Build, Belong, Benefit
At monthly newsletter from your team at the CCCIA. If you have a story idea, white paper, or subject you would like for us to discuss, please let us know.
May 2021 Newsletter
Are you ready for the Spring Classic Golf Tournament?

Now, more than ever, the CCCIA is here to help.
Good Day fellow CCCIA Members,

We are almost halfway into 2021 and the growth in Cape Coral continues to grow and grow and grow some more. It will not be like this forever so we must embrace it while we can. Our featured speaker for our May Dinner Meeting will be our Cape Coral Mayor, John Gunter. We look forward to hearing from Mayor Gunter on what the City is currently working on and his vision for the future of Cape Coral.
Our CCCIA Golf Tournament has officially SOLD OUT, a huge thank you to all the sponsors who continue to support this amazing organization and our fund raising events.
I have an update on our Seawall Proposed changes, I believe we are finally in the home stretch of resolving this issue. On Wednesday, the 21st Bill Johnson along with Joe Mazurkiewicz met with Mayor Gunter, Public Works Director Paul Clinghan and Building Official Steve Poposki to go over the proposed EDS standards. To bring everyone up to speed, the industry agreed to a term sheet allowing site specific engineering and additional wall heights back in October of 2020. The only piece we were waiting on was what the EDS (Engineering Design Standards) were going to look like. That meeting took place last Wednesday. Prior to that meeting, Bill Johnson and I had several conversations to ensure he had the most up to date information from the industry going into that meeting. Joe and Bill Johnson had a productive meeting with the Mayor and Staff and took the information to review. Once we have these documents back, we will send them to our respective members that have been working on the stakeholder’s group to look over for approval. If there is no issue, we can move forward to getting the ordinance done. As we progress, I will keep you updated. 

There was a COW meeting held on 4/14 to bring this issue up for discussion regarding the new irrigation ordinance. Prior to that meeting, Bill Johnson did meet with a couple of Council members and the Mayor to discuss our concerns with the proposed draft ordinance. During the meeting, Council Member Tate called Bill Johnson up to give our initial position on this issue.

As always, if you need me, please reach out.
Best Regards,
Melanie Williamson
Williamson and Sons Marine Construction, Inc.
2021CCCIA President
The May 13th Dinner Meeting Features Mayor John Gunter where he will share his vision for Cape Coral. There will be a Q&A! Make your reservations TODAY!
Changes to Building Permit Application Process in Cape Coral.
NEW Webinar Series! Every other month we will bring you a webinar on various subjects that are important to your business. These webinars are FREE and on ZOOM
June 15th Webinar: Escalation Clauses
Summer Networking is BACK ON!

SAVE THE DATES: June 10th, 2021 @ Paradise Grills in South Cape

July 8th, 2021 @ Aubuchon Homes, also in South Cape.

These events are FREE so Save the DATES!
2021 is our 50th Anniversary!
Please use this logo in all of your marketing!
Be a Proud CCCIA Member! Feature this logo on all of your Sales and Marketing collateral.

CCCIA 2021 Spring Classic Golf Tournament is SOLD OUT!
Sunshine, friends, good food and drinks! Networking with other members and winning amazing prizes, all while Supporting the CCCIA.
How to Maximize Productivity & the Life of Your Equipment
Learn how to maximize productivity & the life of your equipment
Machine maintenance is key to getting the most out of your construction equipment. That might seem obvious, but how you decide to manage and complete your maintenance isn’t always as straightforward.

If you are weighing your options for managing your machine’s preventive maintenance, there are some considerations to keep in mind. Remember, the goal of preventive maintenance and programs is to identify issues before they cause machine downtime, not fix them after.

Couple a preventive plan with your daily maintenance plan to help maximize the life and productivity of your equipment, including excavators and wheel loaders.

As many of us are returning to the workplace following a lengthy time away, I felt that this month’s “Safety & Security Tip” should remind everyone of the importance of workplace security.

Most, if not all of us, go to great lengths to secure our homes and our vehicles, but do little when it comes to addressing our safety and security while at work.

Be aware of who is entering your business. Delivery persons, random visitors and guests should be greeted and identified. No one should be granted full access and all visitors, with the obvious exception of retail locations, should be vetted. Never assume that “someone else” likely knows who this person(s) is. Outdoor security cameras allow advanced notice of visitors and often deter wrong-doers from entering.

Consider keeping purses, wallets and other valuables in a locked drawer. Many of us simply opt to leaving a purse or handbag on the floor, beneath a desk or hanging on a chair. If drawers do not have locking capability, consider purchasing and installing desk/cabinet locks. Most sell for under $6.00 and are available at larger retailers and online.

Should you be stepping out of the office for a brief period, lock all doors. If restroom trips leave your facility unattended, consider locking doors until you return.

Ensure that rear doors and windows are secured at all times, especially if your facility backs up to a desolate, poorly-lit and/or an area with limited visibility.
Always have your local law enforcement agency’s non-emergency number available and, of course, dial 9-1-1 under emergency circumstances.

Be proactive…be careful…and be safe. If you see something, say something, make the call!
Earn your dues! Refer a friend, or two, or 10! Share the CCCIA!
New Member Application
Want to share your positive experience with the CCCIA and other members? Please send us your recommended members.
CCCIA Referral Program

Members & Friends,
It is my turn to discuss memberships and referrals with you. The CCCIA is a 50 year old, non-profit association. We were founded to support and advocate FOR the construction industry and the trades that rely on this industry to support their families and the community at large. As a membership driven organization, we rely on NEW members and renewals to keep our lights on.

When Covid happened and everything shut down, we knew we would take a membership hit. We understood and adapted our business model to mitigate the losses and offer existing members renewal deferments, static membership costs and affordable marketing opportunities. This strategy worked and allowed our members to focus on recovery. Regardless of Covid, our industry roared back to life with record breaking numbers of permits for residential and commercial builds. Sadly, the influx of work hasn't resulted in our member's timely renewals or an influx of referrals. Biggest reason for late payment or lack of referrals is, "We are too busy!".

If your only reason to be a member is for networking for new business, you are missing the bigger picture of our advocacy on your behalf with the city, county and state. We are a great place to network with other members, but having one of the oldest associations in Cape Coral supporting your cause in an official capacity is very powerful! If you fail to support us during the feast, we will not be here for you during times of famine.

We vet all of our new members. We are not looking to let every business join the CCCIA. However, if you are working with them, we should be working with them too. We want to keep out bad actors and provide peace of mind in the members we choose to work with. This has value to the community. Being a member of the CCCIA is exclusive. You are a proud member of the CCCIA. Invite other businesses you would be proud to work with.

There is strength in numbers. We need your support to thrive. Get involved!

Please send your referrals to or have them apply online at CCCIA New Membership Application. Once vetted and approved, as a thank you, we will apply a $25 credit to your account to use on your future dues renewals.

It has been my pleasure to work with you all over the last 7 years and I appreciate your help to recruit new members into our extraordinary organization. Stay safe and healthy.
Bill Johnson, Jr. IOM
Executive Director/CEO
611 S.E. 11th Street, Suite A
Cape Coral, FL 33990
(239) 772-0027 (office)
(239) 980-4612 (cell)
(239) 772-0071 (fax)
Sponsor a dinner! Reserve your Month now!
CCCIA Member Spotlight!
Dawn Stratton
Phone: 239-772-027

Member Spotlight!
Would you like to "put the spotlight" on your business?

Easiest and least expensive marketing promotion you will ever do!
  1. You choose the week/weeks you would like to be featured.
  2. Send your marketing message and exclusive promotions.
  3. We will do the creative! (We accept complete ads too!)
  4. Your business will be featured in an all membership email AND we will post the spotlight on our Facebook page.

Let's work together to create an eye-catching spotlight!
Marketing Resources at the CCCIA? Yes please!
Please see below for links for the Significant Changes to the
7th Edition 2020
Florida Building Code .
7th Edition 2020 Florida Building Code
The City of Cape Coral Adopted the new 7th Edition 2020 Florida Building Code on 12/31/20.

Permits applied on before 12/31/20 will fall under the old 6th Edition 2017 Florida Building Code.

The CCCIA along with the Lee BIA put on a code class in December to help our members with the significant changes. Please click the links on the left for more information .
QLESS Permitting Sign In Service
City of Cape Coral Building Department
The City of Cape Coral’s building division is using the QLess sign in and “join the line” for permitting services on line or via cell phone app.

The link below will direct you to the City’s website for more information.

The flyer below can also be disseminated to your employees to make them aware of the new sign in system.
The final link below will give you detailed instructions on how you can use this system that you can print out.

This system will greatly enhance your customer experience and keep you from waiting long periods of time in City Hall.
City of Cape Coral Building Department March 2021
Permit Report
City of Cape Coral Building Department March 2021
Inspection Report
CCCIA New Member & Renewals Spotlight
Welcome Our New March
CCCIA Members

  • Cape Coral Pressure Washing, LLC
  • IDJ Electric, Inc.

Members don't do business with non-members. Spread the word about the benefit of being a CCCIA member. Send your referrals to Janis at
CCCIA Member Renewals
April 2020

1 Year
  • Bolcor Flooring & Interiors

2-6 Years
  • Comcast Business
  • Harris-Jorgensen, LLC.
  • Tudor Villas Corporation

7-10 Years
  • Markham Norton Mosteller Wright & Company, P.A.
  • Sinclair Custom Homes

15+ Years
  • Kirkwood Electric
  • R&R Sprinkler & Landscape
  • Tropical Pools Contracting, LLC.
  • HBK CPA's & Consultants

Want to spotlight your business and share what the CCCIA has done to help you grow! Send us your testimonial along with your logo and we will put it up on our Facebook page for all to see.

Want to share a Members ONLY Deal? Want to share anything?
We are here for you. As part of your membership, we offer this FREE service. We want to partner with you on Facebook. Send us your DEAL or ANNOUNCEMENT and we will share your post with other members. The CCCIA, BUILD, BELONG, BENEFIT!


Looking for help? Looking for work? Members helping members. It's what we do!
We can help you find employees or employment. Please send us a share worthy job description with all details necessary to get the word out. The better the job description or resume, the faster we can get the job done!
NEW Member Gulf Western Group
Gulf Western is Hiring! Take a look at our open positions in both Southwest and Central Florida. If you’re looking to join the GWR team today visit our Careers Page on our website

Join our Team of Experts,
Join Cabinet Genies, an award-winning, family-owned (and Qualified Remodeler Top 500 company) kitchen and bath remodeling company. Focused on our mission (Exceeding Expectations Through Extraordinary Personalized Experiences), we have been installing remarkable kitchens and baths for appreciative clients throughout the Southwest Florida area for over 40 years (see our website:

Bergau Plumbing
JOB DESCRIPTION: Full time Book Keeper/ Office Manager.

Needed: NOW!

Call Lindsey Skaff at 239.257.3295

2022 Builders' Showcase of Homes
Save the dates! The 2022 showcase will be here before we know it!

Reserve you premium space today! We can make this showcase better than ever! We know that these are challenging times with material costs at an all time high and lead times that seem to stretch forever. However, Now is the time to start planning for the showcase.

Guarantee your entries TODAY. Ask Dawn how!

We Salute Our Industry Partners
Click on Their Logo to Learn More
CCCIA| (239) 772-0027 | E-mail |
611 SE 11th Street Suite A Cape Coral, Fl. 33990
Advertise With The CCCIA
We are offering great rates on banner advertising in our new
CCCIA Digital Construction News Newsletter.
All ads will have click thru to your website or social media platform
Please call Dawn at 239-772-0027 or for more info.