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CCDS Christmas Party

Sunday, December 10

Hi Everyone,

The holidays are fast approaching. So please keep the date of Saturday, December 10th open. We are once again having our annual Christmas party at the new barn. It will be a potluck. Since the last two potluck dinners were exceptional, let's try and outdo them. We will have music throughout the evening and a very brief business meeting to confirm the slate of officers and activities for next year. 

Member Kathleen Conklin has been seriously injured in an accident, so please send well wishes and prayers her way. If you wish, you can mail her at: 22 Venezio Ave, Albany, NY 12203.

Will update and have an RSVP for the December meeting soon.

Happy Thanksgiving All!!!🦃🦃🦃


October Meeting Minutes

After a wonderful potluck dinner along with watching videos of the Coaching Weekend and a trip to France to celebrate the Bugatti collection of coaches, carriage, and car where the Wallers attended and were honored for their beautiful Bugatti Coach.

There were nearly 30 members of the club at the meeting. It was great to see everyone. 

Board of Directors

Please review the list of 2023 Board of Directors prior to our Christmas Party meeting. Anyone who would like to join, please let us know. Or likewise, if you do not plan to continue serving, please let us know as well.

2024 Listing of Events

Please review the list of events we have planned for 2024. We will review them when we meet at the Christmas Party.

In Memoriam...

Andrew Jesse Breslin, VMD, died in Albany on Sunday, October 29, after complications following surgery. I'm sure many of us in the club with pets large and small remember him fondly. A service in Andy’s memory will be held at the Church on the Hill in Lenox, at 11 a.m., on Friday, November 17.

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