December 1, 2021
Upcoming CARMA Events:

Dec. 3 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. Janaki Gooty (Multilevel and Meta Analysis)
Jan. 4-7 - CARMA Live Online Short Courses - The Americas Region
Jan. 21 - Webcast Lecture by Dr. Jose Cortina (Testing Interactions with Latent Variables)
Jan. 21 - CARMA PhD Prep Group Meeting

We would really appreciate it if you would complete our five-question survey here regarding your experience accessing this year's webcast lectures with our new process. Your feedback will help us to ensure that our events meet all your needs and expectations. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions about your experience. 

Webcast Lecture:

Fri Dec 3, 12:00 - 1:30 ET
Multilevel and Meta Analysis

Dr. Janaki Gooty is from the University of North Carolina Charlotte will present CARMA's fifth Webcast Lecture of 2021-22 academic year. Zoom Webinar Link will be available under "Active Meetings" in the CARMA User Area.

Live Access: Institutional Premium, DSDP, PhD Project, and CARMA-SMA Affiliate Program Members
Recorded Access: Institutional Basic, and Premium Members Only

In Meta-Analyses are very popular in management research. Such studies tend to be highly cited (Judge, Cable, Colbert, & Rynes, 2007); and play an important role in theory testing and refinement; evidence-based practice, and in turn policy-making (Banks, Kepes, & Banks, 2012). Given this popularity and ubiquity of Meta-Analyses in our scientific landscape, generating precise estimates of effects is necessary. Meta-Analyses rely upon an assumption of independence of primary effect sizes, which could be routinely violated in practice. Here I will discuss the implications of violating the independence assumption in meta-analysis and demonstrate how meta-analysis could be cast as a multilevel, variance known (Vknown) model to account for such dependency in primary studies’ effect sizes. I will walk us through a newly developed shiny app that helps cast a meta as a multi-level model when such dependencies exist in primary studies...

Webcast Lecture:

Fri Jan 21, 12:00 - 1:30 ET
Testing Interactions with Latent Variables

Dr. Jose Cortina from Virginia Commonwealth University will present CARMA's sixth Webcast Lecture of 2021-22 academic year. Zoom Webinar Link will be available under "Active Meetings" in the CARMA User Area.

Live Access: Institutional Premium Members Only
Recorded Access: Institutional Basic, and Premium Members Only

Dr. Jose Cortina is a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University practicing in the area of Management and Entrepreneurship. His main scopes of expertise range from Research Methods to Meta-Science and finally to Working with Big Data. In 2017, Dr. Cortina was awarded the ORM Award for Best Paper published in 2017. His recent published intellectual contributions are as follows:
  • Tonidandel, S., King, E., Cortina, J. (2015). Big data at work: The data science revolution and organizational psychology. Routledge.
  • Cortina, J. (2020). Explaining interaction effects: A commentary. In Research Methods in International Business. Springer.
  • King, E. B., Tonidandel, S., Cortina, J., Fink, A. A. (2016). Building understanding of the data science revolution and IO psychology. Routledge New York, NY.
  • Cortina, J., Kohler, T., Keeler, K., Pugh, S. D. (in press). Situation strength as a basis for interactions in psychological models. Psychological Methods.
  • Dormann, C., Guthier, C., Cortina, J. (2020). Introducing Continuous Time Meta-Analysis (CoTiMA). Organizational Research Methods.
  • Keeler, K., Cortina, J. (2020). Working to the beat: A self-regulatory framework linking music characteristics to job performance.. (vol. in press, pp.43). Academy of Management Review...

Institutional Member Access:

2021-2022 CARMA Institutional Memberships provide research methods education for faculty and graduate students from management, organization studies, and other social science disciplines. CARMA Membership allows access to five new series of lectures and panel sessions, as well as unlimited on-demand access to the CARMA Video Library. Additional benefits include a 50% discount on registration fees for CARMA Short Courses/ Workshops and access to our Research Methods Education Program.

Important Features for Members:
  • Individual live viewing for Premium Members (all faculty and students) using Zoom Webinar and Zoom Meeting
  • Improved access and search process for recordings and our Video Library
  • Expanded set of Topic Interest Groups
  • A new Ph.D. Prep Group
  • Expanded set of Live Online Short Courses for several global regions

Affiliate Member Access:

CARMA Affiliate Programs are a set of funded or non-funded programs offered in partnership with professional associations and groups from fields of management. Their focus is educating faculty and graduate students on discipline appropriate research methods. These programs allow access to resources already developed by CARMA, as well as new events developed for and in partnership with CARMA Affiliates.

2021-2022 CARMA Affiliates:
  • Academy of Management (DSDP)
  • Women in Research Methods (WRM)
  • Southern Management Association (SMA)
  • PhD Project
  • International Professional Associations (IPA)
  • The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)

Special Upcoming Affiliate Program Events:
To welcome new affiliate members, CARMA is allowing special, one-time live access to a Live CARMA Webcast Lecture:

  • CARMA-SMA Affiliate Program Members: Live access to CARMA's fifth webcast lecture by Dr. Janaki Gooty, University of North Carolina Charlotte – Multilevel and Meta-Analysis; December 3, 2021, 12:00 - 1:30 PM EDT.
To view your Affiliate Program Member special live event, on the day of the event login as a CARMA Website User, and the link should appear as an active meeting under Upcoming Live Events Information.

In addition to the live events above, Affiliate Members have access to recorded videos from CARMA Classic Webcast Lectures and their affiliate program Collection. For more information visit your affiliate program section on the CARMA Affiliate Program webpage.

CARMA Short Courses are now offered live and online through the CARMA Virtual Global Classroom using Zoom. A total of 40 courses were offered last year targeting global regional areas of North America, Australia, South America, Europe, and Asia. For 2021-22, an expanded set of Live Online Short Courses will be offered.  
CARMA's next set of Live Online Short Courses is in January 2022 (4th-7th) sponsored by the University of South Carolina:

  1. “Introduction to R and Data Analysis” – Dr. Tonidandel, UNCC
  2. “Introduction to Multilevel Analysis with R” – Dr. Bliese, University of South Carolina
  3. “Introduction to SEM with LAVAAN” – Dr. Vandenberg, University of Georgia
  4. “Statistical Analysis of Text with R” – Dr. Stanton, Syracuse University
  5. “Advanced Data Analysis with R” – Dr. DeSimone, The University of Alabama
  6. “Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis in R” – Dr. O’Boyle, Indiana University
  7. “Introduction to Python for Research”– Dr. Kiley, Oklahoma State University
  8. “Advanced Qualitative Methods for Micro-Management Research” – Dr. Hollensbe, University of Cincinnati
  9. “Mixed Methods and Qualitative Comparative Analysis”– Dr. Greckhamer, Louisiana State University

CARMA's Short Course Introduction Playlist: YouTube Playlist