Agriculture and Natural Resources Program Committee

Ed Merry

Chris Comstock

Allison Lavine

Emily Brennan

Cody Lafler

Kevin Peterson

Joe Castrechino








Legislative Representatives

Hilda Lando

Fred Potter

2023 Agriculture Literacy Week

Throughout Steuben County, teachers, librarians, volunteers, and even an New York State Assemblyman were out actively engaging youth during Agriculture Literacy Week! During March 20-24th, the book Tomatoes for Neela by Padma Lakshmi was read, a tomato and basil seed planting lesson took place, and discussions were stimulated on how food grows, and the amount of skill, time, and effort is required to get that food from field to fork!

New York State Assemblyman Phil Palmesano visited 2nd graders in Winfield Street School in Corning and numerous volunteers from Corning and Bath Rotaries helped extend this reach to 2nd graders throughout the County. In addition, other participating teachers, FFAs, and librarians helped bring Agriculture Literacy to their schools or youth groups within our communities!

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Steuben County delivers the annual agriculture-themed book to Steuben County schools and community libraries each year in celebration of New York agriculture. New York Agriculture in the Classroom is a partnership between NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, NYS Education Department, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Cornell University, and the New York Farm Bureau. This program promotes Agriculture Literacy Week to help elementary school children learn about the importance of agriculture in our daily lives and the significance of farming and farmworkers across all genre of agribusinesses.

Agricultural literacy is understanding and being able to communicate the source and value of agriculture and how it affects our daily lives. Over 20% of our nation’s workforce is in some way involved in food processing, marketing, distribution, and sales – and all of us eat. Over 50% of the land in Steuben County is considered agricultural as we are considered a leading county with more farms than most.

For more information about this program, call CCE Steuben at 607-664-2300 or visit

Cornell Cooperative Extension of

Steuben County's

2nd Annual Farm Trail Day

We are seeking local famers to fill out a quick survey to help us start planning for our 2nd Annual Farm Trail Day event. We value your input and look forward to working with you as we promote agritourism in our County this Fall! Complete the survey HERE!

2023 Field Crop Shop Talks

Please join the Southwest NY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Team at in-person workshops for Field Crop Producers to learn more about equipment, crop rotations, fungicides, and various management considerations. Meetings will be split between spring and this coming fall and we are fortunate to have CCE and PRO-DAIRY specialists presenting their knowledge for this program!

Where Have all the Chicks Gone?

Amy Barkley, Livestock and Beginning Farm Specialist, SWNYDLFC

It's spring. Birds are calling, the harsh chill is starting to lift. Giddy with anticipation for your spring flock, you go onto your favorite hatchery's ordering page and find out that they are sold out through summer. Concerned, you try your local farm supply store, but there's nothing peeping in their bins - they sold out of their chicks as soon as they got them in this morning. So this begs the question, why can't you get ahold of chicks right now?

It's no surprise that increased input costs of farming have resulted in pricier eggs at the supermarket. To complicate matters, the presence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza has resulted in the death of 10% of the nation's laying hen flock. This setback in production coupled with the holiday demand at the end of 2022 caused the wholesale price of eggs to spike to $5.43/dozen in December. It's recently come down, but these prices are prompting more people than ever to add some chickens to their backyard and for small farms to increase the size of their laying flocks.

While egg laying flocks have been impacted by HPAI, breeder chickens supplying the eggs for meat producing (broiler) flocks have also been affected. The shortage of breeders means a shortage of meat-type chicks for everyone. For larger broiler breeder operations, that means chicks that would normally be made available to small farms and backyard producers may first fill commercial broiler houses instead, limiting their availability. That said, at this point the shortage is localized to different areas of the U.S.. If your hatchery doesn't have broilers in stock, there may be other hatcheries that have them! 

Regardless of what type of chicken they hatch or what market they sell into, breeders of chicks must plan their flocks at least a year in advance. For those flocks that are laying eggs for the 2023 hatching season, those breeders had to have been selected and raised in the summer and fall of 2022. So, this year's numbers for hatchery breeder flocks are essentially set. Because companies have to project chick demand a year in advance, it can be challenging to estimate how many hens and roosters to stock in a breeding flock to match demand. Many times, they're spot on, but with bird flu cases and overall demand increasing, demand is outpacing supply. Once the reservations are full, they're full! Sometimes availability opens as orders are cancelled or ship dates are changed, but it's a gamble to wait if you have a plan to raise a certain number of hens or meat birds this year.

So, what can small flock owners do this year to get the birds they need? There are a couple of options.

1.) Explore hatcheries you haven't investigated before. We recommend looking for baby poultry from NPIP-certified flocks, which are tested free of certain poultry diseases and have acceptable, practiced biosecurity protocols. A listing of NPIP-certified hatcheries by state can be found using the clickable map at:  

2.) If you know you will need chicks later in the year, get your reservations in now! Many hatcheries are already selling out through summer.

3.) Consider purchasing straight run chicks, especially for laying strains. Straight run means that 50% of the chicks will be male and 50% will be female. The straight run option tends to sell out slower than the all pullet (female) option, so there may be straight run chicks available sooner than all female chicks.

If your orders are not already placed for the season, it may be challenging to find chicks. But the good news is that hatcheries will pivot and increase production for next year to meet this new demand. 

Consideration for Alfalfa-Grass Mixtures

Katelyn Miller, Field Crops and Forage Specialist

Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Program

85% of the acreage with alfalfa is planted as a mix with grass in the Northeast. Planting a mixture allows for two things: the accommodation of variable soil drainage throughout a field and the ability to optimize yield. Both species, alfalfa and grass, will thrive depending on various weather conditions. For example, last year's drought conditions meant that in many fields, the alfalfa was more present than the grass, regardless of seeding rate used during establishment. This is because the taproot on alfalfa was able to reach far enough down into the soil profile to acquire water. Although grasses have shorter roots, they can spread more effectively, filling in sparse areas to help reduce erosion, and are more likely to survive in low spots and wet areas throughout the field. Another reason that mixes are commonly used is to optimize yield and quality when planting on ground not well-suited to alfalfa. Not all land can support a pure alfalfa stand, so utilizing a mix will allow at least one of the species to thrive based on variable soil conditions and weather.


  • longer stand life
  • less winterkill
  • less traffic damage
  • fewer pests and disease
  • improved soil health


  • variable forage quality
  • limited weed control
  • timing harvest

If you're considering using a mix, some questions to ask include:

  1. Do you have less than premium quality alfalfa land?
  2. Do you have alfalfa snout beetle?
  3. Can you separate forages by quality in storage?
  4. Does your nutritionist believe in alfalfa-grass?
  5. Are you willing to invest more in forage and feeding management?

Read the full article HERE.

Access the Cornell University Forage Species Selector Tool to explore recommendations on seeding rates for your properties based on factors such as drainage, forage use, and intended livestock being fed. By filling in the website information, you can select fields you are planning to seed down and will receive not only recommended seeding rates, but also which forages will be best suited to property characteristics. 

County Enrollment, Subscription, and Support

The Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Program with Cornell Cooperative Extension offers educational programming and research based information to agricultural producers, growers, and agribusinesses in the five county region of Southwestern New York. 

Our specialists work with Cornell Faculty and Extension Educators statewide to address the issues that impact the agricultural industry and provide services to farms of all sizes and production techniques. The educational programming and support that we offer ranges from workshops to on-farm events, and includes one-on-one consultations. Our program is designed to meet the rapidly changing needs of our region's diverse agricultural community. 

For more information, contact any of the specialists.

Please support CCE Steuben by signing up for their enrollment programs.

Reach out to CCE-Steuben at 607-664-2300 and ask about enrollment. The enrollment form can be found online, here.

The Cornell Vegetable Program works with Cornell faculty and Extension educators to address the issues that impact the New York vegetable industry. The team offers educational programs and information to growers, processors, and agribusiness professionals in pest management, variety evaluation, cultural practices, market development, and farm food safety.

Cornell Vegetable Program Specialists expertise includes processing vegetables, fresh market vegetables, weed science, soil health, food safety, organic, marketing, greenhouses and high tunnels.

To read the Vegetable Programs 2022 Year in Review, click HERE. Learn more about the specialists HERE.

To enroll click here.

The Finger Lakes Grape Program (FLGP) is a regional extension program of Cornell Cooperative Extension serving the grape and wine industry of the Finger Lakes.

The staff of the Finger Lakes Grape Program is committed to providing grape growers in the Finger Lakes and beyond with cutting edge, research-based information to help them improve the productivity and sustainability of their vineyards and the quality of the fruit that they produce. We work with researchers and extension staff from Cornell and other institutions to create informative extension materials and programs that help to keep grape growing a viable and profitable industry that enhances the communities of the Finger Lakes and upstate New York.

Learn more about the specialist HERE.

To enroll click here.

Commercial Sheep and Goat Producer Discussion Group Invites New Members

Amy Barkley, Livestock Specialist

Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Program

Check out the Commercial Sheep and Goat Producer Discussion Group! The group was formed to connect sheep and goat farmers, extension staff, researchers, and service providers to share experiences and information on sheep and goat management. Topics of discussion rotate through commercial production of all types including goat and sheep dairies, solar array grazers, traditional meat and fiber operations and grass-fed farms. This discussion group meets virtually via ZOOM at 7:30 pm on the third Thursday of every month. To receive notifications of upcoming meetings, please reach out to Amy Barkley to sign up!

A list of the most recent webinars and their recordings can be found below on the YouTube PLAY LIST "Commercial Sheep & Goat Discussion Group"

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

Detections in New York

March 2023 Updates

To date, seventeen flocks in New York State have tested positive for HPAI. The Department is working closely with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) on a joint incident response and is also collaborating with partners at the Department of Health and Department of Environmental Conservation.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the public health risk associated with these avian influenza detections remains low. As a reminder, the proper handling and cooking of poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165 ˚F kills bacteria and viruses. Birds from the affected flocks have not entered the food system.

Read the full article HERE and learn more about which Counties have had HPAI postive flocks.

Follow Best Practices to Prevent the Spread of Bird Flu

Nancy Glazier and Amy Barkley, Regional Livestock Specialists, Cornell Cooperative Extension

We are now one year into the avian influenza outbreak, and field season is just around the corner. With this comes a higher potential exposure to and spread of this virus from wild birds to domestic birds as well as between domestic flocks. It’s not time to let our guard down, as we anticipate similar rates of infection to what we saw in 2022. Please take precautions when visiting fields with migratory birds and farmsteads.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) continues to be a threat, and is the largest domestic animal disease outbreak recorded in U.S. history. In New York, we have seen 13 cases in domestic flocks and hundreds of cases in wild birds to date, with the most recent domestic flock case having been identified in mid-February. This strain can infect chickens, turkeys, game birds, waterfowl, ratites (emus, etc.), and a wide variety of wild birds including waterfowl, raptors, and corvids. It can spread from bird to bird by direct contact as well as through farm equipment, clothing, and shoes.

Birds affected with HPAI may show one or more of the following clinical signs: sudden death without clinical signs; lack of energy and appetite; decreased egg production; soft-shelled or misshapen eggs; swelling of the head, eyelids, comb, wattles, and hocks; purple discoloration of the wattles, combs, and legs; nasal discharge; coughing, sneezing; lack of coordination; and diarrhea. The Highly Pathogenic strain can spread and kill an entire flock within days, backyard flocks included. Many, if not all of the birds in a flock will be affected.

Precautions are needed to prevent further spread. This virus is not known to be a public health concern.

If you are visiting a poultry farm, follow these procedures:

  • Do not enter any farm premise without permission from the owner.
  • Whenever possible, make an appointment prior to traveling to the farm.
  • Wear clean clothes and shoes on the day of the visit and clean and sanitize footwear in-between farm visits.
  • When you arrive, park your vehicle at the end of the farm drive or on the roadside and use your cell phone to notify the owners of your presence and to receive instructions for entry. Or, set up an appointment ahead of time
  • Let the farm owner know if in the previous five days you have been on another poultry farm or if you’ve had contact with wild birds. Also let them know if you personally own or care for birds or poultry.
  • Observe all of the farm’s instructions regarding biosecurity procedures.
  • Do not enter animal housing areas without express permission from farm owner.
  • Do not touch animals unless that is part of your tasks on the farm.
  • Immediately report anything unusual to farm owner, especially sick or dead birds.

New York and many other states have enacted emergency regulations that restrict interstate transport of poultry and add new, more stringent requirements for entry. If you are planning to move poultry across state lines, be sure to check with the state veterinarian’s office in the receiving state to be sure you’re meeting all the requirements. 

If you have death loss in your home flock or a flock you manage, call NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets at 518-457-3502. This number is available 24 hours a day. If after normal business hours, select State Watch Center option. More information can be found on the website, or by calling your local Cornell Cooperative Extension office. Your attention to these precautions is critical to protecting bird health and our state’s farm economy!

The New York Extension Disaster Education Network (NY EDEN) is a collaborative educational network based at Cornell University and dedicated to educating New York residents about preventing, preparing for, and recovering from emergencies and disasters. NY EDEN is working with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to provide resources and updates to poultry producers. 

Calving Assistance Guidelines: Infographic Available in English and Spanish

Determining if the Cow/Heifer Needs Your Help - Animal Health Diagnostic Center (Cornell University)

Checkout the English and Spanish version of an infographic HERE. Original content can be accessed here.

Succession Planning Series: Recordings Available

In case you missed the Succession Planning Webinar Series, the recordings are now available! Join CCE-trained educators for this series focused on leveling up your toolbox when it comes to building a strong management team, assessing your business for the future, and tax management considerations when it comes to succession planning! Access the recordings HERE.

2023 Northeast Apple Industry Outlook Webinar

Thu, Apr 6, 2023

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT

Farm Credit East is proud to present the 2023 Northeast Apple Industry Outlook, as part of its Insights and Perspectives webinar series. Chris Gerlach, director of industry analytics with US Apple, examines the implied production and economic outlook for 2023, as well as how production in Washington state has impacted markets for East Coast growers.

Register HERE.

CCC 15th Annual Earth Day Celebration Farmers' Market

April 19, 2023

11 am - 2 pm

SUNY Corning Community College will be hosting a Farmers' Market style event on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm to increase the campus community's awareness of how to get involved in our communities, experience our natural environment, and connect to farmers producing locally grown food and natural goods.

SUNY CCC students will receive 5, $1 tokens to spend with the participants of the event. Please be sure to price your items/portion sizes according to the $1 denomination.

Students can use the tokens for vendor's goods, including fresh vegetables, honey, baked goods, or donate the money to a non-profit organization. No change will need to be given for purchases less than the $1 token value.

If you are interested in participating, you can read more about the event and access the Farmers' Market Registration Form HERE. Registration is required by April 12th.

Contact Jennifer Sellers with any questions 607-962-9479,

New York State Dairy of Distinction Award Application Available Now

Are you a New York State dairy farmer or do you know of one that is interested in applying for the distinguished Dairy of Distinction Award? Applications are now available online by visiting

Deadline for applications is April 15, 2023. NY DOD program is appreciative of all its volunteers across the state that help keep this program rolling. We are often looking for district representatives, judges and individuals to join our board of directors. Retired dairy producers and/or agribusiness are encouraged to get involved in their regions.

Reach out to Marylynn with questions or interests in getting involved at If you would prefer a hardcopy of the application, please contact Alex Harrington at or 315.736.3394 ext.132.

Diversifying the Syrup Industry: NHAES research studies producing syrups from non-maple trees

Long before the snow melts and the heavy coats get stored for the season, the quintessential signs that spring is not too far away in New Hampshire are maple trees that become dotted with buckets and the coming alive of the sugar shacks that have been hibernating for many months. In 2022, three New England states—Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont—and New York were in the top six states producing maple syrup. Soon, however, maple syrup may have some friendly competition. New research led by New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station scientists examines how tapping non-maple trees—for example, birch and beech, which the Granite State also has in abundance—could increase the economic resiliency of the state’s syrup producers and offer intriguing alternatives to breakfast staples, while providing important ecosystem benefits.

Read the full article from New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station HERE.

Learn more from Cornell Maple Program on tapping birch trees, making birch syrup, and diversifying your syrup product line by creating a unique and interesting product while extending the production season, and utilize existing processing equipment otherwise not being used at the time. Read more HERE.

Farm Employer Input Needed! NY Farm Labor in Transition Survey

New York farm employers are navigating enormous changes in farm labor markets and regulations in recent years. It is critical for farm managers and decision-makers to have accurate and up-to-date information about the farm workforce. The NY Farm Labor in Transition Survey collects farm managers' perspectives on these important issues.

Please take about 20-30 minutes of your time to include your response as a NY farm employer. All data will be kept confidential, results will only be reported as group data, and no personally identifiable data will be reported. Respondents will receive a summary of the results.

Most of the survey can be completed with information that you have in mind, but please be prepared by assembling the following data from your payroll records:

  1. The number of full-time, part-time, seasonal, and H-2A positions you employed in 2021 and 2022.
  2. Total regular hours worked by all of your hired employees in 2021 and 2022.
  3. Total overtime hours worked by all of your hired employees in 2021 and 2022.
  4. Number of positions filled by owners and unpaid family members, and hours worked by them, in 2021 and 2022.
  5. Number of employees who left voluntarily or were fired in 2021 and 2022.

Access the survey here: NY Farm Labor in Transition Survey. Please complete only one time per farm business.

Thanks for participating!

For more information contact:

Richard Stup, Ph.D.

Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and

The Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management

Cornell University

102 Academic Surge A Building  | 607-255-7890

Are you thinking of starting an agritourism business or are you currently operating one? Join our monthly lunch-hour, workshop virtual series and learn how to grow your agritourism business!

The first session covered the basics of running an agritourism operation. There is still time to join the remaining sessions which will focus on specific topics to help aspiring agritourism entrepreneurs grow their knowledge and profit through this exciting on-farm business.

April 17: Customer Service for Agritourism

May 15: Tax Considerations for Agritourism

June 19: Agritourism Pricing Workshop: How to figure out what your customers will bear

July 17: Marketing Your Agritourism Operation

Pre-registration Required: Register Here.

Price: Free

All workshops will be recorded, and links shared. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Sponsor: Cornell Cooperative Extension Agritourism Program Work Team 

Are you thinking about starting a small farm? Do you already have a farm that you're looking to expand? Invest in your professional development and you'll see the returns in your business. Cornell Small offers in-person trainings, workshops, and online courses for aspiring, new and experienced farmers.

Check out some of the upcoming opportunities for April HERE.

 NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets

Beekeeper and Swarm List Registration Open

Honey bee health is a critical issue today. The goal of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets is to assist beekeepers in maintaining their colonies in a healthy condition. In order for the Department to keep you aware of bee health issues, beekeepers with apiaries of all sizes are required to register their hives. This enables the Department to keep a complete list of all beekeepers and allows the Department to contact beekeepers when bee health issues arise.

The online form takes only a couple of minutes to complete.  Register HERE.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to complete this form. If you have questions or require assistance, please use the following numbers or email to contact the Albany office. 1-800-554-4501 or 1-518-457-2087

One-House Bills Restore Critical Funding, Add New Investments

Photo:Senate Agriculture Chair Michelle Hinchey and Assembly Agriculture Chair Donna Lupardo. (Courtesy Photos)

The importance of New York’s agriculture and food economy is being reflected with historic support in the State Assembly and Senate one-house budget resolutions. On Tuesday, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and Senator Michelle Hinchey, Chairs of the Assembly and Senate Agriculture Committees, announced the details.

Senate Agriculture Chair Michelle Hinchey said, “One of the major early lessons of this pandemic was the increased recognition of agriculture’s vital importance to our state economy and our long-term food security. This was the momentum we needed to make our case for a state spending plan that supports the essential work of our small family farmers and agricultural producers who are doing their best to keep our state’s leading industry strong. Working in partnership with Assembly Agriculture Chair Donna Lupardo, we successfully advocated for millions more in funding than proposed in the Executive Budget, including critical funding for the Equitable Farm Futures Initiative, and other investments that our farmers rely on for research, marketing, technical and other assistance. We’re thrilled that both the Senate and Assembly budget proposals go even further to prioritize historic investments for New York agriculture, including the first-ever independent line item for hops research and marketing and legislation to make the state’s Nourish NY program permanent. In the coming weeks, we will be working to see that these key investments to bolster New York agriculture are included in the final budget.”

Read the full article HERE.

NYS Department of Ag and Markets is conducting a survey on the milk loss from this year’s winter storms and previous years.

The purpose of this survey is to gather additional information on the economic impact the emergency events in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Your experience matters, please help quantify these events to help apply the most appropriate policy to the Milk Loss program. Please review their message below and complete the survey if applicable! 

Complete the survey HERE.

NY FarmNet Services: Always Free, Always Confidential
NY FarmNet is here to support farmers, farm families, agricultural service providers, veterinarians,
milk truck drivers, and others involved in the agricultural industry in New York State.
Call today 1-800-547-3276.

Reach out to them for business or personal consulting. 

Livestock Groups Support Bill to Expand Options for Packing Capacity

Legislation would allow livestock market owners and operators to own or invest in small or regional livestock packing facilities

National livestock groups have come together to support Congressional efforts to expand opportunities for industry to invest in meat packing capacity.

The American Farm Bureau Federation, American Sheep Industry Association, Livestock Marketing Association, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, National Pork Producers Council, and United States Cattlemen’s Association sent a letter to the Chairpeople and Ranking Members of the Senate and House Agriculture Committees expressing the groups’ support of legislation to allow livestock market owners and operators to own or invest in small or regional livestock packing facilities.

The bipartisan legislation, the Expanding Local Meat Processing Act (S. 813), was reintroduced by Sens. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) and Joni Ernst (R-IA) last week. This is the Senate companion to the Amplifying Processing of Livestock in the United States (APLUS) Act (H.R.530), being led by U.S. Representatives Mark Alford (R-MO), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), and Dusty Johnson (R-SD). If enacted, these bills would direct the Secretary of Agriculture to update a regulatory prohibition under the Packers and Stockyards Act which bars livestock auction owners from owning or investing in packers.

“This is an antiquated rule that does not fit with the current, transparent method of selling livestock at an open auction where sellers can view the transaction either in person or by streaming the auction online,” the letter states.

The bills would allow for investment in the packing industry at local and regional levels by those active in the livestock marketing business.

Continue reading HERE.

Finger Lakes Farm Country has a new app! 

Visit Finger Lakes Farm Country to download it today!

Dear Readers,

FLFC is a collaborative effort between the regional CCE offices and their respective counties' visitor centers. You may have seen the logo or heard of the Agritourism Trail project in the last year or so. We are continually building and adding visitor information to the website at no cost to you. If you are interested in having your farm listed on the site, please complete the survey or reach out to Kevin Peterson, contact information below.

Did You Know?

Finger Lakes Farm Country is a regional agritourism program that combines agriculture and tourism to promote the abundance of agricultural resources in the southern Finger Lakes. Through a collaborative approach to marketing and promotion, the program creates a memorable brand for agritourism attractions and businesses in the area, while showcasing educational and recreational activities for visitors to the region.

In an effort to sustain local farms and create an environment for entrepreneurism, Finger Lakes Farm Country will promote the region’s abundant agritourism resources through a variety of marketing strategies. The Finger Lakes Farm Country region includes the counties of Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga, and Yates.

Interested in Joining?

If you have questions about Finger Lakes Farm Country please contact Kevin Peterson: or call 607-936-6544

Living on a Few Acres: Penn State Webinar Series

Living on a Few Acres is a webinar series developed for the beginning producer or homesteader looking to become more self-sufficient or take the first step in producing a product. These programs are designed to explain the very basic information on how to get started but provide resources with more advanced information as you continue pursuing your goal or hobby.

Remaining Topics Include:

April 6, 2023 6 pm: Maple Syrup Production and Beekeeping

April 13, 2023 6 pm: Food Preservation

Registration is required to receive the link to access the webinar. Registrants will also receive access to the webinar recording. Registration Fee for each webinar is $5, register here.

Dahlia Deficiencies

Bill Calkins, GrowerTalks Tech On Demand

Early in March a grower reported problems with dhalias that needed solutions. Marginal and interveinal necrosis on new growth and immature leaves as seen in this photo is likely due to calcium deficiency. To remedy the issue, quickly apply a foliar feed with calcium nitrate or calcium chloride. For even better results, include CapSil or another surfactant to improve uptake. Then, simply continue feeding with a calcium-based fertilizer.

To learn more about dahlia nutrient disorders, watch NC State Dr. Brian Whipker's informational e-GRO video.

Check out the new podcast episode from Extension Out Loud featuring Cornell Garden Based Learning,

Sowing the Seeds of Success: Tips for Smart Seed Selection

Here’s a link to the page with the episode, notes, and transcript:

Link to the podcast directly, here.

What's Bugging You?

Join Live, on the first Friday of every month from Noon to 12:30 EST on Zoom.

Each month, experts will share practical information and answer questions on using integrated pest management (IPM) to avoid pest problems and promote a healthy environment where you live, work, learn and play. We’ll end with an IPM Minute and cover a specific action you can take in the next few days to help you avoid pest problems.

2023 Schedule:

  • April 7: Avoiding wildlife at home | Slug/snail management
  • May 5: Spotted lanternfly update | Stinging insect ID
  • June 2: Common Garden Insects | Poison ivy management
  • July 7: Pest of home berry plants | Spiders in the home
  • August 4: Groundhog management | Bat exclusion
  • September 1: Right plant, right place | Transplanting trees/shrubs
  • October 6: Jumping worms | Roof gutter pests
  • November 3: Winter Garden prep | Tick check reminder
  • December 1: Houseplant IPM | Firewood pests

Register for 2023 Events Here. Watch the past Event presentations Here.

Dairy Market Watch

Please access the latest Dairy Market Watch here!

Dairy Market Watch is an educational newsletter to keep producers informed of changing market factors affecting the dairy industry. Dairy Market Watch is published at the end of every month, funded in part by Cornell Pro-Dairy, and is compiled by Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Business Management Specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Program.

For those that get printed newsletters, it is included as an insert with each edition.
