November 2020
Thank you to all of our CARMA Institutional Members that have joined us throughout the month of October! We had a successful second month of our 2020-21 academic year, and are excited to bring even more events in November! We hosted two Live Webcast Lectures and two Topic Interest Groups with individual viewing in October, and they were a hit! Thank you to all that participated!

We welcome your feedback, please let us know how we can better serve your needs related to research methods education. Good luck with all you are doing, be safe, and hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.
Upcoming CARMA Events in November
Nov. 6 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. Blake McShane - Average Power and Meta-Analysis
Nov. 13 - Topic Interest Group Meeting (Advanced Regression Analysis) 
Nov. 18 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. Keith Leavitt - Video Confederates on Experimental Research
Webcast Lecture:
Friday, November 6, 12:00 - 1:30 ET
Average Power & Meta-Analysis

Dr. Blake McShane from Northwestern University will present CARMA's third Webcast Lecture of 2020-21 academic year. Advanced registration through the CARMA Website is required. (see instructions)

Replication is an important contemporary issue in psychological research, and there is great interest in ways of assessing replicability, in particular, retrospectively via prior studies. The average power of a set of prior studies is a quantity that has attracted considerable attention for this purpose, and techniques to estimate this quantity via a meta-analytic approach have recently been proposed.In this article, we have two aims. First, we clarify the nature of average power and its implications for replicability. We explain that average power is not relevant to the replicability of actual prospective replication studies. Instead, it relates to efforts in the history of science to catalogue the power of prior studies. Second, we evaluate the statistical properties of point estimates and interval estimates of average power obtained via the meta-analytic approach. We find that point estimates of average power are too variable and inaccurate for use in application. We also find that the width of interval estimates of average power depends on the corresponding point estimates; consequently, the width of an interval estimate of average power cannot serve as an independent measure of the precision of the point estimate. Our findings resolve a seeming puzzle posed by three estimates of the average power of the power-posing literature obtained via the meta-analytic approach.
Topic Interest Groups:
Fri. November 13, 12:00-1:30 pm ET
Advanced Regression Analysis

Tutorial: Design, Measurement, and Moderators – Dr. Kevin Murphy, Colorado State University

Panel Session:

Cross Validation – Dr. Chelsea Song, Purdue University

Data Transformation –
Dr. Thomas Becker, University of South Florida Sarasota

Ask the Expert Session and Reception
Webcast Lecture:
Wednesday, November 18, 12:00 - 1:30 ET
Electronic Confederates in Experimental Research

Dr. Keith Leavitt from Oregon State University will present CARMA's last Webcast Lecture of Fall 2020. Advanced registration through the CARMA Website is required. (see instructions)

Experiments using human confederates to manipulate socially-embedded constructs are commonplace in the organizational and behavioral sciences. Although experiments with confederates allow for realism and rigor, human confederates have several critical limitations. Moreover, the necessary and immediate shift to virtual research environments due to the current global COVID-19 pandemic have recently made traditional in-person confederate studies untenable. In this talk, I will present a novel and efficient alternative: the use of responsive electronic confederates for manipulating constructs in dyadic, group, and team contexts. In this talk, I will discuss (often over-looked) sources of noise variance and other challenges related to traditional confederate studies. Second, I will discuss the tremendous opportunities for using electronic confederates, identifying their optimal qualities and reviewing studies that have effectively used them to date. As part of this discussion, I will provide examples and resources for readily available and easily modifiable tools for developing electronic confederate-based study platforms. I will also identify boundary conditions around using electronic confederates, while identifying the myriad areas of inquiry that might be greatly aided by their use. I will present practical issues of construct validation with electronic confederates, including maximizing their believability. Finally, I will discuss the potential for “next generation” electronic confederate studies, suggesting emerging technologies that will allow for more sophisticated applications.
CARMA's second set of 2020-21 Live Online Short Courses will be in January.

Course List:

Introduction to R and Data Analysis – Dr. Scott Tonidandel, University of North Carolina-Charlotte

Advanced Multilevel Analysis with R – Dr. Paul Bliese, University of South Carolina

Introduction to SEM with LAVAAN – Dr. Robert Vandenberg, University of Georgia

Statistical Analysis of Big Data with R – Dr. Jeff Stanton, Syracuse University

Intermediate SEM, Model Evaluation – Dr. Larry Williams, Texas Tech University

Open Science and R: Principles and Practices – Dr. George Banks, University of North Carolina-Charlotte 

Advanced Data Analysis with R – Dr. Ron Landis,

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis – Dr. Ernest O’Boyle, Indiana University
Registration is open, members receive a 50% discount, and the early registration discount is available until December 18th.