Good Work For Its Own Sake
The shows highlighted this week focus on people's dedication to their work. If effort is foundational to a good life, we hope that your own work lifts your spirits, ennobles your thoughts and inspires your life.
CATV is your voice, your media, your community.
Simon Pearce's glassblowers explain the dedication needed for their craft.

VT state architectural historian discusses mid-century modernism with an eye on preservation.
Amateur archeologist examines stone tools, cultural expressions of people long gone.
Enjoy CATV's film premiere of scary short films from local amateur filmmakers. This competition flexes media competency muscles.
Cartoonist Mike Page invites us to learn to draw an old tyme airplane.
"Every thing secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show it can bear discussion and publicity."
Lord Acton, English Historian & Politician on Govt. Transparency
Bridging the Community
Covered bridges are not only quaint, but they also make perfect sense function-wise. They push snow weight off the bridge, keep black ice from the roadway, and shelter the bridge users. CATV celebrates their sensible New England ingenuity.

As your local media distribution platform, CATV acts like a covered bridge for the community--a folksy, functional, sheltered pathway that connects us to each other.

Enjoy the local shows. Enjoy the ride.
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