"Children Learning, Parents Earning, Communities Growing"
January 23, 2023 | Issue #4
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Upcoming CAPPA Events-TOMORROW!
CAPPA, in partnership with DSS Office of Audit Services, will be delivering a virtual training for our field focused on auditing. During the first part of the training, DSS will be presenting an overview of current federal and state fiscal requirements for child development programs, as well as resources related to audit requirements and audit report reviews.
There will also be time set aside for a Q&A session. 
During part 2, there will be a training from an independent auditor on how agencies should be preparing and complying with the different requirements.

10:00am - 11:00am
Fiscal Requirements
Robert Kurokawa, Bureau Chief, Child Development Program Audits Bureau, Office of Audit Services, California Department of Social Services
  • Topics to be covered include:
  • Background for Audits (How audits are initiated), Program Compliance Hierarchy (Fiscal related criteria), Policy and Procedure Requirements, Cost Allocation, Cost Allowability, Selected Items of Cost, Time and Effort Requirements, Subcontract Requirements, Equipment Purchase, Equipment Inventory, Record Keeping
11:00am - 11:30am 
Q&A Session
Robert Kurokawa, Bureau Chief, Child Development Program Audits Bureau, Office of Audit Services, California Department of Social Services; Shadi Guinee, Bureau Chief, Audit Report Review Bureau, Office of Audit Services, California Department of Social Services; Joleen Allgood, Child Care Bureau Chief, Fiscal Forecasting Branch, California Department of Social Services; Adrienne Sady and James Spanaro, Fiscal Forecasting Branch, Child Development Fiscal Services

11:30am - 1:00pm
How to Prepare for an Audit from an Independent Auditor's Perspective 
Matt Parsons, Matt Dinsdale & Lauren Haverlock, Moss Adams
  • During this portion of the training, we will be discussing specifics and answer questions from agencies.