Construction/COVID-19 Summer Update & News
June 2020
Now, more than ever, the CCCIA is here to help.

Dear CCCIA Members:

Welcome to a quickly approaching Summer.

I hope this letter finds everyone doing well. I would like to begin with a very special THANK YOU to all of those in the Medical Profession who have selflessly dawned the required protective gear and knowingly walked and continue to walk into the battlegrounds of the unknown. The THANK YOU extends to our First Responders whom without question face the unknown daily. The Heroes have been endless during this (COVID-19) Pandemic and they extend beyond the ones noted above. Again, THANK YOU to those in the front lines and your families. 

That said, we still have a lot work ahead of us and a very committed CCCIA Organization to serve our members. Our Executive Director Bill Johnson Jr. reached out at the end of April to Cape Coral City Manager John Szerlag, DCD Director Vince Cautero and Building Official Stephen Poposki, to reignite our long-standing Stakeholders Group meetings. These virtual meetings are allowing the CCCIA leadership to get back to dealing with some of key issues that were put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We have been meeting with key members of City Staff, along with Council member John Gunter weekly to look at our top issues and work on resolutions. Some of the current issues we are looking at include the 60/40 rule, items in the Public Utility Easement (PUE) and Seawalls to name a few. After discussion in our stakeholders’ group, these issues are then taken to our CCCIA Code & Ordinance committee, for further review. We also ask for input from our Executive Committee and members of the CCCIA. We are excited with the developments from these Stakeholders group meetings and look forward to sharing the results with you once these topics are ready to be presented to the membership. The City Council will need to bless most of what we all have worked so hard to collectively agree upon. 

Bill has also been doing a great job of keeping all of us up to date on the DCD Guidelines as it pertains to City Hall and the Building Department’s day to day operations. Working on securing new technology for our inspectors to increase levels of service to the industry. Working with other chambers and trade associations to make sure our members get the most up to date information on the COVID-19 pandemic and the Phase Re Opening of our State.

Be sure to take advantage of the "Member Spotlight" marketing opportunity. Let fellow members know that you are open and eager to do business with them. Contact Dawn, at, for availability.

I hope to see you all at a CCCIA meeting as soon as it is safe to do so. Till then, stay safe, stay busy and stay in touch!   
Marty McClain, EnviroStruct, LLC.
2019- 2020 CCCIA President
Florida COVID-19 Phase 2 Resources
Governor Ron DeSantis COVID-19 Updated Resources is being updated constantly. You will find the most up to date guidance.

Get important updates and information on COVID-19 in Florida,

Text FLCOVID19 to 888-777

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the second part of his Safe. Smart. Step-by-step plan to reopen the state. DeSantis said 64 Florida counties can reopen bars and movie theaters at 50% capacity, while retail stores can go to full capacity.

The changes took effect on Friday, June 5.

Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, where corona virus has been most prevalent, are excluded (for now), but DeSantis said leaders there can submit reopening plans for further review.

“We have an opportunity to move forward in a safe, smart, step-by-step approach,” DeSantis said, adding the state was ready to “inch into Phase 2.”
DeSantis’ announcement came the same day the state Health Department reported 1,317 new cases of corona virus, the largest single-day surge in six weeks.

DeSantis announced Florida was ready for Phase 1 on April 29, the health department had reported 347 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 47 deaths that day, with the state total then at 33,193 cases and 1,218 deaths. Data show there were 5,419 hospitalizations reported and 375,300 people tested as of April 29.

DeSantis' Phase 2 plan to reopen Florida began June 5. Here's what it means.

Will all of FL go through Phase 2 by June 5?

No. Sixty-four of Florida's 67 counties will move on to Phase 2. The exceptions are Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.

What is Phase 2?
According to DeSantis:

• Bars will be limited to 50% capacity indoors, with everyone seated, although outside seating will be unlimited.

• Movie theaters, bowling alleys, and concert venues may open
at 50% capacity inside.

• Gyms and retail businesses (stores) may operate at full capacity.

• Restaurants may allow bar-top seating so long as customers follow
social distancing.

• Personal service businesses, tattoo studios, places that practice acupuncture, tanning salons, massage establishments may operate. These businesses, however, must follow guidelines issued by the state health department.
CDC COVID-19 Resources
As a construction worker, how can I protect myself and slow the spread?
Potential sources of exposure include having close contact with a coworker or member of the public who is ill with COVID-19 and touching your nose, mouth, or eyes after touching surfaces contaminated with the virus or handling items that others infected with COVID-19 have touched.
Where can I get more information?
Stay informed. Talk to your employer, supervisor, or union representative who is responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns. See these sources for more information on worker exposures to COVID-19:

View entire Phase 2 State of Florida Plan for Recovery

Phase 2 FAQ
Florida COVID-19 response- Florida Health
City of Cape Coral Response to Covid-19 Phase 2
  • Phase 2 of Florida's reopening begins on Friday, June 5.
  • Bars and pubs can reopen at 50 percent capacity.
  • Movie theaters, bowling alleys, arcades can reopen at 50 percent capacity.
  • All persons in Florida are encouraged to avoid congregating in groups larger than 50.
  • Vulnerable populations should continue to avoid crowds to limit exposure.
  • For PPE, individual and small business financial assistance, please visit
  • Vacation rentals in Cape Coral can reopen. For restrictions and more information, please visit
  • The Lee Health Testing Site at the Cape Coral Sports Complex will be permanently closed following its final day of operation on May 26. Note that the Cape Coral Sports Complex will remain closed following the testing site closure for professional cleaning. Additionally, the playground will be removed as planned prior to COVID-19 and a new playground will be installed as part of the Parks GO Bond.
  • To pay a water bill, there are online payment options HERE, pay-by-phone or a drop box located outside the main entrance of City Hall (1015 Cultural Park Boulevard).
  • The Department of Community Development continues to issue permits while the lobby is closed. Please use online services HERE via the City's website or use the link above to contact the Department of Community Development.
  • Playgrounds opening in City parks on June 2. Please click HERE for all Parks and Recreation Program Cancellations/Postponements/Closures
  • City Council passed Resolution 87-20 to help local food establishments by providing temporary relief from sign regulations. The changes affect A-frame and banner signs.

Did you get a PPP Loan? Did you know the rules have changed?
Member Donnelly & Gross NEW Loan Flexibility information
On Wednesday, June 3, the Senate passed the PPP Flexibility Act of 2020, which would give employers that receive forgivable loans more time and flexibility under the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program.  The bipartisan measure was easily approved last week in the House and is expected to be signed into law by the President. 
Members supporting Members. Some of our members are struggling. Make a difference and call upon your fellow CCCIA members when you need a product or service. Access the directory with the link below.
New Member Application
Want to share your positive experience with the CCCIA and other members? Please send us your recommended members.
We want to make your photos FAMOUS!
The pandemic has put our new web page and office move "on hold". We would still like to include your view of Cape Coral on our page. Photos of your building projects are welcome. We would also like to see sunsets and celebrations. If you have a photo to share with us, please email pictures to
Do your part. Fertilize SMART!
June 1-September 30
Industry News
CCCIA - Industry Update

Members & Friends,
I have some great news to report to the membership regarding City of Cape Coral Council Meeting that was held on June 8th 2020. I attended this meeting in person to speak on two issues that greatly benefited our industry. 

In the Consent Agenda item 8-B-13, Resolution 142-20 , provides a key technological update to the Building Department. The CCCIA has been working with City Staff over the last 6 weeks getting this item put forward and passed thru City Council. With this resolution, all of our City Inspectors will now be equipped with smart phones, which will make virtual inspections even easier, and other key pieces of technology are being purchased to improve levels of service in the department. With some of the new processes put in place by COVID-19, this allows our department to keep pace and make sure these inspections are getting done on time and keeping your jobs moving forward. I am looking forward to seeing how this new technology will help increase our levels of service. The Council approved Resolution 142-20 unanimously 8-0.

The second and even better piece of information to share with you, is the passing of Resolution 137-20 agenda item 9-A-3 . This resolution put forward on the 8th, puts into effect a 25% reduction of all building permit fee's effective Tuesday 6-9-20 . This is for all permits applied for and paid for today moving forward. If you have a permit in the system that has not been paid for, you would qualify for this discount. Any permits applied for before 6/5/20 and have been paid, remain at the previous permit fee rate.

This has been an issue your Building Industry Oversight Committee (BIOC) has been working on with City staff for quite some time. This resolution is being put forward due to an excess in revenue in the Building Fund. The Building Fund is an enterprise account that is made up solely from permit fee revenue and it is the source to fund the Building Departments day to day operations. There is an estimated 4.75 million in excess revenue in the reserve as presented to Council last night. This resolution will put forward the 25% reduction noted above and it also allows the CCCIA to review the numbers on a quarterly basis to assure progress has been made on reducing the overage in the reserve. If the number needs to be adjusted, we have the capability to go back before Council and readdress this issue quarterly. The BIOC committee will also work with City Staff to look at our current fee structure and see if adjustments need to be made to bring our numbers more inline with the current budget.   The Council approved  Resolution 137-20 unanimously 8-0.

Here is a link to the 6/8/20 Cape Coral Council Agenda if you would like to look at any of the supporting data. First item is 8-B-13 Second item is 9-A-3 

This is another example of how the CCCIA works for our industry and has been doing so for the last 49 years. We encourage all our members who benefit from this good news to reach out to those in the industry who are not members and give them a push to join. Without our members support, we would not be able to advocate for you on issues such as these. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact the office and we will get you signed up and become a part of the CCCIA family. 

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out. All of my contact information is listed below. Thank you to all of our members for your continued support of the CCCIA.

Bill Johnson, Jr, IOM
Executive Director / CEO
239-772-0027 - Office
239-980-4612 - Cell

Facebook Join My List Logo
Say, "I DUE!"
As a non profit organization, the CCCIA relies on the collection of dues and fund raising events to support our organization and staff. With all fund raisers on hold, we request that if you have received an invoice from us, and plan to continue your membership, please remit your payment or contact to defer payment. Please confirm your commitment to the CCCIA for 2020. We know we live in challenging times. We want to work with you to stay engaged with the CCCIA community. Build, Benefit, Belong! We really are all in this together.

CCCIA Member Spotlight!
Dawn Stratton
Phone: 239-772-027

Member Spotlight!
Would you like to "put the spotlight" on your business?

Only $100! Easiest and least expensive marketing promotion you will ever do!
  1. You choose the week/weeks you would like to be featured.
  2. Send your marketing message and exclusive promotions.
  3. We will do the creative! (We accept complete ads too!)
  4. Your business will be featured in an all membership email AND we will post the spotlight on our FaceBook page.

Do not let this opportunity pass you by! Even though we cannot be together, we can still work together!
Please see below for link for the New Land Development Code.
City of Cape Coral New Land Development Code
The City of Cape Coral Adopted a new Land Development code in August of 2019

The CCCIA formed a task force to review this new code and work on several issues that relate to our industry and the way Single Family Homes are built in Cape Coral.
QLESS Permitting Sign In Service
City of Cape Coral Building Department
The City of Cape Coral’s building division is using the QLess sign in and “join the line” for permitting services on line or via cell phone app.

The link below will direct you to the City’s website for more information.

The flyer below can also be disseminated to your employees to make them aware of the new sign in system.
The final link below will give you detailed instructions on how you can use this system that you can print out.

This system will greatly enhance your customer experience and keep you from waiting long periods of time in City Hall.
City of Cape Coral Building Department May 2020
Permit Report
City of Cape Coral Building Department May 2020
Inspection Report
CCCIA New Member & Renewals Spotlight
Welcome Our New June
CCCIA New Members

  • My Shower Door

Members don't do business with non-members. Spread the word about the benefit of being a CCCIA member. Send your referrals to Janis at
CCCIA Member Renewals
May 2020

1 Year
  • Barti Contracting, Inc.

2-6 Years
  • Brand 1 Ink
  • All Power Electric & Air
  • A&B Plumbing of SW Florida
  • Northpoint Bank
  • SWFL Water Testing, LLC.

7-10 Years
  • A-1 Shelters, Inc.
  • Redfish Drywall & Construction, Inc.

11- 14 Years
  • Cape Coral Housing Development Corp.
  • Palmer Homes of SWFL, Inc.

15+ Years
  • Tropical Pools Contracting, LLC.
  • Five County Insurance Agency, Inc.
Want to spotlight your business and share what the CCCIA has done to help you grow! Send us your testimonial along with your logo and we will put it up on our Facebook page for all to see.
Want to share a Members ONLY Deal? Want to share any deal?
We are here for you. As part of your membership, we want to partner with you on Facebook. Send us the details and we will share your post with other members. Give us as many details as possible and include an image. The CCCIA does not cost, it pays to be involved . BUILD, BELONG, BENEFIT!

If you are interested in hosting a members networking event, please contact Janis at 239-691-3567 or
CCCIA Job Zone
If you are looking for help OR looking for work, please send us your Job Posting or resume.
Email Bill at for more details.
Looking for help? Looking for work? Members helping members. It's what we do!
We can help you find employees or employment. Please send us a share worthy job description with all details necessary to get the word out. The better the job description or resume, the faster we can get the job done!

Do you need a Finish Carpenter? Juan Rosario reached out to us looking for work.
We Salute Our Industry Partners
Click on Their Logo to Learn More
CCCIA| (239) 772-0027   | E-mail |
611 SE 11th Street Suite A Cape Coral, Fl. 33990
Advertise With The CCCIA
We are offering great rates on banner advertising in our new
CCCIA Digital Construction News Newsletter.
All ads will have click thru to your website or social media platform
Please call Dawn at 239-772-0027 or dawn for more info.