October 22, 2013
A newsletter to keep you informed about all things women and politics from the Center for American Women and Politics, Rutgers University

Don't Miss Out! 

Come hear a lively conversation about women's campaigns and leadership with Rebecca Sive, author of the new book Every Day is Election Day: A Woman's Guide to Winning Any Office, from the PTA to the White House, New Jersey Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, and CAWP's own Debbie Walsh.

Monday, October 28 at 7:00 PM

Barnes & Noble  

869 Route 1 South

North Brunswick , NJ 


Not in New Jersey? Rebecca has book talks scheduled around the country, including MS, MN, Chicago, and Seattle. For dates, locations, and more information, check out her website. 

Women Shut Down the Shutdown 

The "Senate sisterhood" has been credited with breaking the gridlock in Washington, DC last week.  


CAWP's Kelly Dittmar looks to the research on women's leadership and impact to help explain why in the most recent footnotes blog


And don't forget to check out, like, and share our graphic commending the   Senate women who got the job done!

Ready to Run...recruit, and train!  
Last week, CAWP convened an historic meeting of our Ready to Run National Network, the first time the Network partners have come together in person to share successes, lessons learned, and new ideas for building the Ready to Runprogram in their own states.

Program directors from 14 programs in 12 states forged connections, exchanged ideas for effective policies and procedures, and discovered new approaches to recruiting and training women for public life and building organizational capacity. What they learned at this meeting will help shape the future of programs aimed at recruiting women to public leadership.

Special thanks to the Kellogg Foundation, Political Parity and Southwest Airlines for helping make the meeting possible.

To learn more about the Ready to Run National Network, click here. Interested in bringing Ready to Run to your state? Contact Jean Sinzdak via email or at (732) 932-9384, ext. 260.

Ending the Shutdown: Multiple news outlets highlighted the integral role that women in Congress played in coming to a compromise to end the government shutdown. The New York Times, Time, MSNBC, and the Huffington Post credit women's leadership with averting crisis and Political Parity's Swanee Hunt reminds us that electing women can stop the "cross-aisle squabbling."   


Woman Takes Top Spot at Fed: Congratulations to Janet Yellen, the United States' first woman appointed to chair the Federal Reserve. You can learn more about her in this Washington Post piece and this New Yorker profile.


Up from 5? Looking ahead to 2014, 27 women have already put their names forward as candidates for governor, increasing the chances of electing more women governors nationwide. Check out some recent analyses of candidates Martha Coakley (D-MA) andWendy Davis (D-TX) by their local news outlets. 

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Center for American Women and Politics
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
191 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557
(732) 932-9384 - Fax: (732) 932-6778
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