There’s Creativity in Them There Hills…
Like a crusty old prospector, CATV mines for creative gold each year in our kids camps & film competitions. As a way of blasting away 2020, we have picked a few of our favorite local golden nuggets that we hope you take the time to enjoy. Happy prospecting in the new year!
CATV is your voice, your media, your community.
Nothing like a family feud to finish off a bad year. Happy Hill produced this family-themed short film in 48 hours for a CATV film slam competition.
Audio brilliance!

A creative, award-winning, feline comedy by the high school team Horseless Headsmen.
This delightfully creepy short film was created by a group of middle schoolers in CATV’s advanced video camp. Thanks Main Street Museum for the perfect setting.
An adorable quarantined romance by Liz and Co, an award winner at this year's CATV Film Slam.
This clever detective short by A&B Studios won first place & the WRIF award at a CATV Film Slam.
You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
Maya Angelou
Please consider donating to CATV now to keep our education mission supported through 2021.

Happy New Year Everyone!
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