July 2024 | Juillet 2024

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Transforming Nursing Education at CASN Conference 2024

The CASN Biennial Canadian Nursing Education Conference 2024 held on May 27–28, 2024, in Calgary, Alberta, provided participants with the opportunity to exchange innovative approaches and practical solutions to address current nursing education challenges and help prepare the nurses of tomorrow.

Read the Post CASN Conference Report.

View the photo gallery!

Transformer la formation en sciences infirmières : Conférence 2024 de l’ACESI

La Conférence biennale canadienne 2024 de l’ACESI sur l’enseignement des sciences infirmières, qui s’est tenue les 27 et 28 mai 2024 à Calgary, en Alberta, a offert aux participantes et participants l’occasion de discuter des approches novatrices et des solutions pratiques pour relever les défis actuels de la formation en sciences infirmières et aider à préparer les infirmières et infirmiers de demain.

Lire le rapport post-conférence de l'ACESI.

Voir la galerie de photos !

Addressing the TRC Calls to Action in Nursing Education: FREE Workshop Series Recordings

The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) and the six Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Nursing Chairs of Indigenous Health Research (the I-Chairs) partnered to deliver a series of workshops to assist nurse educators, schools of nursing, and nurses in other roles in addressing Indigenous-specific racism and developing knowledge in cultural humility and cultural safety in order to build capacity to address the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action.  

Recordings of the workshops, in English and French, are now freely available on the CASN website. 

View recordings

Répondre aux appels à l’action de la CVR en lien avec la formation en sciences infirmières : Enregistrements de la série d’ateliers GRATUITS

L’Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières (ACESI) et les six chaires de recherche autochtone en soins infirmiers des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) se sont associées pour offrir une série d’ateliers visant à aider les infirmières et infirmiers enseignants, les écoles de sciences infirmières ainsi que les infirmières et infirmiers exerçant d’autres rôles à lutter contre le racisme spécifique aux Autochtones et élaborer des connaissances en matière d’humilité et de sécurité culturelles afin de renforcer les capacités nécessaires pour répondre aux appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation (CVR) 

Les enregistrements d’ateliers (en anglais et en français) sont désormais disponibles gratuitement sur le site Web de l’ACESI.

Visionnez les enregistrements

 2024 CASN Elections 

Nominations for CASN Board of Directors, Awards & Nominations Committee, and Accreditation Bureau

Nominations for CASN Board of Directors:  

• President-Elect – Non-region-specific (1)

• Director – Western & Northwestern Region (1)

• Director – Ontario Region (1)

• Director – Quebec Region (2)

Nominations for CASN Awards & Nominations Committee:

• Ontario Region (1)

• Quebec Region (1)

• Chief Electoral Officer (1)

Nominations for CASN Accreditaton Bureau (CAB):

• Bilingual Faculty Representative (1)

Deadline: Thursday, October 31, 2024


Élections de l'ACESI 2024

Mises en candidature au conseil d'administration, au comité des mises en candidature et prix d'excellence, et au bureau de l’agrément, de l’ACESI

Mises en candidature au conseil d'administration de l'ACESI : 

• Présidente désignée / Président désigné (1)

• Administratrice/Administrateur - région de l'Ouest et du Nord-Ouest (1)  

• Administratrice/Administrateur - région de l'Ontario (1)

• Administratrice/Administrateur - région du Québec (2)

Mises en candidature au Comité des mises en candidatures et prix d'excellence de l'ACESI : 

• Région de l’Ontario (1)  

• Région du Québec (1) 

• Directrice générale des élections / Directeur général des élections (1)

Mises en candidature au Bureau de l’agrément de l’ACESI

• Porte-parole bilingue du corps professoral (1)

Date limite : jeudi 31 octobre 2024


Volume 10, Issue 2 (2024)

The Co-Editors-in-Chief of Quality Advancement

in Nursing Education - Avancées en formation infirmière are pleased to announce the

publication of issue 10.2!

Volume 10, numéro 2 (2024)

C'est avec plaisir que les corédactrices en chef de la revue Quality Advancement in Nursing Education - Avancées en formation infirmière vous annoncent

 la publication du numéro 10.2 !

Read issue 10.2 | Lire numéro 10.2

Join us for CASN's Council Meeting 2024

Save the date: November 18-19, 2024

More information and registration coming soon.


Soyez des nôtres à

la réunion du Conseil

de l'ACESI 2024

Dates à retenir : 18-19 novembre 2024


De plus amples renseignements, y compris de l'information sur l'inscription seront disponibles prochainement.


The Dr. Pat L. Griffin Fund of CASN acknowledges the leadership contribution Pat Griffin made to nursing education and nursing scholarship. This fund will support research in nursing education, including the Pat Griffin Research Grants and the QANE-AFI journal.

CASN welcomes donations to this fund. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for donations.

Thank you, Linda Patrick!


The CASN Pat Griffin Fund (PGF) Donor Wall recognizes those who are supporting research in nursing education.


Thank you to PGF Individual Donor ($1000+) Linda Patrick!


Show your support and donate today!

Le Fonds Dre Pat L. Griffin de l’ACESI souligne la contribution importante de Pat Griffin en matière de formation infirmière et de scholarship infirmier. Ce fonds viendra appuyer la recherche en formation infirmière, incluant les subventions de recherche Pat Griffin et la revue bilingue QANE-AFI.

L’ACESI vous invite à faire un don. Un reçu officiel de dons pour fin d’impôt vous sera envoyé.

Merci, Linda Patrick !


Le mur des donateurs Fonds Pat Griffin (FPG) de l’ACESI reconnait celles et ceux qui appuient la recherche en formation infirmière.


Merci à la donatrice individuelle FPG

(1 000 $+) Linda Patrick!


Manifestez votre soutien et faites un don aujourd’hui !

Upcoming CNEI Professional Development Opportunities
Occasions de perfectionnement professionnel
de l'ICIE à venir

Simulation Certificate Program - Module 4: Evaluation and Scholarship

Starts September 24 and 26, 2024 ONLINE

*Ce cours est offert en anglais seulement.

Register | S'inscrire

Nursing Notices | Avis en sciences infirmières 

Ontario Nurse educators: We need your help!

We are looking for registered nurses who have taught in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) program for at least two (2) years to participate in a brief (15-minute) survey about nurse educators' perceptions of trauma-informed care in undergraduate nursing education. We invite you to participate in this survey regardless of your teaching experience (clinical, lab, simulation, or theory courses). Teaching experience in trauma-informed care is not a prerequisite. This research study aims to understand the current context of trauma-informed care in undergraduate nursing education in Ontario and examine opportunities and emerging best practices for integrating trauma-informed care.

Survey link: https://uwindsor.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8Ii7qJGnD7fO0DQ

If you volunteer to participate, you will be asked to complete a short online survey about your understanding and attitudes toward trauma-informed care. You will be asked if you have or have not begun implementing trauma-informed care in your undergraduate nursing curriculum and then to rank your familiarity with, understanding, knowledge and attitudes related to trauma-informed care and its incorporation into undergraduate nursing education.

At the end of the brief survey, you will be asked if you would like to provide your contact information to participate in a follow-up interview.


This research study has been reviewed and cleared by the Research Ethics Board at the University of Windsor. If you have any questions or concerns about the research, please feel to contact Rachel Elliott at relliott@uwindsor.ca or Faculty Supervisor Dr. Kathryn Pfaff at kpfaff@uwindsor.ca.

We are looking for study participants for a study about interventions that may help improve patients’ physical and cognitive functioning after a hospital stay.


You will be asked to complete an online survey lasting approximately 15-20 minutes and have the option of participating in a remote follow-up focus group.

You may be eligible if you:

1.    Are a clinician (e.g., nurse, social worker) or decision-maker (e.g., manager, director)

2.    Provide or administrate healthcare services to older medical patients before or after hospital discharge

3.    Reside in Ontario, Nova Scotia, or Alberta


The study has received ethics approval at York University, Dalhousie University, and the University of Alberta. 

For more information about the study or to enroll to participate, please contact Jeffrey Butler at jibutler@yorku.ca.

The Centre for Professional Development at the Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto offers flexible and comprehensive continuing education courses & certificate programs for practicing nurses, nursing leaders & nurse practitioners. Designed to fit seamlessly into busy schedules, and providing the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in an ever-evolving healthcare field. Please share these opportunities with students entering the profession, or those in graduate programs, who may wish to further their formal education to enhance clinical &/or leadership expertise, and support ongoing professional growth and career aspirations.


Upcoming Fall 2024 Courses


Register now and take advantage of our Early Bird discounts currently available for all courses below.


Certificate in Hospital & Acute Care for Nurse Practitioners

Care of the Hospitalized Adult 2  September 9 - November 3, 2024

Care of the Hospitalized Adult 4 September 9 - November 3, 2024


Certificate in Leadership and Management

Leadership & Management 1: Role, Competencies, and Context September 16 - November 10, 2024


Certificate in Nursing Education for the Practice Setting

Nursing Education 1: Theoretical Perspectives and Context September 16 - November 24, 2024


Certificate in Mental Health and Addictions for Nurse Practitioners

Mental Health 1 for Nurse Practitioners October 7 - December 1, 2024

Mental Health 4 for Nurse Practitioners October 7 – December 1, 2024


Certificate in Palliative Care for Nurse Practitioners: Core Competencies for NP Practice

Palliative Care 1: Approach to Care and Communication Skills October 21 - December 1, 2024


Have questions? Please contact us at pd.nursing@utoronto.ca

Nursing the Future remains your voice and resource for new graduate nurse support and evidence in Canada (and beyond!) Did you know that we continue to highlight emerging research and programs focused on new graduate issues in our newsletters and Our Voices strategy? Visit https://nursingthefuture.ca/our-voices/ to read about emerging knowledge and support, and let us know which amazing programs and people to feature next; it could be you!

Additionally, we are building our repository of theoretical knowledge regarding professional role transition. Visit our growing transition theory (https://nursingthefuture.ca/transition-theory/) page where you will find our Executive Summaries of nursing theorists and transition models. This is a great reference point for educators and a great resource for students and new grads! You can expect to find interactive content highlighting the theorist, as well as origins, tenets and applications of the theory! We are excited to continue working on this unique resource and will be sharing visual aids to help readers understand the interplay and connectedness of such foundational understandings.

As always, your friendly neighbourhood transition supports are only an email or consult away! Reach out to us at newgraduates@nursingthefuture.ca and follow us on our social media to keep connected with our content and events

We want to hear from you!

Fill out our Newsletter Content Survey so we can continue to provide you with relevant content.

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Remplir notre sondage sur le contenu des bulletins d’information afin que nous puissions continuer à vous fournir du contenu pertinent.

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CASN Websites | Sites Web de l'ACESI

CASN Nurse Residency Program
CASN IEN Mentorship Program
CASN Career Centre

Visit our partner | Visitez nos partenaires

Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing

L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières

613.235.3150 | inquire@casn.ca | www.casn.ca

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