March 11, 2014
A newsletter to keep you informed about all things women and politics from the Center for American Women and Politics, Rutgers University

Watch for Big News about Women in Congress

Today's special election in Florida's 13th district could set an exciting new record: If Democrat Alex Sink wins, we'd have 100 women in Congress (combining House and Senate)! CAWP will keep you posted when the returns are in.  

The Buzz in the Beehive State

CAWP Director Debbie Walsh and Assistant Research Professor Kelly Dittmar brought the Center's fledgling Teach a Girl to LeadTM program to Sandy, Utah last week, speaking at Alta High School and participating in two days of events to raise student awareness of women's public leadership. On Saturday, CAWP participated in Alta's inaugural Women in Action conference, designed to promote women's leadership. The events were reported in The Salt Lake Tribune. Teach a Girl to Lead is CAWP's new campaign to reshape the image of public  leadership to include women and girls; providing K-12 schools with curriculum and resources will be an important element of the initiative. 

Still Time to Get Ready to Run!


Ready to Run™ New Jersey is barely a week away, but there's still time to register for CAWP's annual non-partisan campaign training. You'll hear directly from prominent Ready to Run Campaign Training for Womenelected and appointed leaders, campaign consultants, and party officials about how to get ready to run - or how to get involved in other ways. Experts will share their best tips for fundraising, navigating the political parties, working with the media, and developing a campaign plan. You can also sign up for one of the pre-conference workshops for women of color - Elecci�n Latina, Run Sister Run: Women of the African Diaspora Changing the Political Landscape, or Rising Stars: Educating Asian American Women for Politics.   


Want to know more? Want to register? Visit our website or contact Deanna-Marie Norcross at (732) 932-9384, x223 or

Shop 'Til You...Support Women's Leadership!

Just a reminder that it's almost time for something new! On Saturday, March 22, you can get a new spring look, and EILEEN FISHER will donate 10% of all sales (whether in-store or at to help the NEW Leadership™ and Ready to Run™ programs - not only in New Jersey, but at our partner programs around the country. Even better, you'll get $25 off your purchase of $50 or more (event day only). Like CAWP, EILEEN FISHER wants to see more women step up and speak out-in Congress, in local government and on community boards. That's why they're helping to support these essential CAWP programs - and also showcasing Rebecca Sive's book, Every Day is Election Day: A Woman's Guide to Winning Any Office, From the PTA to the White House. Catch the buzz at your local store: Find out more on teh EILEEN FISHER website.


Are You Signed Up to Come Hear Congresswoman Donna Edwards?

 Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD) will speak about "Making a Difference: Women in Congress" on Wednesday, April 23 at 7:00 pm in the Douglass Campus Center. Edwards is this year's Senator Wynona Lipman Lecturer in Women's Political Leadership. Like Senator Lipman (the first African American woman in the NJ Senate), Edwards has been a leader on policies affecting women, children and families. The event is free and open to the public, but RSVP is required.

The Intersection of Black History Month and Women's History Month

 CAWP's new infographic highlights African American women who have made history in US politics. Check it out here.

Powerful Social Workers

 U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski, herself a social worker before she went to Congress, said it all - and in honor of National Social Work Month, we've put it in a picture here.

Putting Women on the Map

 The Washington Post's Nia-Malika Henderson provides an historical map illustrating where women were first elected to office -- and then shows how the earliest states to grant women the vote have often been among the best at electing women.


Could This Be Iowa's Year - Finally?

Iowa is among four states that have never sent a woman to the U.S. House or Senate - and one of only two states (along with Mississippi) that has had neither a woman in Congress nor a woman governor. Could this be the Hawkeye State's year, asks the Associated Press in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier?


Art Imitates Politics?

As Hollywood celebrated the past year in film at the Oscars, CAWP's Kelly Dittmar shared this blog on the portrayal of political women in fictional films. Here's the short story: as in real life, there are too few women leaders on the big screen. 


Center for American Women and Politics
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
191 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557
(732) 932-9384 - Fax: (732) 932-6778
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