Highlights in this month's edition of "Monthly Minutes"

  • Happy Provider Appreciation Day
  • Save the Date for Spring Conference
  • Spring Trainings At-a-Glance Calendars
  • Quality Support CDA Cohort
  • Tick Free NH Toolkit

May 2024

Hello Providers!

This month, we shine a spotlight on the amazing child care providers who sprinkle love and learning into the lives of our little ones every day. As we mark Provider Appreciation Day, we take a moment to shower these superheroes with gratitude for their unwavering commitment, infectious enthusiasm, and boundless kindness.

Join us in celebrating the remarkable impact you have as childcare providers as you shape the future with each smile, hug, and lesson taught.

Enjoy the latest edition of the Monthly Minutes!

~ Child Care Aware of NH


Today, we honor the exceptional early childhood professionals who shine like stars in New Hampshire, diligently guiding and nurturing the young minds. Your hard work and passion make a world of difference to our community.

Enter to win!

Please, take a moment to complete the survey below to enhance our training offerings to serve you better. We tailor our training programs to meet your needs and support your professional growth.

Every program or provider completing the survey will be entered in a raffle for the chance to win a prize of either a Child Care Center Bundle, or a Family Child Care Bundle! The more team members participate, the greater the chance to win. Deadline: Friday May 17th.

2024 Provider Voices Survey

CCAoNH Updates

2024 T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood National Workforce Convening

Huge congratulations to our amazing team members, Diane Manning, T.E.A.C.H. NH Counselor and Amanda Enos, ECAP Coordinator, who presented at the 2024 T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood National Workforce Convening on April 11th in Chapel Hill, NC.  

The T.E.A.C.H. NH program and NH’s DOL Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program (ECAP) offer wraparound support for teachers who want to earn their CDA™ Credential. The Quality Support CDA Cohort was developed to provide financial support and coaching to early childhood educators. Participants learned how to structure a similar cohort to increase their state early childhood workforce. Participants also shared resources and ideas while networking with other T.E.A.C.H. and Apprenticeship programs. The presentation was well received. Diane and Amanda both agree it was fun and rewarding to be around so many other supporters of the early childhood workforce.

This year's conference had a heavy focus on the CDA and workforce development. They had the opportunity to hear Dr. Calvin Moore, Jr., the CEO of the Council for Professional Recognition, speak on the impact of CDA's. Another highlight was the keynote speaker Albert Wat, Senior Policy Director, Alliance for Early Success, who, in his speech highlighted the critical need for ECE workforce advocacy. He also showed us a few clips from an upcoming documentary that follows a group of FCC workers in CA and the struggles they go through to keep their businesses open. It was an honor to be a part of the national ECE field and to see how each state is trying to make significant impacts that will uplift providers across the county.

To learn more about T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood NH, or the Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program (ECAP) here in NH, visit nh-connections.org under the Providers tab, or call Child Care Aware of NH at (603) 578-1386, ext. 2526 and ext. 2532

Visit NH Connections for more information

Quality Support (QS) CDA Cohort

View the CDA Cohort Flyer

Are you an individual working in a licensed child care program? Are you looking to become lead teacher qualified? If so, a Child Development Associate (CDA)® credential might be the right option for you.  

Southern New Hampshire Services, Child Care Aware of New Hampshire (CCAoNH), in partnership with T.E.A.C.H. New Hampshire (T.E.A.C.H. NH) and the Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program (ECAP), has developed this Quality Support (QS) CDA® Cohort to assist individuals in obtaining their CDA® at no cost.

Some of the benefits include:

  • CDA® Training at no cost
  • CDA® assessment fees paid
  • Completion bonus

To learn more, click the flyer!

CCAoNH Professional Development Opportunities

Trainings At-A-Glance

Take a look at our Training At-A-Glance calendar! Packed with enriching sessions, these monthly calendars are perfect for childcare providers seeking learning and networking opportunities.

Explore the training opportunities available for May and June, highlighted with our Early Childhood Collaboratives. You can find detailed session information on NHCIS or by reviewing the monthly Collaborative Topics provided below.

Just a friendly reminder that CCAoNH offers collaborative training sessions from September through June. We encourage you to plan ahead to ensure you will be able to meet any training hours requirements.

May Collaborative Topics
View the Spring Trainings At-A-Glance Calendar
Register Through NHCIS

Save the Date! Keys to Quality Conference in Portsmouth, NH!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 22nd and get ready to dive into an electrifying experience at the Keys to Quality Conference, hosted at Great Bay Community College in Portsmouth, NH. This full-day conference is devoted to offer quality professional development for child care providers, early childhood professionals, and administrators.

Get ready to be captivated by our dynamic keynote speaker, Jeanine Fitzgerald, as she presents 'Live Out Loud!' Jeanine explores the power of "little and often" in our lives. Life's journey is a whirlwind of change and growth, and with the right resources, both adults and children can break free from limiting cycles and embrace transformation. Don't miss out on this exhilarating opportunity to invite positive change into your life!

Registration will open on Wednesday, May 8th via Eventbrite.

Follow our Facebook page for updates and announcements!

This training will award participants up to six (6) hours of professional development and offer a total of fifteen (15) training opportunities to chose from. Training Hours count towards the 18 hours of annual required professional development needs.

ACROSS NH: Director's Circle with Terri Peck, 'What's New in NHCIS? Updates and Information Session'

Thursday, May 16th

10:30-11:30 AM on Zoom

Terri Peck, DHHS and Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration Business Analyst, joins Jamie Nadeau this month to share the latest updates and development of the NH Connections Information System (NHCIS). Don't miss this special opportunity to see what's new and helpful for providers in NHCIS.

Terri will provide a comprehensive overview of the changes, highlighting key improvements and addressing any questions or concerns you may have. Additionally, she will guide you through specific elements of NHCIS, ensuring that you are fully equipped to leverage its capabilities effectively.

This training is open to all child care providers who may be interested in attending.

Register through NHCIS

Family Child Care Training Institute

Packing Your Toolkit with Fresh Tips and Tricks

Join us on Saturday May 4th, 2024 for a jam-packed morning guaranteed to pack your toolkit with new and fresh tips and tricks.

First, we will discover how to seamlessly blend Social Emotional Learning into your curriculum while leaving room for pure fun! Join us for Melissa Davis' simple and effective tips and tricks. 

We will wrap up our day with the ladies you've been eager to meet! Join us to unleash your inner science geek, share some laughs, and dive into learning with the dynamic duo, TWO PUSHY DAMES! Kathy Gallo & LeeAnn Soucy explore a plethora of STEAM activity ideas for various ages, stages and interests.

Register Here Through Eventbrite
View the Family Child Care Training Institute Flyer

**Registration will close soon! E-mail ccrrtraining@snhs.org if you need assistance**

This training will award participants up to three (3) hours of professional development.

Training Hours count towards the 18 hours of annual required professional development needs.

Progressive Training and Technical Assistance (TA) Program (PTTAP)

Child Care Aware of NH offers seven (7) Progressive Training and TA Program Topics to support program quality improvement. The PT&TAP offers child care programs the opportunity to participate in focused and facilitated training and technical assistance. This means we will support you based on your strengths and needs, and help you reach your goals at your own pace.

Have you heard about the Staff Qualifications Initiative? We provide comprehensive assistance to programs and their staff members as they navigate the NHCIS Professional Registry. We provide guidance in creating personalized annual professional development plans and offer assistance for applying for individual credentials and endorsements through the NH Early Childhood Professional Development System.

Want to know more?

Contact us at


(603) 578-1386, ext. 2526 and ext. 2532

Visit NH Connections for more information

Monthly Health And Safety Resources

What’s New in Tickborne Disease Prevention for New Hampshire Kids & Adults?

Meet Tick Free New Hampshire, a non-profit program to raise awareness about the risk of tick encounters and how to avoid them.

Tick Free NH’s goals include:

  • Educating parents, caretakers and child care workers on how to help children avoid and check for ticks,
  • Creating materials to assist in tick prevention education in classrooms and child care centers, and
  • Assisting health care providers in patient education around preventing tick bites

Last year Tick Free NH supplied materials to over 200 schools and child care centers – teachers and professionals used the Tick Detective Workbooks for Kids, as well as the activity pages and bulletin board elements to engage children in learning about tick safety. Tick Free NH offers no-cost and low-cost resources for order or download Shareable Resources - Tick Free NH. We encourage you to visit our website www.TickFreeNH.org and review the prevention information. You can order hard copies of our materials through the web site and online order form Tick Free NH.

Did you know your school or child care center can help protect children from tick bites and have a policy for removal of ticks? To establish a school or childcare policy for tick removal visit Sharable Resources on Policy - Tick Free NH.

Tick Free NH is an initiative supported by a local New Hampshire funder, local businesses, and a group of New Hampshire public health, environmental health, and adolescent health professionals who share our mission of providing the most up to date information to NH residents about tick safety and protection, prevention, and proper removal methods.

Contact us at: tickfreenh@gmail.com, or on our social media accounts below.

Tick Free NH Facebook
Tick Free NH Instagram
Tick Free NH LinkedIn

Other Early Childhood News And Updates

EC/OST Workforce Recruitment and Retention Survey

The EC/OST Workforce Recruitment and Retention survey is live! Share your experiences as a child professional with DHHS. The survey will remain open until midnight on May 10, 2024.

Look for your email from NHCCworkforce@pcgus.com with a link.

The State Early Learning Alliance (SELA)

Financial Literacy and Money Management resources now available on the SELA Platform!

Navigating the financial management of your child care program - these resources will assist you in pinpointing areas of opportunity as you continue to maintain a financially secure business

Budget Tools

Incorporating money lessons into everyday activities, families can help children develop a positive financial mindset. Here are some creative ways to make learning about money fun and engaging

Teaching Children About Money

Financial Literacy for Children include excellent tools for introducing toddlers and preschoolers to the concept of money and finances

Financial Literacy for Children

Gaining a deeper understanding of your market and setting competitive rates are crucial to business viability. These resources will help you analyze your competition and identify opportunities for your program's long-term success and sustainability

Revenue Setting Competitive Rates

To learn more, log into or register for free on the SELA Platform at www.selanhmembers.com or use the QR below. You will receive approval of your registration within one business day. Once you log in begin with the START HERE tab.


QUESTIONS? Email sela@earlylearningnh.org or schedule a half hour Zoom with us using this link https://calendly.com/jcowell-2/30min?month=2022-11 or use the QR code.

Child Care Aware of NH is a statewide Child Care Resource and Referral Program of Southern New Hampshire Services. The preparation of this newsletter was financed under a Contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, with funds provided in part by the State of New Hampshire and/or such other funding sources as were available or required, e.g., the United States Department of Health and Human Services. 

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