September 2024 | Septembre 2024

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Call for Participants for a Virtual Consultation Forum

Guidelines on building equitable, affirming, and inclusive environments for 2S LGBTQAI+ nursing students


The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing is seeking participants for a virtual consultation forum to consult on a set of guidelines for schools of nursing aimed at helping them foster environments that are inclusive and affirming of diversity in sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) among nursing students.


We are looking to receive input from a wide variety of participants, such as nurse educators; administrators of nursing programs; curriculum leads at schools of nursing; representatives of nursing regulatory bodies, associations, and unions; and members of community groups. The forum will be conducted in English.


The forum will be held on Zoom on September 27, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT.


If you are interested in participating, please fill out this participation survey.


For questions or more information, contact Arin Klein at

Appel aux participantes et participants pour un forum virtuel de consultation

Lignes directrices sur la création d’environnements équitables, affirmatifs et inclusifs pour les étudiantes et étudiants en sciences infirmières 2S LGBTQAI+

L’Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières est à la recherche de participantes et participants pour un forum virtuel de consultation afin de discuter d’un ensemble de lignes directrices destinées aux écoles de sciences infirmières visant à les aider à favoriser des environnements inclusifs et affirmant la diversité de l’orientation sexuelle, de l’identité et de l’expression de genre, et des caractéristiques sexuelles (OCSIEG) parmi les étudiantes et étudiants en sciences infirmières.


Nous cherchons à recevoir les commentaires d’une grande variété de participantes et participants, tels que des infirmières et infirmiers enseignants, des administratrices et administrateurs de programmes de sciences infirmières, des responsables des programmes d’études dans les écoles de sciences infirmières, des représentantes et représentants des organismes de réglementation de la profession infirmière, des associations et des syndicats et des membres de groupes communautaires. Veuillez noter que le forum aura lieu en anglais.

Le forum aura lieu sur Zoom le 27 septembre 2024 de 13 h à 15 h 30 (HAE).


Nous invitons les personnes qui aimeraient participer à remplir ce sondage sur la participation.


En cas de questions ou pour obtenir plus de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Arin Klein à l’adresse

Cultural Safety Guidelines

Survey Cultural Safety

and Cultural Humility Standards for Entry-to-Practice Nursing Education

CINA and CASN are updating the Cultural Competence and Cultural Safety in Nursing Education (2009) framework. An advisory group has developed revised cultural humility and cultural safety standards for nursing education and is seeking feedback on the draft standards from nurse educators. Please consider giving your feedback by completing the validation survey. The survey will be open until September 6, 2024.

 Sondage  Normes en matière d’humilité culturelle et de sécurité culturelle dans la formation en sciences infirmières pour accéder à la pratique

 La CINA et l’ACESI mettent à jour le document Compétence culturelle et la sécurité culturelle en enseignement infirmier (2009). Un groupe consultatif a développé des normes en matière d’humilité culturelle et de sécurité culturelle en formation infirmière et sollicite les commentaires des infirmières et infirmiers enseignantes sur les projets de normes. Veuillez envisager de donner votre avis en répondant à l'enquête de validation. Le sondage sera accessible jusqu’au 6 septembre 2024.

Validation survey | Sondage de validation

Join us for CASN's Council Meeting 2024

Dates: November 1819, 2024



Soyez des nôtres à

la réunion du Conseil

de l'ACESI 2024

Dates : 1819 novembre 2024


S'inscrire !


 Nursing Retention Toolkit

A Primer for Nurse Educators

Ce webinaire est offert en anglais seulement.

Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Time: 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET (Ontario/Quebec)

Health Canada's Nursing retention toolkit: Improving the working lives of nurses in Canada is aimed at improving nursing retention through community-driven initiatives and evidence-based practices. Nursing retention requires actions in all sectors, including nursing education. By addressing attrition issues in education, preparing resilient and safe nurses, and supporting a successful transition to practice, nursing education can be a key contributor to nursing retention. This panel presentation from Dr. Leigh Chapman (Canada's Chief Nursing Officer), Eyasu Jakob (former CNSA President), and Dr. Cynthia Baker (Executive Director, CASN) breaks down key opportunities and challenges for educators in utilizing the toolkit.


Free webinar!

20242025 Lunch and Learn Series

Creating Change in Applied Qualitative Health Methodology

Ce webinaire est offert en anglais seulement.

Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Time: 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET (Ontario/Quebec)

More information


Dr. Sally Thorne, University of British Columbia


Designing Engagement Strategies for Genomics-Informed Oncology Nursing

Nurses are key to ensuring that all people benefit from the transformative potential of genomics for disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Typically, nurses rely on documents such as position statements, competency statements and practice guidelines to clarify roles, accountabilities, and responsibilities. However, in Canada, there is a near total lack of policy infrastructure related to nursing and genomics. This has made it challenging for nurses in education, clinical practice, research, and administration to promote genomic literacy and the safe and equitable integration of genomics. Therefore, to support and accelerate nursing and genomics, the Canadian Nursing and Genomics initiative was launched in 2020. The following two resources can guide activities for nurses in all five domains of practice.

The attached policy brief contains recommendations from a three-phase research project funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) and conducted in collaboration with the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing and the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology/Association canadienne des infirmières en oncologie. The recommendations inform strategies in support of genomics-informed oncology nursing education and practice.

A second project funded by CIHR was used to assemble influential nurse leaders from educational institutions, regulatory bodies, and professional associations in deliberative dialogues to mobilize knowledge and co-create strategic directions to enhance genomics integration. An outcome of this project is a toolkit and four strategic directions to guide the integration of genomics into education and clinical care. The toolkit includes resources that apply to all nurses and specific content for educators. 

Career Centre

Our nation is experiencing an unprecedented shortage of nurse educators, and so bringing together job seekers and schools of nursing in need of faculty has never been more critical.

Visit CASN's Career Centre for a list of employment opportunities or to reach thousands of potential applicants from the nursing education world.

Visit the Centre!

Centre des carrières

Notre nation est confrontée à une pénurie d’infirmières enseignantes sans précédent, il est donc d’autant plus essentiel de faire le lien entre les demandeurs d’emploi et les écoles de sciences infirmières à la recherche de professeurs.

Consultez le centre des carrières de l’ACESI pour une liste d’occasions d’emploi ou pour atteindre des milliers de candidats potentiels dans le domaine de la formation infirmière.

Visitez le Centre

Because CASN is committed to education that supports anti-racist health care, we would like to make you aware of the recent release of an online, multi-module course called the Black Health Primer prepared by the Black Health Education Collaborative. The course is anchored in critical race theory and the purpose is to advance knowledge in and promote dialogue about anti-Black racism and its impact on health. Feel free to contact the Black Health Education Collaborative if you have any questions about the primer or about their other activities.”


“We really are wanting to provide our learners with tools to help empower them to actually take up the responsibility of confronting and addressing systemic anti-Blackness and sometimes it can feel overwhelming, but this primer will help with that.” - Dr. OmiSoore Dryden, BHEC Co-Founder

Upcoming CNEI Professional Development Opportunities
Occasions de perfectionnement professionnel
de l'ICIE à venir

Preceptor-Mentor Training Program

Start your course as early as September 15 ONLINE

Note: The program must be completed before December 15, 2024.

Programme de formation pour les préceptrices-mentores et précepteurs-mentors

Commencez votre cours dès le 15 septembre EN LIGNE

Note : Le programme doit être complété d’ici le 15 décembre 2024.

Register | S'inscrire
Register | S'inscrire

Clinical Instructor Certificate Course

Starts September 23 and 25, 2024 ONLINE

*Ce cours est offert en anglais seulement.

Simulation Certificate Program – Module 4: Evaluation and Scholarship

Starts September 24 and 26, 2024 ONLINE

*Ce cours est offert en anglais seulement.

Register | S'inscrire
Register | S'inscrire

Scholarship Course

Starts November 28, 2024 ONLINE

*Ce cours est offert en anglais seulement.

Register | S'inscrire
Register | S'inscrire

Nursing Notices | Avis en sciences infirmières 

NP Association of Canada call for independent review of Pan-Canadian Entry-Level Competencies (ELCs) for NPs


The Nurse Practitioners Association of Canada (NPAC) is seeking proposals from qualified independent reviewers to conduct an objective and thorough review of the newly developed Pan-Canadian Entry-Level Competencies (ELCs) for Nurse Practitioners (NPs). This review will address concerns raised by members regarding the engagement and integrity of the competency development process.


Please see the attached for details on the scope of work, reviewer expectations and requirements.


Proposals must be submitted by September 16, 2024

For any inquiries regarding this RFP, please contact: NPAC CEO at 

Genomics is foundational to nursing science!

Genomics is foundational to health sciences. Don't let nurses lose their seat at the table - incorporate genomics into nursing education in a genetic-driven healthcare system. Let us help you incorporate genomics into your existing nursing curricula! Join today for free modules, assignments, quizzes, and activities!

Visit the website, or contact for more information. Please let us know if there is anything that you would like to see included. We strive to serve the needs of educators!


Sarah Dewell, PhD, MSc, RN

Assistant Professor, Thompson Rivers University

Kamloops, BC, Canada


Trina Walker, DNP, APRN, FNP-C

Assistant Professor, Creighton University

Omaha, NE, USA

Ontario Nurse educators: We need your help!

We are looking for registered nurses who have taught in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) program for at least two (2) years to participate in a brief (15-minute) survey about nurse educators' perceptions of trauma-informed care in undergraduate nursing education. We invite you to participate in this survey regardless of your teaching experience (clinical, lab, simulation, or theory courses). Teaching experience in trauma-informed care is not a prerequisite. This research study aims to understand the current context of trauma-informed care in undergraduate nursing education in Ontario and examine opportunities and emerging best practices for integrating trauma-informed care.

Survey link:

If you volunteer to participate, you will be asked to complete a short online survey about your understanding and attitudes toward trauma-informed care. You will be asked if you have or have not begun implementing trauma-informed care in your undergraduate nursing curriculum and then to rank your familiarity with, understanding, knowledge and attitudes related to trauma-informed care and its incorporation into undergraduate nursing education.

At the end of the brief survey, you will be asked if you would like to provide your contact information to participate in a follow-up interview.


This research study has been reviewed and cleared by the Research Ethics Board at the University of Windsor. If you have any questions or concerns about the research, please feel to contact Rachel Elliott at or Faculty Supervisor Dr. Kathryn Pfaff at

We want to hear from you!

Fill out our Newsletter Content Survey so we can continue to provide you with relevant content.

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Remplir notre sondage sur le contenu des bulletins d’information afin que nous puissions continuer à vous fournir du contenu pertinent.

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CASN Websites | Sites Web de l'ACESI

CASN Nurse Residency Program
CASN IEN Mentorship Program
CASN Career Centre

Visit our partner | Visitez nos partenaires

Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing

L'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières

613.235.3150 | |

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