All Fun & Games Until You Make a Video
A few years ago, a couple of young CATV staffers made a video for the “Freedom & Unity” film competition. The short film was about a developer gobbling up local Vermont property. Their short video not only won accolades, but also became an important community informational tool that led to the preservation of an existing lifestyle. If you are focused on an issue & have a mastery of communication tools, you have some power over your environment. CATV makes it our mission to uplift you, providing the tools you need to realize your power...a power of and for the people.
Details about this year’s Freedom & Unity contest below.
CATV is your voice, your media, your community.
A well-crafted, gently told short film about a land development project whose aim it was to build a mega-utopia in our local area.
How do you provide end of life care during a pandemic? A convo with VT Hospice CEO Sandy Rousse.
The Upper Valley Business Alliance hosts a local roundtable discussion to keep us abreast of state issues.
An interesting discussion with two experts who forecast the health of the NH economy.
Two Woodstock musicians host an every-two-weeks virtual mini musical performance.
Check out the series in CATV’s VOD library.
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can
build our youth for the future."
—Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd U.S. president
Call to Young Filmmakers
Freedom & Unity Young Filmmaker Contest invites young VT and NH residents to create films exploring the life and culture of the Green Mountain and Granite States. Through film, young people explore the issues that they find meaningful, make connections between the past and the present, and share their personal stories.

Competition details at freedomandunitytv.org
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