March 2021
Upcoming CARMA Events in 2021
March 31 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. Lisa Harlow - A Multivariate Research Application with R
March 31 - Topic Interest Group - Special Applications with R
April 9 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. Jason Colquitt - Content Validation
Webcast Lectures:
"A Multivariate Research Application with R"
Wednesday, March 31st, 12:00 - 1:30 ET

Dr. Lisa Harlow from University of Rhode Island will present CARMA's ninth Webcast Lecture of 2020-21 academic year. Advanced registration through the CARMA Website is required.
Lisa L. Harlow, PhD, is a professor of psychology at the University of Rhode Island whose focus is on increasing interest, retention, performance, and diversity in quantitative science.
Since her 1985 PhD from UCLA, she has published more than 80 articles, six books and received more than $8 million in funding, largely on multivariate methods, applications, and advancing underrepresented groups in science. She is the editor of Psychological Methods since 2013 and the Multivariate Applications Book Series since 1996 and former associate editor of Structural Equation Modeling. She is also a past president of American Psychological Association Division 5 (Statistics) and the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology. Honors include two Scholarly Excellence Awards; Fellow status in 5 APA Divisions (1, 2, 5, 38, and 52); the APA Division 5 Jacob Cohen Award for Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Mentoring; a Distinguished Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study, Melbourne, Australia; and a Fulbright Scholar Award at York University, Toronto, Canada.
"Content Validation"
Friday, April 9th, 12:00 - 1:30 ET

Dr. Jason Colquitt from University of Notre Dame will present CARMA's last Webcast Lecture of 2020-21 academic year. Advanced registration through the CARMA Website is required.
Jason A. Colquitt is the Franklin D. Schurz Professor in the Department of Management & Organization at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University’s Eli Broad Graduate School of Management, and earned his B.S. in Psychology from Indiana University.
His research interests include justice, trust, and personality. He has published more than forty articles on these and other topics in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology. He is a past Editor-in-Chief of Academy of Management Journal and previously served as an Associate Editor for that journal. Professor Colquitt is currently serving on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and Administrative Science Quarterly. He is a recipient of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award and the Cummings Scholar Award for early to mid-career achievement, sponsored by the Organizational Behavior division of the Academy of Management. He also authors one of the top-selling organizational behavior textbooks, now in its seventh edition.
Registration Instructions
  • Login to your CARMA account.
  • Once you login, in the middle section, you will see an option to “Register for Live Events”. (If you have not registered your device yet, please register your device first. Then, click “User Area”.)
  • Select the appropriate event and checkout.
  • You will receive an e-mail about the access information before the event day.
CARMA's third set of 2020-21 Live Online Short Courses will be in April 12-23.

Course Listing:

  1. “Introduction to SEM with LAVAAN” – Dr. Robert Vandenberg, University of Georgia
  2. “Intermediate SEM, Model Evaluation” – Dr. Larry Williams, Texas Tech University
Course Listing for May 17-20, 2021
Session 1 (Choose One)
  1. “Advanced Regression and Interactions” – Dr. Jeremy Dawson, Sheffield University
  2. “Introduction to Multilevel Analysis” – Dr. Vicente González-Romá, University of Valencia
  3. “Case Study Methods” – Dr. Catherine Welch, The University of Sydney
  4. “Introduction to Structural Equation Methods” – Dr. Jonas Lang, Ghent University 

Course Listing for May 24-27, 2021
Session 2 (Choose One) 
  1. “Interpretive Methods” – Dr. Jane Le, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
  2.  “Advanced Multilevel Analysis” – Dr. Gilad Chen, University of Maryland
  3. “Grounded Theory Method & Analysis” – Dr. Tine Koehler, The University of Melbourne
  4. “Meta Analysis” – Dr. Mike Cheung – National University of Singapore
Course Listing for June 7-24, 2021: Qualitative

Session 1 (Choose One)
Mon. June 7 through Fri. June 10 
  1. “Advanced Qualitative Methods for Macro-Management Research” – Dr. Rhonda Reger, University of North Texas
  2. “Video Methods”– Dr. Curtis LeBaron, Brigham Young University

Session 2 (Choose One)
Mon. June 14 through Fri. June 17
  1. “Opening the black box of coding: Making sense of qualitative data, including use of Computer Aided/Assistant Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS)” – Dr. Anne Smith, The University of Tennessee Knoxville and Dr. Paula O’Kane, University of New Zealand Otago
  2. “Doing Grounded Theory Research” –Dr. Elaine Hollensbe, University of Cincinnati

Session 3 (Choose One)
Mon. June 21 through Fri. June 24
  1. “Crafting High Quality Qualitative Research via a Phronetic Iterative Approach” – Dr. Sarah J. Tracy, Arizona State University
  2. “Mixed Methods and Qualitative Comparative Analysis”– Dr. Thomas Greckhamer, Louisiana State University

Course Listing for June 7-24, 2021: Quantitative

Session 1 (Choose One) 
Mon. June 7 through Fri. June 10  
  1. “Introduction to R and Data Analysis” – Dr. Scott Tonidandel, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
  2. “Introduction to Multilevel Analysis with R” – Dr. James LeBreton, Pennsylvania State University
  3. “Introduction to SEM with LAVAAN” – Dr. Robert Vandenberg, University of Georgia
  4. “Statistical Analysis of Text with R” – Dr. Jeff Stanton, Syracuse University
  5. “Questionnaire Design and Analysis” – Dr. Lisa Lambert, Oklahoma State University
  6. “Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis in R” – Dr. Ernest O’Boyle, Indiana University

Session 2 (Choose One)
Mon. June 14 through Fri. June 17
  1. “Advanced Data Analysis with R” – Dr. Justin DeSimone, The University of Alabama
  2. “Advanced Multilevel Analysis with R” – Dr. Gilad Chen, University of Maryland
  3. “Intermediate SEM, Model Evaluation” – Dr. Larry Williams, Texas Tech University
  4. “Machine Learning in R: Prediction and Clustering” – Dr. Fred Oswald, Rice University
  5. “Theory, Methods, and Analysis for Research with Dyads” – Dr. Janaki Gooty, University of North Carolina Charlotte
  6. “Introduction to Python for Research”– Dr. Jason T. Kiley, Oklahoma State University

Session 3 (Choose One)
Mon. June 21 through Fri. June 24
  1. “Introduction to Bayesian Analysis” – Dr. Steve Culpepper, University of Illinois 
  2. “Advanced Multilevel and Longitudinal Analysis using R Mixed-Effect Models” –  Dr. Paul Bliese, University of South Carolina
  3. “Advanced SEM I: Measurement Invariance, LGM, and Recursive Models” – Dr. Robert Vandenberg, University of Georgia
  4. “Web Scraping: Data Collection and Analysis” – Dr. Richard Landers, University of Minnesota
  5. “Alternatives to Difference Scores: Polynomial Regression, and Response Surface Methodology” – Dr. Jeff Edwards, University of North Carolina