Note from the CASC staff:

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all of you who joined us at the CASC 5th Year Celebration! We had a great time and we hope you did too.

This will be the final newsletter of 2015! We will resume sending out newsletters the week of January 4. 

The CASC office will not hold drop in advising hours the week of December 21.  If you'd like to speak with an advisor, please email

Good luck with finals, and have a great break! 

Katie, Alice, Joe, and Bri
CASC  Announcements
Winter 2016 Course Guide
The CASC winter 2016 course guide is now live! Peruse the courses offered for the winter semester.
Registration for SW 300
DECLARE is a two day retreat that will allow you to dive deeply into thinking about your identities, your social justice work, and how you can work to implement change. It is once again being offered for one credit toward the diversity cluster. To register, complete this form. 

Registration for SW 305
The registration process for SW 305 has changed. If you are officially declared with a CASC minor, you are eligible to register through Wolverine Access on your registration date and do not need to complete a petition form. If you have not officially declared the CASC minor, then you must complete one of these forms indicating your preferred section of SW 305. If you are unsure whether or not you are officially declared, please consult Wolverine Access. Email with any questions.

Registration for SW 401
SW 401 is the CASC Capstone course. It is only open to CASC seniors. You should take SW 305 prior to taking SW 401. Sections 2 and 4 are currently the only open sections of SW 401 in the winter term. You must  petition for enrollment in SW 401 by completing one of these forms . Email  with any questions.

Registration for SW 490
CASC is launching a new mini-course! The Social Work Speaker Series will feature student conversations with a different Social Work Faculty member each lecture. This course can be substituted for one credit toward the context cluster. To register, go to the course guide in Wolverine Access and search for classes under Schools and Colleges, then Social Work.

Registration for SW 503
Social Work and Sports is a two day mini-course that discusses how social work values, concepts, and interventions on both the micro and macro levels can enhance sport activities. This course can be substituted for one credit toward the context cluster. There is limited space available for CASC students. 

CASC Minor Release for Seniors
In order to complete your senior audit and prepare to graduate, you need to complete a release for both your major and minor.  You should complete your major r elease   before you complete your minor release .   Once you have completed your major release, please complete this form to help us complete your minor release.  You may notice that the courses you have taken for CASC do not show up correctly on your Academic Requirements Checklist on Wolverine Access. Because of the way our system works, these courses may not show up until after you complete your minor release. 
If you would like to discuss your  minor release  please contact Joe.

CASC Survey
All CASC students are invited to participate in a  survey about the CASC minor. This survey will help us to understand your experiences in the minor and your social justice learning. This survey is completely voluntary, and your responses will be recorded anonymously. You will need to log in to your google account to access the survey, but your username will not be recorded. Your responses will be used for research by the CASC team. Be in touch with  CASC director Katie Richards-Schuster with any questions.

Social Change Media Interviews
PhD student  Dan Lane is conducting a study exploring how socially engaged college students use social media as change makers. Please join them for a one-on-one interview to share your experiences using social media as a tool for talking about the issues you are passionate about. It will be a great opportunity to think more deeply about how social media can be used for social justice and help contribute towards research in this area. The interviews will be 1 hour and scheduled during your availability. Snacks will be provided!

The Spanish Language Internship Project
SLIP links Spanish-speaking students with community-based organizations to provide unique engaged learning  opportunities  in the Latino community. Learn more about this course. This course can be substituted for the action cluster. Email if you are interested in using this course toward the CASC minor.
MENA-Arab Dialogue Course
Intergroup dialogues is offering an Intra MENA-Arab Dialogue section that provides a space for Arab and other MENA students to explore what it means to be Arab and/or MENA in the US, intra-communal intersection of power and hierarchies, and intra MENA-Arab coalition-building and solidarity.

Disability Issues Course
Disability Issues: Obstacles and Solution in Today's World will examine the topic of disability from various perspectives, including the historical development of civil rights, the legal framework, the medical model, and how disability is viewed across various cultures. Learn more about this course.

Art and Design for Community Change Course
Through this mini-course, students will engage in readings and discuss topics related to arts and community change, dialogue with artists doing this work, and participate in a local arts based community project. Learn more about this course. This course can be substituted for the context cluster.
Law and Social Justice Course
History 235 is a course that examines the evolution of cause lawyering in the United States and how some lawyers have used law as an instrument of social change. Learn more about this course. This course can be substituted for the context cluster.
Call for Conference Proposals
The Western New York Service Learning Coalition is hosting a conference, "Stories of Civic Engagement: Perspectives from Faculty, Community Partners, and Students," and accepting proposals. Learn more about submitting an individual presentation, panel discussion, poster, or visual presentation that highlights best practices in local, regional, national, and/or international community engagement and service-learning activities. Submit before January 4.

Foster Care Alumni Holiday Party
For anyone who has spent time in foster care, the Fostering Change Network will be hosting a holiday networking party. Connect with people who understand firsthand what you are feeling while networking with other professionals and having fun. RSVP for this event.
When: December 23, 6 - 8:30PM
Where: Ashley's, Lower Level, 338 S. State St. Ann Arbor

Social Impact Challenge
Students from U-M are invited to form multidisciplinary teams from across U-M to tackle a real-life strategic challenge in Detroit. All U-M undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to participate. Learn more about the challenge. More details to follow in January.

Participation in Research Study
Researchers at U-M are recruiting volunteers for a study examining how meditation affects people's lives. Participation in this study involves the completion of two web surveys about your personality and two guided recording session in a lab. Upon completing the study, participants will receive a CD with guided meditations and will be entered into a raffle for assorted prizes. Sign up for the study.
Scholarships and Funding Opportunities
Funding for Student Organizations
CASC students are involved in many activities around campus and we receive multiple requests for funding. CASC has a limited pool of money that CASC students are eligible to apply for. In order to apply for a CASC grant, you must be part of a registered student org and have an SOAS account. There are four funding deadlines throughout the year- October 1, December 1, January 15, and March 15.  To apply for funding, students must submit a funding proposal.  Contact the CASC office with questions.
FLAS Student Funding Info Sessions
Learn more about the Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships for undergraduate students by attending an info session. A FLAS fellowship provides tuition support and a stipend to students studying designated foreign languages in combination with area studies or international aspects of professional studies. Fellowships are offered for the academic year and for summer. Learn more about the fellowships and info sessions.
Jobs and Internships
Detroit Community Based Research Program
The Detroit Community Based Research Program is a summer internship program that places students with community based organizations in full-time research positions. Students conduct research projects addressing issues such as social and environmental justice, food security, human rights, urban development, public health, youth development, and sustainability. Learn more and complete Part 1 of the application by January 15.
Disaster Cycle Services
The American Red Cross is looking for a new Disaster Cycle Services AmeriCorps member for the January 2016 through December 2016 term to serve in their Ann Arbor office. This is a full-time, year-long volunteer service position, including a federally funded biweekly living stipend, basic health coverage, and an Education Award received upon completion of the service year. Learn more and apply.
Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship seeks to attract talented, committed individuals with backgrounds in the STEM fields into teaching in high-need secondary schools in Georgia, Indiana, and New Jersey. The Fellowship also works to change the way top teachers are prepared, partnering with colleges and universities that have agreed to provide Fellows with innovative, year-long classroom experiences, rigorous academic work, and ongoing mentoring. Learn more and apply today.

University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106
Phone: (734) 763-5733