Note from the CASC staff:
Hi Everyone,
Happy summer! During the summer months, we will be sending out a newsletter once a month, so please
email Bri with any announcements. If you are in the Ann Arbor area and would like to meet with an advisor, you are welcome to
schedule an appointment.
We want to know what you are doing this summer to engage in community action and social change! Feel free to
email us- you may be featured on our CASC Facebook page.
Katie, Alice, Joe, and Bri
Peer Facilitators for CASC "DECLARE" Retreat
CASC is looking for facilitators for the DECLARE Retreat" We are seeking 2-3 undergraduate students to work as facilitators and social justice mentors during the 2016 fall term. Students will be responsible for helping to plan, lead, and recruit for retreats focused on critical social identity reflection, community engagement, and self-development. Facilitators will be eligible for special studies credit. If you are interested, please
read the full job description and apply, or contact
Fall 2016 Course Guide
The fall 2016 CASC course guide is live! Remember to check the course guide each week because there are still classes being added.
RCCORE 334.003
Humanize the Numbers is a special advanced photography course built around a collaborative project between the members of the course, a visiting artist who focuses on issues of incarceration, and prisoners housed in an area prison. Students will visit the prison to facilitate workshops with prisoners, making photographs as one of the products of the workshops.This course can be substituted for the action cluster.
"Doing CASC: Issues, Skills, and Strategies" is a special course exploring Community Action and Social Change in practice, including engaging with current issues and opportunities for community action work. It will involve advanced discussion of issues and skills needed in organizing and planning for community action and social change. Department permission is required. This class can be used toward CASC requirements. Some seniors may be eligible to take SW 513 in place of SW 305, and other students should consult with the CASC office to determine which cluster they will use the course for. You can
apply to enroll in the course here.
SW 713.001
This youth empowerment course
examines strategies for engaging and empowering young people, with emphasis on approaches in racially segregated and economically disinvested areas. It considers core concepts of youth empowerment, models and methods of practice; age-appropriate and culturally-responsive approaches; and roles of young people and adult allies as change agents. This course can be substituted for the context
SW 799.004
This 1-credit mini-course teaches on Photovoice, a process in which people- typically those with limited power due to poverty, language barriers, race, class, ethnicity, gender, culture, or other circumstances- use video or photo images to document their environment and experiences and share them with others. This course can be substituted for the
context cluster.
Summer Book Clubs
This summer the Ginsberg Center will be supporting 3 or 4 weekly book clubs with the Washtenaw County Youth Center and Avalon Housing. Programming will begin in July and run through August. Volunteers will need to attend an orientation prior to their first visit. Any interested students should connect with Sara.
Ginsberg Volunteer Opportunities
Jobs and Internships
Avalon Housing
Avalon Housing is offering a paid summer internship with their Summer Program for Youth. Gain experience and knowledge around working with youth and families living in permanent supportive housing, community building and program planning, and inter-agency collaboration while working approximately 16 hours per week. Core responsibilities include helping plan and execute activities related to the Summer Program, working directly with youth attending the program, collaborating with community organizer and other Avalon staff/interns, and helping run the summer food program offered through Food Gathers. Contact Andrea Wilkerson if interested.
NALAC Research Associate
The National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC) is recruiting an experienced research associate to identify the existing ecosystem of Latina/o arts communities and efforts throughout the state of Michigan, conduct asset mapping, and consequently expand the Latina/o voice in the region.
The Researcher will prepare surveys, conduct interviews, create data visualizations and conduct analyses. The data will then serve as a tool for research, advocacy, and policy making.
Learn more about the job description and responsibilities
Contingency Operations Specialist
The Shelter Association of Washtenaw County has a couple of part-time
Operations Specialist positions available. This position works as an active member of the Shelter Operations Team and is charged with the smooth operation of the shelter floors during their assigned shift. Responsibilities include ensuring the safety of all guests and performing duties in a manner that is consistent with overall mission of the Shelter. This position is for afternoon and midnight shifts only. Resumes can be sent to
Operations Manager Clay Bell.
Research Opportunity
Alice leads an Arab-Jewish dialogue research project and is looking for students who are interested in joining the team over the summer or in the fall. Students will learn qualitative research skills including coding, data analysis, interviewing, etc. Contact Alice for more information. Please note that this is an unpaid position, but students may be eligible for independent study credit.
Current Student Spotlight
Junior CASC student Matthew Bozzo is a psychology major hailing from Riverview, MI. Matt
is interested in educational issues, allyhood, LGBTQ+ issues, gender equality, the cooperative movement, and intergroup dialogues. He is involved in the campus community by facilitating for the IGR Commonground Program, mentoring through the Spectrum Center, and participates as a member of the CASC Student Advisory Board. He plans to pursue an MSW and become a school social worker, working in youth programming and development.
Alumni Spotlight
Margaret Decker, '15, works in finance and is exploring nonprofit work and social justice organizations in New York. She is also a member of the young professionals group for the Breast Treatment Taskforce, which helps uninsured women with access to breast health services. Margaret has found it difficult to work in the for profit world as a social justice person, but is really working on keeping her priorities straight and finding time outside of work to pursue the social justice interests that led her to CASC to begin with.