CCEH Newsletter
June 2019
Dear Friends,

Today marks the eve of Summer Solstice, the official start of summer and the longest day of the year. While we tend to think of January 1 as the start of New Year, the Summer Solstice holds as much significance as a time of transition, the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. For families with school-age kids, this date marks the end of the school year and the official beginning of summer. For the state government (and for many non-profits that depend upon state resources), it means the end of one fiscal year and the beginning of the next, along with the closing out of grants and contracts and the expectation of funding renewals.

For people experiencing homelessness, the arrival of summer can mean other things. For many individuals, warmer weather might mean a decision to not seek shelter, but rather take one’s chances sleeping outside, on the streets, under bridges, or in the woods. For homeless families with children, the end of the school year can mean the abrupt loss of child care, which can complicate the ability to work and by extension the ability to exit homelessness. For households living doubled up, the prospect of becoming homeless can increase in the summer with the additional stresses that come from having more people and children in a home. For college students experiencing homelessness, summer can mean having to leave the dormitory and to scramble for a place to live.

The articles in this week’s newsletter mark this celestial occasion and its significance as a moment of transition and renewal in a number of ways. First, we begin our journey to achieve our collective new goal—to end all homelessness by the end of 2022—with the results of the 2019 annual Point-in-Time and Youth counts showing that homelessness continues to decline in Connecticut, confirming that our overall system is working.
At the same time, the report also suggests areas needing more attention (e.g. youth, individuals, and unsheltered persons) and where additional resources are needed to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring in the next 3.5 years. Speaking of resource investments, this newsletter provides a summary of the past legislative session, including the resources made available through the recently passed state budget to help us end homelessness.

The results of the Point-in-Time and Youth counts also indicate a need to extend the success of our Coordinated Access Network system to reach people experiencing unsheltered homelessness. This week’s newsletter includes a guest blog from Jennifer Paradis, Executive Director of Beth-El Shelter and new CCEH Board member, describing the Town of Milford’s multi-stakeholder collaboration to engage people experiencing unsheltered homelessness. As CCEH convenes a statewide process to design a new system of engaging people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, I believe that we can learn much from the innovative collaboration already underway in Milford and other communities.

Finally, our Summer Solstice edition of the newsletter looks back at our Annual Training Institute, and looks forward to the new additions to our family. Please meet the newest members of our Board of Directors, and our new Director of HMIS and Strategic Analysis, Linda Casey. Linda joined CCEH on June 3 and hit the ground running including finalizing the aforementioned Point-in-Time and Youth count report.

As we embark upon a new fiscal year and this next phase in our work, CCEH is working with partners to chart out a set of strategies to achieve our collective goal of an end to homelessness and our own contributions to that work. Over the next several weeks, CCEH will be developing a strategic plan that will guide our work for the next few years and we look forward to obtaining input and thoughts from all of you.

Needless to say, the work of ending homelessness is complex and the strategies that are needed are varied and multi-pronged. At least one of those areas will be to confront and address the vast racial disparities we see in the population of people affected by homelessness. It is worth noting that yesterday was Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, which commemorates the final extension of the abolition of slavery by U.S. states. At CCEH, we see the work of ending homelessness as connected to this longstanding effort to realize a vision of a nation founded on the proposition that all people are equal. The disproportionate representation of African Americans, communities of color, and youth who are LGBTQ in homelessness shows us that the realization of this vision is far from finished. We have more work to do.
Happy Summer Solstice, Happy Juneteenth, and Happy Pride,

Richard Cho
2019 PIT Count Continues Trend of Lowest Levels of Homelessness to Date

On the night of January 22, 2019, 3,033 people were experiencing homelessness in Connecticut. This represents a 32% statewide decrease from 2007.

The number of individuals experiencing chronic homelessness (long-term homelessness and living with a severe disability) has decreased 75% since 2014, down 32% since 2018.

Nearly 73% of those counted as chronically homeless were in the process of securing permanent housing.

50 Veterans were identified in emergency shelter. 13 self-identified Veterans were unsheltered – this has remained flat from 2017.

337 youth age 24 and younger were experiencing unaccompanied literal homelessness, and 674 were counted as “unstably housed” according to 2019 Youth Outreach and Count results.

305 families were experiencing homelessness, a decrease of 18% from last year, and 2 unsheltered families were self-reported.

2019 now represents the lowest total ever in a statewide CT PIT Count for the overall total population, families, and chronically homeless since the first statewide count in 2007.

View the Full Report at
CCEH Announces New Director of Homeless Management Information Systems and Strategic Analysis - Linda Casey
Linda Casey brings more than twenty years of management and information systems experience in the private sector, leading strategic product planning and delivering innovative solutions.  With experience in diverse environments ranging from healthcare technology start-ups to mid-growth and established organizations, Linda has collaborated with pharmaceutical companies, military and government agencies, international telecom companies, and hospital systems to solve business challenges through the use of technology and organizational efficiencies.  Linda holds a BA in French from Cornell University and an MS in Management Information Systems from the George Washington University School of Business. She is currently pursuing a Master of Public Health at UCONN that leverages her data and analytical skills with her passion for improving the lives of others. ​​
State Budget Passes With Strong Support for Housing and Homelessness Programs
The 2019 legislative session has officially come to a close. As we look back over the last few months, we are thankful to have such wonderful housing champions fighting for investments to end homelessness. Your voice and grass-roots advocacy has been central to helping legislators understand the critical importance of investments to coordinate access to homeless response resources, rapidly re-house low barrier households, and provide permanent supportive housing and affordable housing.

Earlier this month, the Governor and Legislature supported a budget which maintains funding critical to housing and homeless programs, including the following:

  • The DOH Housing and Homelessness line item - $80.4M in FY2020 and $85.8M in FY2021 - Frontline homeless services are essential to moving individuals and families from homelessness to housing.

  • The DMHAS Housing Supports and Services line item - $23M in each year - Supportive housing services are paired with subsidized rental units, in order to provide supportive housing for the most high cost and vulnerable populations.

  • The Medicaid Supportive Housing Benefit - This benefit will provide supportive housing to up to 850 high need individuals who experience homelessness and whose average Medicaid costs exceed $40,000 per year.

  • The DOH Homeless Youth line item - $2.3M in each year - This critical program funds youth outreach services, crisis housing, and permanent housing options to transition youth from crisis to stability.

  • DOH resources for Coordinated Access Networks (CANs) - The state can maintain support for CANs by sustaining the Community Investment Account funding allocated to DOH and designating a portion specifically for the CAN infrastructure support, including 2-1-1, as has been done for the past three years. These functions are the linchpins of the entire homeless service system and are critical in our efforts to end homelessness.

Click here to read a Legislative Update from the Partnership for Strong Communities. 
CCEH to Serve on
Collateral Consequences Council
CCEH would like to commend State Representative Robyn Porter and the ACLU-CT Smart Justice Campaign, on their work to forward legislation to make Connecticut a fairer, stronger state which protects people from being discriminated against based on their criminal record.

In the final minutes of the legislative session, the State Senate passed H.B. 6921, An Act Establishing a Council on Collateral Consequences of a Criminal Record. This council will study discrimination faced by people in Connecticut living with a criminal record and develop recommendations for legislation to reduce or eliminate discrimination based on a person's criminal history.

CCEH is proud to be recognized in the legislation and will be advocating on the Council to ensure that people returning to communities from incarceration do not face discrimination based solely on their criminal record in housing, employment, and education.
Milford Establishes Homeless Outreach Workgroup to End Unsheltered Homelessness
Contributed by: 
Jennifer Paradis
Executive Director - Beth-El Center, Inc.
CCEH Board of Directors

As we continue to make progress in meeting the emergency shelter, housing and subsequent needs of individuals and families experiencing sheltered homelessness through our Coordinated Access systems, we are met with emerging challenges specific to our unsheltered homeless population and the need to reinforce outreach and identification as vital components of a strong coordinated entry system. With internal and external barriers such as chronic mental health symptoms, substance misuse, complex trauma histories and stigma, those experiencing unsheltered homelessness are most often our community members who have isolated themselves from all traditional homeless services, requiring providers to develop new and dynamic systems that meet individuals where they are, both physically and emotionally. Recognizing the net benefit of addressing the health, safety and security needs of this specific population and the positive impact this innately has on the health and well-being of communities at large can motivate new partners to collaborate in innovative ways never before tested.

Over the past 9 months, the Milford Homeless Outreach Workgroup defined and tasked ourselves with the goal to effectively end unsheltered homelessness in Milford, CT through community education, data coordination and direct service. This multi-disciplinary team includes representatives from the City of Milford, Milford Police Department, Milford Health and Human Services as well as several non-profits including Beth-El Center, Inc., Bridges Healthcare and Milford Prevention Council as well as faith leaders ( complete list of partners below). This Workgroup is co-chaired by myself as Executive Director of Beth-El Center, Inc. and Deepa Joseph as Director of Milford Health and Human Services. Presently our group has focused on leveraging the skills and resources of all of its partners to wrap supports and intervention tools around each unsheltered individual in the community, one-by-one. Through coordinated Outreach & Engagement efforts, jail diversion, medical intervention for high emergency room utilizers and flexible dollars to support diversion techniques, the workgroup meets monthly to critically case conference, develop and implement public education campaigns and to slowly close the gaps in how our unique systems speak to one another.

2019 Annual Training Institute
Beyond Barriers: Enhancing Access to Housing Solutions
Largest Annual Training Institute Yet!
This sold out training was the largest yet with over 500 attendees, 9 tracks, 20 workshops, and 63 presenters! Thank you to everyone who made this year's ATI possible and the most successful to date. If you attended this year, please take this  brief survey  to give us feedback for next year. The link to view all  workshop presentations will be made available following completion of the survey.

We've extended the deadline for the feedback survey raffle. Those who complete the survey by Friday, June 21st will be entered into a raffle drawing for a $50 Walmart Gift Card. Follow the instructions at the end of the survey to complete your raffle entry.
View photos of the day on our  Facebook Album !

Save the Date!
18 th Annual Training Institute
May 13, 2020

Thank You to Our 2019 Sponsors !
Thank you for making it possible for so many homeless service providers to convene and learn together.
Presenting Sponsor
Bank of America
Track Sponsors
Connecticut State Department of Education
Department of Housing
Liberty Bank Foundation
Nutmeg Consulting LLC
Office of Early Childhood
Workshop Sponsor
Fosdick Fulfillment
Partnering Sponsors
Connecticut State Colleges and Universities
The Melville Charitable Trust
Thank you to all of our Supporting, Friend and Member Sponsors!

Visit our website for a full listing.
Congratulations to our 2019 Awardees!

Social Justice Award Winner
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Connecticut

Carol E. Walter Think, Be, Lead Change Award
Kate McEvoy and Steve DeLilla

Be Homeful Award For Innovative Work To End Family Homelessness
Connecticut Realtors® Foundation

Connecticut Coalition To End Homelessness Community Champions Award
Youth Engagement Team Initiatives (YETIs)
Welcome to Our New Board Members
We are thrilled to announce the newest members of the CCEH Board of Directors. Representing the public and private sector, provider organizations and legislators alike, this new class of Directors is sure to bring their wealth of knowledge to an already dynamic Board and continue to innovate as we work towards our goal of ending homelessness in Connecticut.


Mary Conklin , Connecticut Legal Services

Jeff Currey , Connecticut General Assembly

Anderson Curtis, ACLU of Connecticut

David Dudley , New Opportunities, Inc.

Mike Lawlor , University of New Haven

Beth Mecteau , Connecticut REALTORS

Jennifer Paradis , Beth-El Shelter

Tressa Spears Jackson , Community Health Network of Connecticut
View Our FY2018 Annual Report
CCEH is pleased to share our success from the past fiscal year. As a Coalition, our achievements are the achievements of many. We thank all of the providers, organizations, funders and individuals who have made this work possible.

View Our Annual Report Here
News & Resources
Upcoming Trainings & Events

Visit the CCEH Provider Resource Library for more topics and resources.
Visit the CCEH Webinar Library for all recordings.
Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness
(860) 721-7876 |  |

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