Construction/COVID-19 Summer Update & News
July 2020
Now, more than ever, the CCCIA is here to help.
Dear CCCIA Members:
The City of Cape Coral Launches Mask Up Public Awareness Campaign
Welcome to Summer and the halfway point of the 2020 Calendar year.
I hope this letter finds everyone well and with the year half over, ready to face the continued challenges ahead.
Many of us are still on the essential business list that was published in March. We are only now seeing the true impact of COVID-19 in out workplaces. We are all faced with making company policy changes in the effort to protect our employees, customers, and businesses. This newsletter provides several published Safety Documents and other resources that are available to guide your policy. I encourage you to research them and share the content with your employees. The CCCIA and my employer, EnviroStruct, has implemented a mandatory MASK policy for all in house and job site meetings even if held outdoors. All workers inside any structure are also required to wear a mask full time. Please use good judgement, be smart and continue to be SAFE. Please help us all do our part to free our cities, state, country and world of this dreaded disease.
That said, lets now get to the good stuff.
The CCCIA has been very busy the last several months with virtual meetings involving Our Boards and the City of Cape Coral Staff. On Thursday July 9th, 2020 the CCCIA held its first full board meeting since March (Virtually of course). We will continue this method until it is determined to be safe enough for all to meet in person. Much has been accomplished and we are excited to share some of the fruits of our collective efforts.
The CCCIA's Building Industry Oversight Committee, (BIOC), in cooperation with the City of Cape Coral, negotiated and passed Resolution 137-20 on 6/8/20 which reduced all permit fees by 25% and went into effect June 9th, 2020! The committee led by Brian Gomer and our CCCIA E.D Bill Johnson Jr. succeeded in helping to pass Resolution 137-20 when the City Council unanimously Voted 8-0 to approve the reduction. Using 2019 permit fee costs, this reduction would have resulted in a savings of approximately $2.1 Million dollars savings to our industry. Using this formula, you can expect even more savings for 2020.
We are also happy to share that all City Inspectors are finally equipped with iPhones. A couple of months ago Cape Coral Building Official “Stephen Poposki” published a Memorandum supporting the use of E-Filing for a vast number of Building Permit Applications, Virtual Inspections to streamline the photo and Face Time Inspections along with other Technology Driven permitting requirements. Our CCCIA E.D. Bill Johnson Jr. was informed of a major problem with this plan. Our Building Inspectors did not have the technology/tools to make this process work. Bill Johnson Jr. immediately contacted “Stephen Poposki” and DCD Director “Vince Cautero” and a solution was created to establish funding to allow full implementation of this policy. The funding for the new iPhones and software had to be approved by City Council and was once again fully supported by Council.
The items above are only two of the most recently implemented policies that will continue to save our membership and industry significant sums of money and time.
As you are aware, the CCCIA is a member driven organization and funded by our membership dues. We are always striving to improve living and working in Cape Coral and beyond. Thank you for partnering with us.
Marty McClain, EnviroStruct, LLC.
2019- 2020 CCCIA President
Mask Up Cape Coral! Spread the Word, Not the Virus.
The City of Cape Coral has launched the “Mask Up Cape Coral” public awareness campaign encouraging residents and visitors to use face coverings to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The campaign will continue through the summer and will be extended if needed.
We at the CCCIA support this initiative to help Mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
The “Mask Up Cape Coral” campaign will include billboard messages near the Cape Coral Bridge and Midpoint Memorial Bridges. Banners will be placed over Del Prado Boulevard at Veterans Memorial Parkway overpass. There will be kiosk messages along SE 47th Terrace, social media posts, and other digital and print messages as well.
Florida COVID-19 Resources
Here is what you can do
What you need to know about COVID-19 in Florida
Residents advised to wear masks in public and socially distance. Avoid crowds, closed spaces and close contact.
Text FLCOVID19 to 888-777 for updates
The elderly and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes are more likely to develop serious illness.
Get Tested at a Testing Site Near You
People with COVID-19 have reported a wide range of symptoms — ranging from mild to severe.
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
Use the CDC’s self-checker to help make decisions and seek appropriate medical care regarding COVID-19.
You may have COVID-19 if you have these symptoms or combinations of symptoms:
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Or at least two of these symptoms:
- Fever
- Chills
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
Children have similar symptoms to adults and generally have mild illness.
This list is not all inclusive. Talk to your healthcare provider about any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.
Potential sources of exposure include having close contact with a coworker or member of the public who is ill with COVID-19 and touching your nose, mouth, or eyes after touching surfaces contaminated with the virus or handling items that others infected with COVID-19 have touched.
Want to go shopping? Take a mask.
Target and CVS will require masks in U.S. Stores, joining Walmart, Costco and Kohl's. Just in! Publix mandate starts July 21st.
FaceBook Covid-19 information Center. Easy to use and updated constantly
Even the IRS wants to help you out! If you missed 7/15, How does 10/15 sound?
If you need more time to file your taxes, you can request an automatic extension until October 15. The extension provides more time to file – not more time to pay any taxes due. If you owe taxes, carefully review your situation and pay what you can by July 15, to avoid penalties and interest. If you’re facing a hardship and can’t pay in full, IRS has several options available to help.
Coronavirus Could Alter Home Design Permanently!
Builders envision changes geared to thwart disease and make future quarantines easier
Even after the COVID-19 pandemic passes
, it may have a lasting effect on new home design, as builders envision adding features and altering floor plans in an effort to
protect residents against future disease outbreaks
. That could be good news for older Americans with higher vulnerability to illness as they shop for homes in the future.
Some changes may come in response to how
stay-at-home orders
and business shutdowns have affected homeowners’ preferences. Research by online real estate marketplace Zillow, for example, suggests that builders may move away from the open floor plans that have been popular until now, and include more separate rooms and doors to provide privacy and quiet spaces for working from home in the event of future quarantines.
Zillow, the real estate database company, cited a recent survey of 2,065 U.S. adults conducted by Harris Poll, which showed that 27 percent of Americans would consider moving to a home with more rooms as a result of having been compelled to spend more time at home.
"Floor plans with new homes should show more flexibility and options to convert spaces,” Jennifer Pyatt, director of sales for Pyatt Builders and Finecraft, a home builder based in Carmel, Indiana, explained via email.
As a construction worker, how can I protect myself and slow the spread?
Where can I get more information?
Stay informed. Talk to your employer, supervisor, or union representative who is responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns. See these sources for more information on worker exposures to COVID-19:
Florida COVID-19 response- Florida Health
Why the answer to your Jobsite COVID-19 plan may lie in mobile solutions
Remote Access & Cloud-Based Software Are Key
As the construction industry inches closer to fully reopening across the country, worker safety continues to be at the forefront of conversation. While we seem to be getting closer to a return to normal, in the meantime, there will likely be an entirely new normal in which all contractors will have to make adjustments to how they’re used to doing things, at least for a time.
With workers returning to the jobsite, new regulations will also undoubtedly appear in an effort to keep those workers safe. Whether these regulations come in the form of outfitting workers with protective gear, such as face masks, or simply continuing the practice of social distancing, will likely vary by state and situation. Still, even in the face of all of these uncertainties, contractors should be preparing cost-effective plans to ensure the safety of their workers and prevent avoidable project delays in the future. One inexpensive aspect of this plan is evaluating how your business makes use of mobile technology.
Lee County COVID-19 Numbers as of July 19, 2020
- All data comes from Johns
Hopkins University (JHU). JHU gathers COVID-19 data from the World Health Organization, the European Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, and local health organizations.
The total number of people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The total number of people who have died due to a confirmed case of COVID-19.
The average number of new COVID-19 cases for a given day, the two days before that day and the two days after that day. This trend line is used to show patterns more clearly.
Did you get a PPP Loan? Did you know the rules have changed?
Member Donnelly & Gross NEW Loan Flexibility information
On June 3, 2020 the US Senate passed the PPP Flexibility Act of 2020, which would give employers that receive forgivable loans more time and flexibility under the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program. The bipartisan measure was easily approved in the House.
DEMAND EXCELLENCE! Members supporting Members. Some of our members are struggling. Make a difference and call upon your fellow CCCIA members when you need a product or service. Access the directory with the link below.
Want to share your positive experience with the CCCIA and other members? Please send us your recommended members.
We want to make your photos
The pandemic has put our new web page and office move "on hold". We would still like to include your view of Cape Coral on our page. Photos of your building projects are welcome. We would also like to see sunsets and celebrations. If you have a photo to share with us, please email pictures to
CCCIA - Industry Update
Members & Friends,
As we continue to navigate in these trying times, I want to let our members know that the CCCIA has been working on resolving some very important issues that affect our industry.
I have been part of a stakeholders group, with our City Manager, that has been focused on several key issues. Happily we are winding down and should have complete resolutions soon.
One of the main issues that we have been working on, since August of 2019, is the 60/40 impervious rule, (Land Development Code) Our industry concern centered on how it relates to NEW single family home construction. CCCIA Stakeholders, united with the Code & Ordinance Committee, the Executive Board and City Staff have compiled an Administrative Interpretation that will overcome our industry objections with the original proposal/language. The new language will be brought to the August, 2020 hearing with the Planning & Zoning group (P&Z), Introduction to Council and finally a Public Hearing where the Interpretation will be adopted into the LDC thru ordinance.
Additionally, we are assisting in the rewrite of the Public Utility Easement (PUE) too allow more flexibility. The Industry and the City have been in disagreement as to what we can put in the side and back easements. With homes getting larger and contractors needing to maximize the set lot size, most new homes are being built all the way up to the set-back lines. The new rewrite will allow contractors more options when adding stairs, landings and walkways within the side and rear PUE. This rewrite has already been vetted through the P&Z process. Introduction to Council is scheduled for this month, with the public hearing set for August. With the adoption of this new language, our industry will have the clarification it needs to keep building and providing for their customers suitable options to access their docks from the side and rear of their homes.
Finally we have the Seawall Standards & Paving Restoration policy that has been on our radar for quite some time. We are close to a resolution and as we finalize, I will report more to the membership. We have been working and will continue to work with our members in the marine industry along with the Southwest Florida Marine Contractors Association on Seawalls and our paving task force continues to reform the paving language with the city. We will keep working on this till the problem is resolved.
If you are having issues that need attention, please reach out and let me know. It is our mission to advocate for our members and our industry. We want to see Cape Coral continue to grow and have a successful and healthy Construction Industry.
The work that the CCCIA does cannot be accomplished without the support of our members. As you know, the CCCIA is a non-profit and most of our operating budget comes from fund raising events. 2020 hasn't allowed us to conduct these events. Please keep this in mind when you receive your dues invoice. It has been a trying year for us all and your dues are funding our efforts to improve The City of Cape Coral for our businesses and our families.
Now more than ever, if you know someone who is not a member, encourage them to join. We are stronger in numbers and are proud to have served this industry for the last 49 years.
I wish you all success and stay safe
Bill Johnson, Jr, IOM
Executive Director / CEO
239-772-0027 - Office
239-980-4612 - Cell
As a non profit organization, the CCCIA relies on the collection of dues and fund raising events to support our organization and staff. With all fund raisers on hold, we request that if you have received an invoice from us, and plan to continue your membership, please remit your payment or contact to defer payment. Please confirm your commitment to the CCCIA for 2020. We know we live in challenging times. We want to work with you to stay engaged with the CCCIA community. Build, Benefit, Belong! We really are all in this together.
CCCIA Member Spotlight!
Dawn Stratton
Phone: 239-772-027
Would you like to "put the spotlight" on your business?
Only $100! Easiest and least expensive marketing promotion you will ever do!
- You choose the week/weeks you would like to be featured.
- Send your marketing message and exclusive promotions.
- We will do the creative! (We accept complete ads too!)
- Your business will be featured in an all membership email AND we will post the spotlight on our FaceBook page.
Do not let this opportunity pass you by! Even though we cannot be together, we can still work together!
Please see below for link for the New Land Development Code.
City of Cape Coral New Land Development Code
The City of Cape Coral Adopted a new Land Development code in August of 2019
The CCCIA formed a task force to review this new code and work on several issues that relate to our industry and the way Single Family Homes are built in Cape Coral.
QLESS Permitting Sign In Service
City of Cape Coral Building Department
The City of Cape Coral’s building division is using the QLess sign in and “join the line” for permitting services on line or via cell phone app.
The link below will direct you to the City’s website for more information.
The flyer below can also be disseminated to your employees to make them aware of the new sign in system.
The final link below will give you detailed instructions on how you can use this system that you can print out.
This system will greatly enhance your customer experience and keep you from waiting long periods of time in City Hall.
City of Cape Coral Building Department June 2020
Permit Report
City of Cape Coral Building Department June 2020
Inspection Report
CCCIA New Member & Renewals Spotlight
Welcome Our New June
CCCIA Members
- My Shower Door
- Riverfront Solutions of Cape Coral, LLC
- The Big Gator Handyman & COnstruction
- Sorok Smart Home Solutions
- Xando Energy
- Roof Smart of S.W. Florida, LLC.
Members don't do business with non-members. Spread the word about the benefit of being a CCCIA member. Send your referrals to Janis at
CCCIA Member Renewals
June 2020
1 Year
- Coral Ridge Funeral Home, Cemetery & Cremations
- LCM Engineering
- USA Waste, LLC.
2-6 Years
- Tudor Villas Corporation
- Captain Steamer
- Option One Builders
- Spiro Services, LLC.
- Coastal Decks & Docks
- Compass Construction, Inc.
- Coral Isle Builders
- D.R. Horton
- FISH Window Cleaning
7-10 Years
- The Smart Companies
- Boral Roof Tile
- Crown Trophy
11- 14 Years
- Air Techniques Heating & Cooling
15+ Years
- Premier Insurance
- PCC Tile
Want to spotlight your business and share what the CCCIA has done to help you grow! Send us your testimonial along with your logo and we will put it up on our Facebook page for all to see.
Want to share a Members ONLY Deal? Want to share any deal?
We are here for you. As part of your membership, we want to partner with you on Facebook. Send us the details and we will share your post with other members. Give us as many details as possible and include an image. The CCCIA does not cost, it
pays to be involved
Looking for help? Looking for work? Members helping members. It's what we do!
We can help you find employees or employment. Please send us a share worthy job description with all details necessary to get the word out. The better the job description or resume, the faster we can get the job done!
Do you need a Finish Carpenter? Juan Rosario reached out to us looking for work.
We Salute Our Industry Partners
Click on Their Logo to Learn More
611 SE 11th Street Suite A Cape Coral, Fl. 33990
We are offering great rates on banner advertising in our new
CCCIA Digital Construction News Newsletter.
All ads will have click thru to your website or social media platform
Please call Dawn at 239-772-0027 or dawn
for more info.