February 2021
Starting with Dr. Chen's Webcast on February 5th, we will begin to pair the Topic Interest Group (TIG) sessions with Webcasts by having the TIG directly after the Webcast at 1:30 PM ET. This event will include a panel of experts on the topic and an ask the expert session. There will be no further registration required outside of the Webcast registration.

We will announce the upcoming live online short course program and affiliate programs tomorrow. You can find further details on our website once it has been announced.

We welcome your feedback, please let us know how we can better serve your needs related to research methods education. Good luck with all you are doing, be safe, and hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.
Upcoming CARMA Events in 2021
Feb. 5 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. Gilad Chen - Design Considerations for Simple and Complex Multilevel Studies
Feb. 19 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. David Mackinnon - Mediation
March 3 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. Michael Howard - Network Analysis
Webcast Lecture:
Friday, February 5th, 12:00 - 1:30 ET
Design Considerations for Simple and Complex Multilevel Studies

Dr. Gilad Chen from University of Maryland will present CARMA's fifth Webcast Lecture of 2020-21 academic year. Advanced registration through the CARMA Website is required.

With the proliferation of simple and complex multilevel studies in organizational research, study design considerations have taken a backseat relative to more emphasis on applying complex statistical methods. 
And yet, study design features — such as sample and sampling considerations — play a major role in both effects detected and inferences drawn from multilevel studies. In this webcast, focusing on micro and meso organizational studies, I will discuss various aspects of design consideration in different multilevel studies. I will particularly focus on 2-level and 3-level studies of individuals nested in groups, longitudinal studies (experiential sampling methods and growth modeling), and more complex studies of individuals nested under different units simultaneously (e.g., multiple teams membership studies).
Registration Instructions
  • Login to your CARMA account.
  • Once you login, in the middle, you will see an option to “Register for Live Events”. (If you have not registered your device yet, please register your device first. Then, click “User Area”.)
  • Select the appropriate event and checkout.
  • You will receive an e-mail about the access information before the event day.
Friday, February 19th, 12:00 - 1:30 ET
Mediation Analysis

Dr. David Mackinnon from Arizona State University will present CARMA's sixth Webcast Lecture of 2020-21 academic year. Advanced registration through the CARMA Website is required.
David P. MacKinnon is a Foundation Professor in the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University. He has wide ranging interests in statistics and methodology but his primary interest is in the area of statistical methods to assess how prevention and treatment programs achieve their effects
He is affiliated with the Prevention Intervention Research Center and the Research in Prevention Laboratory. He came to ASU in 1990 from the University of Southern California’s Institute for Prevention Research, where he had been an assistant professor of research (1986-1990). 
Professor MacKinnon teaches graduate analysis of variance, mediation analysis, and statistical methods in prevention research courses. He has given numerous workshops and invited presentations in the U.S. and Europe. In 2011, he received the Nan Tobler Award from the Society for Prevention Research for his book on statistical mediation analysis. He has served on federal review committees including a term on the Epidemiology and Prevention Research review committee and was a consulting editor for the journal, Prevention Science. Professor MacKinnon has been principal investigator on many federally funded grants and has had a National Institute on Drug Abuse grant to develop and evaluate methods to assess mediation since 1990. He recently received the MERIT award for this mediation analysis research. He is a Thomson-Reuters and Clarivate highly cited researcher. In 2017, he was elected president of the American Psychological Association's Division on Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. He is president-elect of the Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology.
Registration Instructions
  • Login to your CARMA account.
  • Once you login, in the middle, you will see an option to “Register for Live Events”. (If you have not registered your device yet, please register your device first. Then, click “User Area”.)
  • Select the appropriate event and checkout.
  • You will receive an e-mail about the access information before the event day.
CARMA's third set of 2020-21 Live Online Short Courses will be in April 12-23.

Course List:

“Introduction to SEM with LAVAAN” – Dr. Robert Vandenberg, University of Georgia

“Intermediate SEM, Model Evaluation” – Dr. Larry Williams, Texas Tech University
Registration is open, members receive a 50% discount, and the early registration discount is available until April 2nd.