Agriculture and Natural Resources Program Committee | |
Ed Merry
Chris Comstock
Allison Lavine
Emily Brennan
Cody Lafler
Kevin Peterson
Joe Castrechino
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Legislative Representatives
Hilda Lando
Fred Potter
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The Effects of Dry Conditions on Weed Management
By Lynn Sosnoskie; Assistant Professor of Weed Ecology and Management
The current weather patterns we have been/are experiencing could significantly impact crop establishment and development; it could also affect weed control success. Although fewer weed seeds may germinate in response to the hot and dry conditions, weeds that do emerge may be more difficult to manage with post-emergence (POST) herbicides. Moisture-stressed weeds are likely to have thicker cuticles (e.g., the waxy coating on the surface of the leaf), which can inhibit the absorption of foliar-applied products. Additionally, plant architecture can be altered if fewer leaves are produced and/or they start to droop; consequently, herbicide capture and retention may be reduced. When weeds are not actively growing, systemic herbicides (such as glyphosate (WSSA 9), growth regulators (WSSA 4), and grass-specific products (WSSA 1), may not be effectively translocated to their target sites. Although contact herbicides, like paraquat (WSSA 22), could be less affected by hot and dry conditions, herbicide efficacy may still be reduced if spray droplets dry rapidly (either in the air or on plant surfaces) and sufficient coverage is not achieved.
Read the full article HERE.
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Check out the Field Crops Newsletter from Southwest Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops
Learn more about what the Field Crops specialist, Katelyn Miller, has been working on, click HERE. And don't forget to subscribe if you want to receive field crops news and updates!
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Vegetable Pest and Cultural Management Meeting for Auction Growers (FLPA)
July 12, 2023
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Kenneth Hurst farm, 9499 County Rt 87 Hammondsport
Cost: FREE!
Cornell Vegetable Program
Judson Reid
This meeting is a peer learning event gathering produce auction growers together to tour another farmer's produce farm and will cover pest management, including DEC credits. Judson Reid, Senior Extension Associate with the Cornell Vegetable Program, along with CCE staff will instruct participants and facilitate peer-based learning. Details on each topic will focus on field observations at the farm.
DEC recertification credits will be offered (1.75 credits in categories 10, 1a, 23, 24).
No registration is required. For more information, contact Judson Reid at 585-313-8912. Email Judson Reid
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Is it Safe to Eat? Inspecting Poultry for Wholesomeness During Processing
by Amy Barkley, Livestock Specialist SWNYDLFC
In NYS, we are lucky to have the capacity to process chickens under various inspections and exemptions. Those who take their poultry to be processed at a USDA or 5A facility have the expertise of the processors to remove and dispose of birds and parts that are not fit for sale. However, those of us processing under the 1,000-bird exemption may not be as familiar with the characteristics that indicate that a carcass that should be discarded instead of fed to our families or sold to customers. This article outlines some of the characteristics to identify during processing that render a whole meat bird or its parts unsalable. The reason behind this is to not allow potentially contaminated carcasses into the food system.
Read the Amy's very informative full article HERE.
*The photo above illustrates footpad lesions on an anti-mortem inspection. The foot on the left looks like the skin damage is only on the outermost layer, so it will likely peel in the plucker, but the foot on the right has an injury that goes deep into the flesh. This foot would be condemned post-mortem. Photo by Amy Barkley.
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Regional Agriculture Opportunities for
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Processing Poultry for Meat Production: A FREE Live Seminar for Veterans.
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
6 pm - 7:30pm
Virtual zoom webinar
Respectfully, safely, and efficiently process broilers for meat production.
Small scale broiler production is a great way to diversify your farm. Raising broilers for meat production has a relatively short turn around time, low investment, and can help grow your farm’s production. Join Livestock Specialist, Amy Barkley, to learn the basics of meat bird processing. Topics include food safety, required materials, finishing broilers, and marketing regulations.
Register Here
Image: Freepik
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Protecting Against Murphy's Law: A FREE Live Seminar for Veterans.
Wednesday, October 4th, 2023
6 pm – 7:30 pm ET
Virtual zoom webinar
What Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong! Good ole’ Murphy’s Law is probably the best description of what it’s like to be a farmer that there is! Join Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm Business Management Specialist, Katelyn Walley-Stoll, to learn more about the 5 areas of risk on farms and how to develop strategies to manage those risks. Participants will have the opportunity to identify areas of risk on their own farms and brainstorm ways to (try to) prevent the inevitable!
Register Here.
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Make a Farm Business Plan that Works for You: A FREE Live Seminar for Veterans.
Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
6 pm – 7:30 pm ET
Virtual zoom webinar
Without a plan, how will you know where you’re going?
Business plans for farms are often viewed as yet another chore to do and usually result in dusty binders taking up space on the office shelf. This discussion based workshop will walk you through the mental exercise of planning your future agricultural adventures. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the use of a business plan, the essential components, and a “to-do” list of things to think about to inform future planning efforts. Additional opportunities for one-on-one follow up will also be offered. FSA Borrower credits may be made available for your attendance.
Register Here.
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Shielding grazing dairy cows from heat stress: effective strategies for farm management and cow welfare
by Victor Malacco, Michigan State University and Camila Lage, Cornell Cooperative Extension – SWNY
Summer is around the corner, and as temperatures gradually rise, it is essential to recognize the potential challenges heat stress poses on dairy cows. Grazing cows are even more exposed since direct solar radiation exacerbates their vulnerability to heat stress alongside the rising ambient temperatures they encounter. Heat stress can significantly impact dairy cattle, even in states with shorter warm weather seasons like Michigan or New York. Cows in temperate regions may not be physiologically adapted to withstand heat stress conditions. As a result, even sporadic instances of heat stress can prove challenging for these cows, leading to significant losses in production. Therefore, farmers need to be aware of the signs of heat stress, its causes, and how to identify and abate it.
Read the full article HERE.
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Calling all DAIRY FARMERS! 1 Minute Colostrum Program Survey
We need your help with a quick survey!
Please consider taking a 1 minute to answer 4 questions on farm colostrum program evaluations. The survey will help us plan programs and content for summer/fall.
Link: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
The survey will close on July 4th!; your feedback is essential to us!
For questions or comments about this program, please reach out to Camila Lage, Dairy Management Specialist, at or 607-422-6788
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The Endemic Calf Parasite Cryptosporidium Parvum
What is it, and how to identify dehydration in calves with scours.
by: Dr. Melissa Cantor and Hayley R. Springer, MS, DVM
Cryptosporidium parvum (Crypto) is a protozoan species that invades the intestinal lining of calves (Thomson et al., 2017). Crypto is problematic because it causes watery diarrhea, dehydration and poor nutrient absorption in calves. It is the leading cause of diarrhea in neonatal calves 7 to 21 days of age (Urie et al., 2018) and the parasite is endemic on farms (Thomson et al., 2017). This article covers the parasitology of Crypto, management strategies to reduce pathogen load, and water sanitation strategies for calves. Read the full Penn State Extension article here.
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Staffing & Organizing
Your Team
July 6, 13, 20 & 27
This Agricultural Supervisory Leadership Certificate Series is currently full but there is a waitlist you can now join. Click here.
Finding the right employees to work on your farm can pose many challenges but hiring the wrong person can be costly! In Staffing and Organizing Your Team you will learn the benefits of professionalizing your human resource systems and becoming a preferred employer. Learn how to recruit a candidate pool to find the right employees, and how to avoid bias and discrimination in hiring. You will also learn how to improve your interview and selection process, and how to implement a strong onboarding program.
Course topics:
- Becoming a preferred employer
- Personnel planning
- Job descriptions
- Avoiding bias and discrimination
- Recruiting and interviewing
- The selection process
- Hiring and onboarding
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Are you thinking of starting an agritourism business or are you currently operating one? Join our monthly lunch-hour, workshop virtual series and learn how to grow your agritourism business!
The first session covered the basics of running an agritourism operation. There is still time to join the remaining sessions which will focus on specific topics to help aspiring agritourism entrepreneurs grow their knowledge and profit through this exciting on-farm business.
July 17: Marketing Your Agritourism Operation
Pre-registration Required: Register Here.
Price: Free
All workshops will be recorded, and links shared. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Sponsor: Cornell Cooperative Extension Agritourism Program Work Team
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Cornell Maple Camp is back! This year’s immersive maple course will take place September 15th through the 19th, in beautiful Lake Placid, NY with an introductory kick-off and social time Friday evening followed by 4 days of diving into the science and art of maple production. Maple camp provides a hands-on experience for learning the basics of making and selling syrup, including an introduction to maple confections.
There are no prerequisites for Maple Camp.
Registration is limited to create a more personalized training. Sign up before all the spots fill!
Camp will be held at the Cornell University Uihlein Maple Research Forest and Heaven Hill Farm with lakeside lodging at the Rock-E House. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included in the camp registration. The camp curriculum is designed to balance comprehensive instruction, with free time to network and enjoy the splendor of the Adirondack Mountains. More information regarding camp logistics and supplemental reading materials will be sent by email upon submission of registration materials.
Please contact Adam Wild ( or (518) 523-9337) with questions.
For more information and to register, click HERE.
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Are you thinking about starting a small farm? Do you already have a farm that you're looking to expand? Invest in your professional development and you'll see the returns in your business. Cornell Small Farms Program offers in-person trainings, workshops, and online courses for aspiring, new and experienced farmers.
Check out some of the upcoming opportunities for July HERE.
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Please access the latest Dairy Market Watch here!
We saw a big decline in Class III/Protein prices this past month, and it looks like prices will continue to decline across the board as schools pause their orders into the summer season.
Dairy Market Watch is an educational newsletter to keep producers informed of changing market factors affecting the dairy industry. Dairy Market Watch is published at the end of every month, funded in part by Cornell Pro-Dairy, and is compiled by Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Business Management Specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Program.
For those that get printed newsletters, it is included as an insert with each edition.
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RISK Management for Cut Flowers Growers Summer Intensive
August 14, 2023
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Birdsong Farm in Delhi, NY
The day will be filled with hands-on workshops, networking, tours, and more. Presenters include:
Carla Crim, CCE Delaware County
Betsy Lamb, Cornell IPM
Jess Beretz, Farmhouse Floral Design
The cost is $30 which includes lunch and snacks. For more information or to register you can contact Carla Crim,
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Save the Date
Greenhouse IPM In-depth Hands-on Workshop
Thursday, August 10, 2023
11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
- DEC and CNLP credits applied for.
Cost: $75. If registration fee is cost-prohibitive, please contact Betsy Lamb:
Online registration coming soon. Check out more information HERE.
Contact Betsy Lamb:
- Registration (10:30-11:00)
- Introductions (11:00-11:15)
Diagnosis & Control (11:15-12:15) – In this session we’ll look at plant problems from samples that participants bring in. We’ll use microscopes and references to determine the problems then we’ll discuss the appropriate management techniques and effective pesticide options. All presenters
- Lunch Break (12:15-12:50)
- Afternoon modules. See descriptions below.
- Module 1 (1:00-2:00): Integrated Weed Management Based on Species
- Module 2 (2:05-3:05): CSI: Fertilizer Edition
- Module 3 (3:10-4:10): Be prepared: Scouting as the basis for good insect management
- Evaluation and wrap up (4:15-4:30)
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What's Bugging You?
Join Live, on the first Friday of every month from Noon to 12:30 EST on Zoom.
Each month, experts will share practical information and answer questions on using integrated pest management (IPM) to avoid pest problems and promote a healthy environment where you live, work, learn and play. We’ll end with an IPM Minute and cover a specific action you can take in the next few days to help you avoid pest problems.
2023 Schedule:
- July 7: Pest of home berry plants | Spiders in the home
- August 4: Groundhog management | Bat exclusion
- September 1: Right plant, right place | Transplanting trees/shrubs
- October 6: Jumping worms | Roof gutter pests
- November 3: Winter Garden prep | Tick check reminder
- December 1: Houseplant IPM | Firewood pests
Register for 2023 Events Here. Watch the past Event presentations Here.
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Participate in the 2023 NY Invasive Species Expo
Save the date:
September 24-26th, 2023
The Expo will be a unique invasive species conference combining classic presentations and creative use of outdoor space hosted within the historic architecture of Saratoga Spa State Park and will be open to the public with no cost for general attendance. Sessions will be centered around the overall theme: Reflect, Adapt, Evolve. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on what’s been accomplished so far in the field of invasive species management, learn about the innovative ways we can adapt in unprecedented times, and discuss how we can evolve to confront challenges moving into the future.
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Dear Readers,
FLFC is a collaborative effort between the regional CCE offices and their respective counties' visitor centers. You may have seen the logo or heard of the Agritourism Trail project in the last year or so. We are continually building and adding visitor information to the website at no cost to you. If you are interested in having your farm listed on the site, please complete the survey or reach out to Kevin Peterson, contact information below.
Did You Know?
Finger Lakes Farm Country is a regional agritourism program that combines agriculture and tourism to promote the abundance of agricultural resources in the southern Finger Lakes. Through a collaborative approach to marketing and promotion, the program creates a memorable brand for agritourism attractions and businesses in the area, while showcasing educational and recreational activities for visitors to the region.
In an effort to sustain local farms and create an environment for entrepreneurism, Finger Lakes Farm Country will promote the region’s abundant agritourism resources through a variety of marketing strategies. The Finger Lakes Farm Country region includes the counties of Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga, and Yates.
Interested in Joining?
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NY FarmNet Services: Always Free, Always Confidential |
NY FarmNet is here to support farmers, farm families, agricultural service providers, veterinarians,
milk truck drivers, and others involved in the agricultural industry in New York State.
Call today 1-800-547-3276.
Reach out to them for business or personal consulting.
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