As our society evolves, the enduring legacy of Cathedral reminds its students that education is not just knowledge, but about building character and creating a brighter future for all.

Martin Farfan

President, Cathedral High School

Cathedral High School of Los Angeles, Inc.

Catholic Charities Maui Relief

Catholic Charities Hawaii is working around the clock to help those affected by the wildfires that caused significant damage and loss of life in the western Maui town of Lahaina. 


We send our thoughts and prayers to the people of Hawaii whose close-knit way of life, rich with traditions and customs, has been forever altered by these tragic and deadly wildfires.

MAKE A DONATION to the Catholic Charities Hawaii, financial donations are the quickest and best way to help people affected by Hawaii wildfires. 


Catholic Charities Maui Relief

Remembering Bishop David O'Connell

It has been six months since Bishop Dave's tragic death. Please continue to remember him and consider a gift to the Bishop David O'Connell Memorial Fund, FBO St. John's Seminary to support Saint John's Seminarians as they study to become priests in the charism of Bishop Dave - by taking the church to the people!

Client Services

Back to School with Scholarships

It is comforting to know that during this back-to-school season many eligible students have received support for their Catholic education through tuition support. So far this calendar year, the Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles “CCF-LA” has granted a total of $8.5 million to fund schools and CEF supporting thousands of deserving students that are attending Catholic elementary and high schools.


Our clients set up scholarship funds to benefit students at schools across the country. For example, Dr. Patrick Wade opened the PJ Wade, M.D. Scholarship Fund to benefit students at his alma matter the St. Patrick Catholic School in North Hollywood. The fund supports Mexican-American students with high academic achievement, regardless of financial need.” When asked what motivated Dr. Wade to provide this scholarship, he responded: “…Because it’s needed!.. If you look at the statistics, providing a scholarship for elementary students ensures that they remain in Catholic schools and receive a solid educational foundation that will prepare them well for college.”

Many donors see education as one of the most impactful ways to make a difference with their philanthropy. Donors who wish to provide scholarship support to students at a specific elementary school, high school or university can:

  • Recommend a grant to support financial aid or scholarships to an existing program.
  • Set-up and recommend grants for a restricted scholarship with specific attributes determined by the donor.

Tania Naaman

Director of Client Services and Assistant Secretary


We work directly with the schools to ensure that the criteria for scholarship distribution are carried out as the donor intended. Opening a Scholarship Fund at CCF-LA is a great way through education to teach, develop and sustain Catholic values across cultures and generations.


Please contact me at Tania Naaman at or call at 213-784-9768

Scholarship Funds

So far in 2023, CCF-LA has made an impact through its Charitable funds by donating an incredible $8.5 Million in support of Catholic School education! You too can make an impact! Please donate to our August featured funds.


Kris Wilson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Cardinal William Joseph Levada Scholarship Fund

Patricia L. Rausch Memorial Scholarship Fund

Tim Staples Memorial Scholarship Fund

Bill and Teresa Hartfield Memorial Scholarship Fund

Raquel Latham Scholarship Fund

Notre Dame Academy Scholarship Endowment Fund

Development Department

The Importance of a Catholic Education

If you’ve had a Catholic-school experience, you know how important it is for students to learn life’s lessons through faith, character, and the discipline of rigorous academics and sports. This is the foundation for success that is needed to achieve goals for careers, vocations, family life, and giving back. Catholic-school education is good for the students, their families, our Church, and our world. The value of that education is an investment in a gift that lasts a lifetime.

At CCF-LA, you can create a scholarship fund with criteria for academic and leadership achievement and/or financial need. Ask about how you can fund a scholarship today and in the future through your giving plans. 

Join the CCFL-LA effort to spread the great joy of giving, please call us if you know an individual or an organization that can benefit from our philanthropic management solutions. We welcome your referral.

Jimmy Ozaeta

Vice President of Development,

Assistant Treasurer

Client Provided Scholarship Funds

St. Andrew School

St. Frances X Cabrini School

L-R, Denver S., Emily G., Tania Naaman, Violet O., and Ginna G.

The Edmund H. Shea, Jr. Scholarship Fund at the Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles was established in 2015 and has supported the students at St. Andrew Catholic School in Pasadena every year. This generous scholarship award is based on the students’ academic achievement and financial need.

L-R, Haylee R., Karen V., Benjamin C., Camila M., Brenda C., Leonard I., Katheryne F., Angel P., Mrs.Hart, and Nathan B.

The Roger and Evelyn Cusumano Charitable Foundation Fund at the Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles (“CCF-LA”) helps fund tuition annually for students in grades 4 through their 8th grade graduation. Ten of the recipients are students at St. Frances X. Cabrini Catholic School.

Finance Market Updates

Our Balanced Pool portfolio returned +2.46% (net of fees) in the month of July and +12.05% for the seven months ending July 31, 2023. The Intermediate Fund pool returned +0.76% for the month and +5.91% so far this year. The estimated annual yield on the Short-Term Investment Fund account is currently +5.03%.


Capital markets continued to advance in July following resilient GDP data and a drop in inflation. The Fed enacted a rate hike of a quarter percentage point in July to take the fed funds rate to 5.25%-5.50%, in line with market expectations.


Domestic equity and fixed income were additive to relative outperformance while international equity detracted. The S&P 500 Index rose +3.2% bringing the year-to-date return to +20.7%. Small capitalization stocks continued to outperform large value stocks for a second consecutive month across the style spectrum. In July, Developed International Equity markets, as measured by the MSCI EAFE Index, returned +3.24 and in the Fixed Income markets, the Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index fell 0.1%.


So far in August, the financial markets have shown more volatility than we saw in July – some up days and some down days – but are currently in the negative territory on news that Fitch and Moody’s are evaluating the credit worthiness of many financial institutions and, in some cases, downgrading their existing ratings. The S&P 500 has returned approximately -2.5% so far in August. 

Andrew O'Boyle

Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer


Dohney Mansion Tour – Monday, July 18

Thank you Kevin Barry (MSMU Senior Director of Development) for a guided tour of the Doheny Mansion and for sharing the rich history of Mount Saint Mary’s University, one of the most diverse and transformative universities in the nation. Thank you for hosting us!

Mission Doctors Visit

L to R: Tania Naaman, Elise Frederick, Gabi Filonowicz, Sister Solidad, Bishop José Javier Travieso Martín, C.M.F. from the Apostolic Vicariate of San José de Amazonas (Peru), Jimmy Ozaeta, Fr. Rafael Kipigroch, and T. Matthew Hansen. 

It was our pleasure hosting Elise Frederick (Executive Director - Mission Doctors) and Bishop Josè Martin (Vicariate San Jose de Amazonas), along with their colleagues, at CCF-LA. Bishop Martin's commitment to providing services to meet the needs of 680 small villages along the rivers of northern Peru is truly inspiring. 

Mission Doctors Association

St. Anne's Feast Day, July 26

Jimmy Ozaeta attended St. Anne’s Family Services Feast Day on Wednesday, 26th. The event included mass and tour of the campus. St. Anne’s Family Services focus is on building a safe and nurturing environment for families from pregnancy to parenthood and childhood to adulthood. Thank you Fr. Brendan Busse, S.J., pastor of Dolores Mission for being the celebrant. 

The 35th Annual Golf Tournament

The 35th Annual Golf Tournament was held on July 28th at Brookside in Pasadena. Proceeds from this event will be used to fund the various financial needs of the students of Cathedral High School. This year’s event was well attended with over 140+ golfers, including CCF-LA's Controller Armando Nevarez, a graduate of the school.

Principal, Arturo Lopez and CCF-LA Controller, Armando Nevarez

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Mission Statement

The Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles empowers charitable individuals and organizations across cultures and generations through professional philanthropy management solutions that allow clients to develop and sustain their philanthropy in support of Catholic values.

Catholic Community Foundation of LA I | (213) 426-1180

