Tater Tots For Everyone!
In the depth of winter, February stands as a very bleak time indeed. Perhaps this is the reason we have so many celebrations in February, to distract ourselves. Some of the lesser known observances this week include Nat’l Dark Chocolate Day (Feb 1), Nat’l Tater Tot Day (Feb 2), Nat’l Homemade Soup Day (Feb 4), World Nutella Day (Feb 5) and Pay a Compliment Day (Feb 6). Flex your creativity and make up your own day of celebration…cheers.
CATV is your voice, your media, your community.
Marcos Stafne, the Montshire Museum of Science director talks about his creative journey in an episode of CATV's “Nothing New“ series.
NH bank chairperson talks about the recently passed PPP funds designed to help small businesses.
Colby-Sawyer College dean talks with Hanover Rotary about how & which of their health sciences programs have been juiced up.
This show starts a bit slow, but is a timely racial justice panel discussion.
Dipped into the CATV archives for this AVA Mudroom storytelling performance around the theme of “Life & Death.” Weighty stories.
"If you talk about it, it’s a dream. If you envision it,
it’s possible. But if you schedule it, it’s real."
—Tony Robbins, author and motivational speaker
Life Challenged
Some people just need a little more help than others to figure out technology. Although we can’t help you with ALL of your tech questions, the CATV crew are media problem solvers experienced at digital file compression, recording and editing audio and video media…and not bad at the complexities of virtual teleconferencing. Here to help the community.

“Every time you can find some humor in a difficult situation, you win.” 
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