January 19, 2023




This week's eNews Includes:

  • Tax Relief for Storm Victims
  • Reminder: Renew Your CAWG Membership
  • USDA To Provide Over $70 Million to Protect US Agriculture from Pests and Diseases
  • Six Things Employers Need to Know on Card Check Legislation
  • Final Senate Election Result
  • Save the Date: 2023 CAWG Advocacy Day
  • California PD/GWSS Board Updates
  • SVB State of the Wine Industry Report
  • International MRL Information
  • Expert Panel to Judge CA Green Medal Awards
  • $120 Million in Tax Credits for Businesses
  • Events During Unified Wine and Grape Symposium
  • 2023 Family Business Survey

REMINDER: The Unified Wine and Grape Symposium is next week! Join us on Tuesday for our CAWG Awards of Excellence Reception and Wednesday for the WGA Annual Leadership Luncheon and our CAWG PAC Event.


Tax Relief for Storm Victims

Far too many growers have experienced flooding, mudslides, and damage to property as a result of the recent storms. While the repairs are underway, those costs may be substantial. Fortunately, there may be some tax relief that could offer a small measure of help. 


In response to the storms, local, state, and federal tax agencies are offering several forms of relief including extending deadlines for those affected. The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) has announced that business owners and taxpayers who have been impacted by the recent California storms will be eligible for emergency state tax relief from late payment interest and penalties.


According to a statement from the Governor’s office, small business owners who have been affected by “flooding, power outages, and other storm-related hardships” may request up to an additional three months to file their tax returns. In addition, taxpayers who faced return deadlines in the month of January will not have to pay interest and other penalties if they are unable to file their returns and pay taxes and fees by the original due date.


The IRS has also announced that 2022 federal income and business tax returns, as well as tax payments, would have their filing dates extended by one month to May 15, 2023, in 31 California counties due to the storms. The extended deadline also goes beyond normal tax filings, covering tax payments, farm taxes, payroll, and excise tax returns.


Those impacted and needing state help can request relief on the CDTFA websiteby mail, in person at a field office, or by phone.

CAWG Membership Renewals - RENEW TODAY!

Don't forget to renew your CAWG membership. All first invoices were sent in November, with second invoices going out this month!

Need a copy of your invoice? Contact Natalie Collins.

USDA To Provide Over $70 Million to Protect US Agriculture from Pests and Diseases

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is allocating over $70 million in funding to support 350 projects in 48 states, Guam, and Puerto Rico. California will receive more than $18 million as part of a nationwide effort to strengthen the country’s infrastructure for pest detection, surveillance, and mitigation. The Plant Protection Act's Section 7721 gives USDA the authority to provide this funding.

Projects related to the winegrape industry include:

  • Spotted Lanternfly Survey, CDFA, $100,000
  • Eliminating transmission of Xylella fastidiosa by the glassy-winged sharpshooter using CRISPR technology, UC-Riverside $190,222
  • NCPN Foundation Plant Services Clean Plant Specialty Crop Program Multiple Crops, Univ. of California, Davis $1,875,266 

Learn more about the Plant Protection Act's Section 7721 Program.

Six Things Employers Need to Know on Card Check Legislation

The Agricultural Labor Relations Board recently published an overview of AB 2183 the 'card check' legislation that makes it easier for agricultural workers to organize into unions.

Fisher & Phillips LLP wrote an article to help ag employers navigate this legislation highlighting the six most important things for employers to know.

Six Things Employers Need to Know:

  1. Portal for Labor Peace Compact.
  2. Is this Going to be Amended?
  3. Guidance for Farm Labor Contractors on Labor Peace Agreements.
  4. How Can a Union Petition for Election?
  5. Challenge the ALRB? Pay a Bond.
  6. New Penalties Available.

For more information on AB 2183, read CAWG's eAlert.

Final Senate Election Result

In the last somewhat-undecided race for State Senate, challenger David Shepard, R-Porterville, officially conceded on Wednesday to incumbent Senator Melissa Hurtado, D-Sanger, ending his two-month recount of the results of the November 2022 general election.

The results were certified by the Secretary of State in December and Senator Hurtado was already sworn in. Nonethekess, the recount resulted in a 13-vote deficit for Shepard, after initially losing by 20 votes.

Hurtado may face reelection again in 2026 for what would be her final term in the legislature.  

SAVE THE DATE - 2023 CAWG Advocacy Day

CAWG Advocacy Day is taking place on Tuesday, March 14, at the Sutter Club in Sacramento. The day will begin with breakfast and a program with key speakers, followed by legislative visits. The day will end with a CAWG Foundation reception at The Gualco Group, Inc. office.

Register today!

California PD/GWSS Board Updates

Grapevine Virus Research Strategy:

The Pierce’s Disease and Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Board will review its research program with the National Academy of Sciences to ensure that growers' dollars are invested wisely in research and solutions.

Areas that will be included in the review are the current knowledge of grapevine red blotch virus and grapevine leafroll-associated virus type 3, outcomes and gaps of research, and approaches for future research. The final report will provide a strategy for grapevine virus research.

“This review will help the Board continue to focus growers’ dollars where it counts, zeroing in on the most promising research and opportunities to increase progress on combatting grapevine viruses,” said William Drayton, Board chair. 

Nursery Regulatory Program:

The PD/GWSS Board reports there were 37,200 nursery stock shipments in 2022 to non-infested areas of the state. Origin county inspectors stopped four glassy-winged sharpshooter adults, 11 nymphs, and 91 egg masses from moving in nursery stock shipments. Almost all nursery shipments (99.99%) were free of GWSS during destination inspections. However, two enforcement actions (Notices of Rejection) were issued by receiving counties due to viable life stages of GWSS found in incoming nursery stock shipments.


Nursery Stock Approved Treatment Program (ATP):

In 2022, there were 9,846 ATP shipments, consisting of approximately 1.94 million plants. No regulatory actions were taken against any ATP nurseries for viable life stages last year.

More updates from the PD/GWSS Board.

SVB State of the Wine Industry Report

On Wednesday Silicon Valley Bank hosted a virtual event to review findings from the new 2023 State of the Wine Industry Report. The event was hosted by Rob McMillan, EVP & Founder of the Silicon Valley Bank Wine Division. Panelists included Philana Bouvier, Demeine Estates, Paul Mabray, Pix, and Amy Hoopes, The Wine Group.

Highlights from the report and discussion include:

  • Positive growth in premium wine sales is expected to continue into 2023.
  • Sales volume is expected to stabilize in 2023 at current levels throughout the industry.
  • When results of the 2022 harvest size are announced in March 2023, a third consecutive light crop year in California will likely be reported, with the crush predicted to come in slightly larger than the 2021 harvest at 3.7 million tons.
  • Overall supply is balanced at the end of 2022 in California. Absent impacts from climate change, grape and bulk prices will remain stable.
  • A larger 2023 harvest is likely because of the recent rains and improved soil moisture.

Read the full 2023 State of the Wine Industry Report.

International MRL Information

Crop protection material rules are among the most challenging compliance regulations in the world creating difficult, market-altering rules for U.S. wine exports. In fact, the EU recently set a goal of at least a 50% reduction of crop protection substances by 2030, which may have significant impacts on crop protection materials that can be used in grape growing in the U.S.

With the support of a USDA grant, Wine Institute has partnered with global market access firm Bryant Christie to provide customized, easy-to-access, and timely reports with detailed analyses on established and pending MRLs in key export markets. If you are exporting your wines, this is important information — with active ingredient trade names, mode of action, usage, residues, and whether a substance is included in a foreign market’s monitoring program.

If you are interested in receiving the reports, please email Bryant Christie at globalaccess@bryantchristie.com.

Expert Panel to Judge CA Green Medal Awards

Applications are due tomorrow, January 20, for the California Green Medal Sustainable Winegrowing Leadership Awards. California wineries and vineyards that participate in a sustainability program are eligible to apply in four different categories (leader, environment, community, and business).

An expert panel of judges from all aspects of the wine industry was recently announced to review this year's applications.

Learn more at greenmedal.org.

$120 Million in Tax Credits for Businesses

The next California Competes Tax Credit (CCTC) application period started on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, with $120 million in available tax credits. 


CCTC is an income tax credit available to businesses that want to come to California or stay and grow in California and create quality, full-time jobs. Tax credit agreements are negotiated by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) and approved by the CCTC Committee. For more information about GO-Biz visit: www.business.ca.gov. 


The deadline to submit applications is Monday, January 23, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Time) and the online application website will automatically close once this deadline has passed. The online application can be accessed at www.calcompetes.ca.gov.  

For assistance, contact CalCompetes@gobiz.ca.gov or (916) 322-4051. An application guide, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), program regulations, and a downloadable version of the webinar presentation are available here

Unified Wine & Grape Symposium is Next week!

Exciting CAWG & Other Event Opportunities

There are several different CAWG opportunities to take advantage of during the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium.

CAWG Conference Room Rental

Need a place to meet during the 2023 UW&GS? The CAWG Conference Room is located just two blocks from the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center & across from the Hyatt. The room includes internet access, space for up to 30 people, screen and conference room phone. You are allowed to bring in outside food and beverage. The room is available from 8 am - 5 pm, January 24 - 26, for $100/hr. ONLY available to CAWG Members! RENTAL INFORMATION

Awards of Excellence Reception

The 2023 CAWG Awards of Excellence Reception will be taking place on Tuesday, January 24, at 6:00 PM, immediately following the Unified Welcome Reception. CAWG will be honoring Dana Merrill, Mesa Vineyard Management as Grower of the Year and Jeanne Malitz, MalitzLaw as Leader of the Year. We invite all CAWG members to join at no cost. PRESS RELEASE

WGA Annual Luncheon

It’s that time of year again, where nationwide industry members come together for the Winegrape Growers of America annual Leadership Luncheon. The luncheon will take place during the 2023 Unified Wine & Grape Symposium, at the Hyatt Regency, in Sacramento. The lunch program will include a special panel on "The Gentle Power of Collaboration" with several industry leaders, moderated by Jason Smith, Smith Family Wines, followed by presentation of the Rich Smith Award of Excellence. Please join us for an afternoon with good food, excellent wine, and an opportunity to network with your peers. REGISTER HERE


Join the CAWG PAC for a rockin' good time at the Torch Club on Wednesday, January 25 in downtown Sacramento. Live music will be on tap by Remedy 7, featuring our very own Michael Miiller (CAWG's Director of Government Relations) on drums. Sponsorship Opportunities are available! REGISTER HERE

Need to Register? You can register on-site at Unified.


CAWG Member Code & Conference Room Rental

Natalie Collins | natalie@cawg.org | 916-379-8995

CAWG Awards of Excellence & CAWG PAC Event

Jenny Devine | jenny@cawg.org | 916-432-0133

2023 Family Business Survey

Family Enterprise USA is a national organization that advocates on behalf of American multi-generational businesses. They are conducting their annual survey to gather data to show legislators in DC that family businesses are vital to America and our communities!

Please take the 5-minute survey and thank you for being supportive of our work!

Thank you, the Family Enterprise USA team




24-26 - Unified Wine & Grape Symposium 

24 - CAWG Awards of Excellence Reception at Unified 

25 - WGA Luncheon @ Hyatt Regency Sacramento

25 - CAWG PAC Event @ Torch Club, in Sacramento

31 - Deadline to sign-up for Winegrape Crop Insurance


14 - 2023 CAWG Advocacy Day



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