#MeToo and #TimesUp Movements Inspire Women to Vote and Run
Rachel Otwell of
NPR Illinois reports nationwide rallying cry, "Power to the polls."
Women in U.S. Senate Roiled Over Arcane Rules
The Hill reports Senator Elizabeth Warren offers to hold Senator Tammy Duckworth's baby so she can vote while on maternity leave.
New Jersey's First and Only Woman Governor Back in the News
The Long Road to Political Parity
CAWP Director Debbie Walsh tells
Newsweek: "It's important for women who are new to this process to be in it for the long haul-for the marathon, not the sprint."
Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm's Legacy of Firsts Continues to Inspire
"If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair,"
Chisholm was known for saying.
What's Good for the Military is Good for Congress
U.S. Senator
Kirsten Gillibrand calls for an end to sexual assault and harassment on Capitol Hill.
Candid Interview with California State Senator Holly Mitchell
Mitchell shares her path to public office, thoughts on recruiting black women candidates, and advice on having "honest conversations about how we operationalize public life as women."