January 14, 2022
Upcoming CARMA Events
Jan. 21 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. Jose Cortina (Testing Interactions with Latent Variables)
Jan. 21 - CARMA Ph.D. Prep Group Meeting (A Method Lens on Developing a Research Pipeline and Research Identity)
Feb. 4 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. Elaine Hollensbe (Rigor/Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research)
Feb. 4 - Topic Interest Group
The CARMA Ph.D. Prep Group (PPG) Series, launched in 2021-22, is intended for Ph.D. students in management or related fields. Registrants will be encouraged, though not mandated, to attend each module in our three-part series. We would like to produce content such that each session builds on the previous one(s), over the course of the series.

Overarching themes we would like to weave through our three-part series are (a) research identity; (b) rigor; (c) alignment between research questions, theory, and design; and (d) triangulation.

Winter-Spring 2022 Series: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm ET (Zoom Meeting Format)

"A Method Lens on Developing a Research Pipeline and Research Identity"

"Triangulation and Using Multiple Methods"
  • Friday, February 18
  • Panel: Jessica Beth Rodell (University of Georgia), Andrew Knight (Washington University in St. Louis), Elizabeth Campbell (University of Minnesota)
  • Moderator: Yihao Liu, University of Illinois

"Triumphing in Your Thesis/Dissertation: Aligning Conceptual and Empirical Analysis"
  • Friday, April 8
  • Panel reveal coming soon
  • Moderator: Kyle Bradley, Kansas State University

Registration and Access Process: (Required)
  • Login as a CARMA Website User. (If you are not a Website User, please sign-up as a Website User.)
  • Once you login, in the middle of the User Area, you will see an option to “Register for Special Collections”.
  • Select the “PhD Prep Group 2022” and then “Checkout”.
  • You will see the access link ONE HOUR before the event under the “Active Meetings” section in your User Area.
  • Click the “Join” button on the right side.
  • If you have any problems, contact us at carma@ttu.edu

Webcast Lecture:
Fri Jan 21, 12:00 - 1:30 ET
Testing Interactions with Latent Variables

Dr. Jose Cortina from Virginia Commonwealth University will present CARMA's sixth Webcast Lecture of 2021-22 academic year. Zoom Webinar Link will be available under "Active Meetings" in the CARMA User Area.

Live Access: Institutional Premium Members, DSDP Members, and PhD Program Affiliate Program Members Only
Recorded Access: Institutional Basic, and Premium Members Only

We all know what latent variable models are. We use them all the time. Well, not all the time. In our paper, we show that investigators who start their work with latent variable models usually abandon such models when testing for interactions. For example, they might use SEM to show that latent-X and latent-Z both predict latent-Y, but then they use moderated regression with scale scores to test the X by Z interaction. Given that latent variable models are even more useful for multiplicative models than they are for additive models, this doesn’t make a lot of sense. By contrast, we show that papers that test only additive models tend to stick with SEM throughout. The reason for this paradox is almost certainly discomfort with methods for testing latent interactions. In an attempt to address this issue, we update the review of procedures contained in Cortina, Chen, and Dunlap (2001) and develop new R code for implementing some of the best procedures for testing latent interactions.

Webcast Lecture:
Fri Feb 4, 12:00 - 1:30 ET
Rigor/Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research

Dr. Elaine Hollensbe from the University of Cincinnati will present CARMA's seventh Webcast Lecture of 2021-22 academic year. Zoom Webinar Link will be available under "Active Meetings" in the CARMA User Area.

Live Access: Institutional Premium Members, DSDP Members, and PhD Program Affiliate Program Members Only
Recorded Access: Institutional Basic, and Premium Members Only

Elaine Hollensbe is a Professor in the Management Department. She completed her PhD in organizational behavior and human resource management at the University of Kansas. She is a former Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Journal and is currently on the editorial boards for the Academy of Management Review, the Academy of Management Journal, and the Journal of Organizational Behavior. Dr. Hollensbe has completed quantitative research on goal setting, compensation, and self-efficacy, and qualitative research in the areas of identity, work-life balance, and emotion. Her current research (mostly with doctoral students) is qualitative and focuses on individual and organizational identity; work-home balance, and organizational identification...

Improved Access to Live Events:

Only Institutional Premium Members, DSDP Members, and PhD Program Affiliate Program Members will have Live Access using the Zoom link found under "Active Meetings" in the CARMA User Area. Recordings will be available for Institutional Members in the CARMA Video Library after the events.

Note: Preregistration Not Required
(Except for PhD Prep Group Registration)

To access the CARMA Live Events please follow the steps below:
  • Go to your User Area on the CARMA Homepage.
  • Once you login, in the middle, you will see the section “Active Meetings”.
  • There you will find the access link with the title, date, and time of the upcoming event ONE HOUR before the event under this section.
  • Click the "Join" button on the right side.
  • If you have any problems, contact us at carma@ttu.edu.

CARMA Calendar:

CARMA now offers a CARMA Calendar where you can find upcoming events with details for each one. Additionally, you can export all events into Google Calendar or ICAL Export. From the CARMA Calendar screen, you can export all events through the "+ Export Events" button at the bottom of the page, or you can click on individual events and export them on their details page through the "+ Google Calendar" or "+ ICAL Exports" buttons.

To access the CARMA Calendar please follow the steps below:
  • Go to the CARMA Homepage.
  • Once you login, click "What We Do" on the top row.
  • There, under "What We Do", you will click the "Master Schedule" tab.
  • If you have any problems, contact us at carma@ttu.edu.
Institutional Member Access:

2021-2022 CARMA Institutional Memberships provide research methods education for faculty and graduate students from management, organization studies, and other social science disciplines. CARMA Membership allows access to five new series of lectures and panel sessions, as well as unlimited on-demand access to the CARMA Video Library. Additional benefits include a 50% discount on registration fees for CARMA Short Courses/ Workshops and access to our Research Methods Education Program.

Important Features for Members:
  • Individual live viewing for Premium Members (all faculty and students) using Zoom Webinar and Zoom Meeting
  • Improved access and search process for recordings and our Video Library
  • Expanded set of Topic Interest Groups
  • A new Ph.D. Prep Group
  • Expanded set of Live Online Short Courses for several global regions

Affiliate Member Access:

CARMA Affiliate Programs are a set of funded or non-funded programs offered in partnership with professional associations and groups from fields of management. Their focus is educating faculty and graduate students on discipline appropriate research methods. These programs allow access to resources already developed by CARMA, as well as new events developed for and in partnership with CARMA Affiliates.

2021-2022 CARMA Affiliates:
  • Academy of Management (DSDP)
  • Women in Research Methods (WRM)
  • Southern Management Association (SMA)
  • Ph.D. Project
  • International Professional Associations (IPA)
  • The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)

To view your Affiliate Program Member special live event, on the day of the event login as a CARMA Website User, and the link should appear as an active meeting under Upcoming Live Events Information.

In addition to the live events above, Affiliate Members have access to recorded videos from CARMA Classic Webcast Lectures and their affiliate program Collection. For more information visit your affiliate program section on the CARMA Affiliate Program webpage.