July 11th, 2022
Upcoming CARMA Events:

We are so excited for the upcoming 2022-23 school year, and we hope that your school will register as an Institutional Member for access to upcoming CARMA events! Without the support of our Institutional Members, we would not be where we are today. Please let us know if you have any questions as we prepare for the year ahead.

For more information pertaining to CARMA's Institutional Membership Program, we have provided links for you to see if your institution is registered for our 2022-2023 Program, and if they are not, to Register for access to our 2022-2023 upcoming events. Please keep us in mind as you navigate educational opportunities for your institution for the upcoming year. We wish you well in all current and future pursuits.
We are happy to announce presenters for our Webcast Lecture Series for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. Save the date! We can’t wait to have you join us for these events!

2022-2023 Webcast Lecture Series:

The CARMA Video Library currently contains on-demand access to over 200 recorded lectures from internationally recognized scholars on a variety of research methods. We have improved the access and search process for the recordings and our Video Library which will result in a better viewing experience. All faculty and students from member universities will have on-demand individual access to all of these recorded lectures at any time from any location. These lectures and related materials can serve as a resource for authors, reviewers, and editors seeking guidance on basic and advanced research methods design and analysis questions. They also can be used as a teaching resource, adding variety to the in-class experience with group viewing and/or as assigned for individual access outside of class, thus enriching the learning experience. Instructors find our videos valuable as they provide insight into current issues in research methods and give students an opportunity to hear from experts in the field of research methods. The recordings enhance knowledge and application of research methods by providing a basis for discussion and debate.

Note: In the CARMA Video Library, we have provided Institutional Members access to Webcast Lectures from Spring 2005 all the way to Spring 2022.

Categories in the Video Library:
  • Correlation and Regression Models
  • Structural Equation Methods
  • Multilevel Analysis
  • Strategic Management
  • Longitudinal Analysis
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Data Analysis & Research Methods
  • Measurements
  • PhD Prep Series

Access Instructions:
  • Go to your CARMA User Area
  • Under the "Video Recording" tab, find "CARMA Video Library" and click "Institutional Member Access"
  • Then, you will have the option to filter the CARMA Video Library by Presenter, Year, Category, and/or Collections