Friday, July 12
7:30 pm Shabbat evening services
Aloha Shabbat
Candle lighting 8:05 pm
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Saturday, July 13
9:00 am Torah study
10:00 am Shabbat morning services
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Service Leaders for July
Friday, July 12
Services led by Lisa Ohlhausen & Bridge Biernacki
Saturday, July 13
Torah Study and Services led by Tom Wolff
Friday, July 19 and Saturday, July 20
CBS and Rabbi David are excited to welcome a guest Rabbi (colleague and friend of Rabbi David), Rabbi Zack Wiener. Rabbi Wiener will be leading the entire weekend of July 19th - 20th at CBS, beginning with Friday night services, then Torah study the following morning, as well as Saturday’s Shacharit Shabbat morning service. Read more about Rabbi Wiener here.
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Aloha Shabbat - Friday, July 12
Your invitation awaits! Join us for a relaxing getaway into Shabbat! A night for exploring the beauty and peace of Shabbat, each sabbath truly can be a vacation from our daily lives. Tropical attire encouraged but not necessary. Festive oneg to follow.
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Community Shabbat Dinner - Friday, July 19
Join us for monthly FREE Community Shabbat Dinner will be held in the social hall. Cost is free to Congregation Members. Catered by Schmaltz. Sign up here!
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Wine & Weeding
Join your fellow weed warriors for exactly one hour of communal weeding, followed by wine and socializing! Tuesday, July 23rd at 6:30 pm. Meet in the garden. Wine provided - some tools will be available, but if you have a favorite digger, bring it along with gloves. RSVP required by July 20 to Paula Fraser . This is a 21+ event.
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We're Hiring Teachers for Religious School
The CBS Religious School is looking to hire a few new teachers for Sundays. Although teaching experience is preferred, it is not required. Support and training will be provided, as well as curriculum and lesson planning materials.
For school parents, if you are dropping your kids off anyway, why not plan to stay and teach, contributing your Judaic knowledge, enthusiasm, and care to the students of our community!
If you are interested in learning more details or have questions about what is involved, please contact Bridge Biernacki, VP Education or Vicki Robinson
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Please join our High Holiday Choir
Looking ahead to the High Holidays already! We welcome Sara Stock Mayo as our Shaliach Tzibur/musical prayer leader, and we welcome back Dr. Lisa Fredenburgh as our conductor. Our very own Judy Marshall is our accompanist. We are in very good hands! Music is provided, and we encourage all singers high school age and up to join us. Rehearsals are Sundays from 1:30-3:30 pm, August 25 – October 6.
Please contact Paula Fraser to let her know of your interest and with any questions you might have.
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Scout Shabbat
Join us on August 23rd for a scout themed Shabbat and oneg! We will be celebrating our own CBS Scouts past & present. If you would like to participate in the service or donate to the oneg please contact Lisa Ohlhausen for more information.
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CBS Preschool Registration
Our CBS Preschool is now accepting applications for our 2024-2025 School Year! Do you have a child or grandchild, friend or neighbor who is 2-6 (children finishing Kindergarten can join) years old? Please contact for more information about our Preschool!
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The Tikun Olam heroes of the week are April Haskell and Jerry Passman. April and Jerry have generously donated monthly Shabbat dinners to CBS. The Shabbat dinners are not only delicious, but give congregants of all ages to meet in fellowship and grow our connections to each other. We also want to thank April and Jerry for their many other volunteer efforts. April, for example, has served on the CBS board for many years and is now our VP Finance. We thank them for their commitment to CBS and to all our congregants. You are so appreciated. | |
We need school supplies and congregants to pack the school supplies at the People’s Resource Center at 201 South Naperville Rd in Wheaton on July 16 at 5:30 pm.
If you can, please donate any of these school supplies ASAP. It would be best if you could donate by the 12the or the 13th. We need: backpacks, colored pencils, compasses and protractors, headphones(earbuds or over ears), erasers, post-it notes, glue sticks, highlighters, index cards, kid’s markers, 2-pocket folders, kids scissors, crayons, pencils pencil bags, pens, dry-erase markers, rulers, scientific calculators, spiral/composition books, notebooks. We need your help for this multi-congregational event.
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Ongoing Social/Education Programs | |
Thursday Text Study with Rabbi David will resume August 1st.
Text Study will resume on Thursday, August 1 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, for the Thursday Study Group, led by Rabbi David. Join Rabbi David and others in person at the synagogue in the Social Hall.
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