Are You Feeling Enriched Yet?
Deciding to open our minds to adult education infuses us with some very real benefits. Once exposed to complex local, national and global concepts, we learn, which leads to understanding that often trickles over to empathy. Empathy is an integral part of building an insightful and resilient community. How cool is learning! So, this week we are honoring adult education with a few current and past lectures that you can find on CATV.

CATV is your voice, your media, your community.
What is going on with our transatlantic relationship that have lasting impact on us? Julie Smith, a European specialist, talks about geo-strategic security interrelationships (2020 lecture). Good speaker.
The Contemporary Issues Forum is dedicated to issues on race this year. They discuss the U.S. Reconstruction Period (1865-1877).
Interesting panel discussion about the victims’ rights movement.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow lecture on China by history professor Andrew Buchanan, PhD.
Worth pulling this from our archives, OSHER at Dartmouth summer debate regarding affirmative action in government.
"The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas."
--George Santayana, philosopher, essayist, poet & novelist
Experience Out of Ideas
Do you have an idea to produce a video, but have no idea how to start? Start by doing some research. This is called the DEVELOPMENT phase. Take time to understand the story you want to share with the viewer. Do some fact finding, even if it is for a fictional video. This research part of the video pre-production phase will get you stoked up about your video idea.

Then work on an outline. You know, like what your high school English teacher always made you write. As part of the outline process, you should decide how to organize the video's flow. Will your video tell a macro to micro story, or perhaps a micro to macro story? Do you start with a rain drop and show that rain drop feeding into a river that eventually leads the viewer to your video about an ocean? Once you have done background research it is easier to roll your idea around in your mind. It all starts with researching your idea...
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